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X-Rays (Accidentally Discovered in 1895)
2nd PlaceX-Rays (Accidentally Discovered in 1895)

See how this photograph was created!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Serendipity (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 4500
Location: bedroom
Date: Apr 20, 2004
Aperture: 2.6
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/37
Galleries: Studio
Date Uploaded: Apr 20, 2004

Put up an X-Rays picture of a hand on my computer screen. Double exposure by putting cardboard on the lens to cover half of each picture.
Crop, Rotate, Contrast enhancement, Unsharpen.

Place: 2 out of 215
Avg (all users): 6.6655
Avg (commenters): 8.1026
Avg (participants): 6.4466
Avg (non-participants): 6.7880
Views since voting: 24748
Votes: 287
Comments: 148
Favorites: 11 (view)

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05/30/2004 04:58:10 AM
I don't know if you've noticed, or if anyone else has pointed out, but your score is 6.666 and I think that's awesome. :)
05/04/2004 11:17:27 AM
congratulations good work¡
05/03/2004 05:56:26 PM
Awesome work! congrats on a fine entry!
04/30/2004 09:30:23 PM
Cool stuff Aleks. It's good to know you can do it all!
04/29/2004 02:12:48 PM
Brilliant idea!!!
Congrats! very creative work here..
04/28/2004 03:10:48 PM
Copied from a forum post:

Originally posted by labuda:

Originally posted by breckinshire:

Originally posted by txaggie90:

I'm curious how the "X-Ray" photo was done within the rules. I was surprised that it was actually marked as verified.

I agree, I was surprised by that as well. I'd be interested to hear how it was done within the rules.

Funny that you ask... I'll post a tutorial about it this week :)

If ONLY this had been under the advanced rule set, you might have just been pushing the new boundaries to their limit to have maneuvered the two distal phalanges indicis downwards just a bit ...
04/28/2004 02:16:32 PM
exellent photo
04/28/2004 01:10:12 PM
Well done Aleks. Definitely a well deserved win.
04/28/2004 10:59:15 AM
After reading some of the comments below...... a reminder.

With valid reason, you may suggest an image for disqualification by clicking the "Recommend Disqualification for this Picture" link under the challenge image. Possible reasons for disqualification are:
The photograph has hints of alteration in ways outside of those allowed on DPChallenge.
You have proof the photograph was not taken by the photographer who submitted it to the challenge.
You have proof the photograph was not taken within the required dates.

In all cases, do not let this request for disqualification affect your score for the photograph. Please vote on the photo as if the entry is legal, and let the administrators do the rest. Requests for disqualification will be reviewed by DPChallenge. If your image is disqualified, you will be sent an e-mail stating the reason why, and you will also be be notified on your home page. Your image will no longer be available for voting/commenting.
04/28/2004 09:27:17 AM
Great work, very creative.

By "double exposure" the photograper means, exposing two subjects in the same frame, not opening the shutter twice.

It's really very simple if you think about it. By holding a piece of paper/cardboard directly over the lens, one half of the CCD doesn't receive any light, then after reaching the proper exposure with one side, you slide the cardboard over and expose the yet to be exposed side.

If you simply think out of the box, you'll get it.

Again, excellent work.
04/28/2004 09:15:10 AM
in no way the boundary between the 2 images has been made with a game card... too soft line... and in no way it's a double exposure... the two images are mixed here in the same level (or layer maybe... ?)

the image is stunning.. but if dpchallenge is accepting manipulated photo on basic challenge, then i will change my way to post....

can you post the raw somewhere please?
04/28/2004 09:10:45 AM
Very cool! Congratulations
04/28/2004 07:34:33 AM
Congratulations on a well deserved ribbon.
04/28/2004 05:52:47 AM
I didn't get to vote on all the images for this challenge and so I didn't see yours.

Very nice but...

my only concern is the use of somebody elses image in your photograph. I'm not suggesting it breaks the literal representation of art rule, but as to whether or not you can use a (possibly) copyrighted image in your photo.

I would probably have scored it an 8 by the way (but submitted it for DW just to be safe :-) )
04/28/2004 05:35:09 AM
Congrats! I'm eager to know how this was done! Anyway, well deserved ribbon! Well done!
04/28/2004 05:30:53 AM
Great shot Aleks, congratulations, looking forward for the tutorial.
04/28/2004 03:58:24 AM
I voted high, I realy like this picture.. but double exposure on a Sony DSC-F717 hmmmm I dont think so... perhaps you made a mistake when entering, I notice your second camera is a Nikon Coolpix 4500 which has the double exposure feature (Multiple Exposure).
04/28/2004 03:17:08 AM
I am guessing the 5 idiots are people who have decided it is faked and rather than request a DQ (if this was before it was verified) decided to just give it a 1 as they "knew" it was faked anyway, so why bother.

The word "idiots" seems quite justified.

Maybe that's why the hand is giving them the sign it is ;)

Message edited by author 2004-04-28 03:18:34.
04/28/2004 02:57:50 AM
Who are the 5 idiots that gave this a one? Come on, this was one of the best ones here.
04/28/2004 02:27:47 AM
I never knew the F717 could do double exposure, so I am looking forward to seeing your tutorial. I find it especially good in this image that you have created an overlap between the two so there is a smooth transition from the x-ray to the normal picture. Congrats.
04/28/2004 01:28:02 AM
Excellent technique, I was dieing to find out how this one was done. Great work Alex.

I wish the 10D could do double exposures, as I can see an awful lot of ways this could be used legally within the challenges.
04/28/2004 01:15:28 AM
Awsome image Aleks! Congratulations! I didn't get to vote on this challenge, but I would have scored this very high if I had. I'm looking forward to seeing your tutorial.
04/28/2004 12:45:22 AM
half of each picture was there 2 pictures taken????

this i cant believe people voted so low

Its really cool!
04/28/2004 12:36:33 AM
Yiks.. i tot this has been validated??? Sorry i did not rate you a good score. Anyway would like to know how you do this?

what is the shutter speed? usually the computer flickers if to capture at higher speed. personally i have not try this, would like to know from you EXPRESS the best shutter speed to capture image on TV or computer monitor

Message edited by author 2004-04-28 00:41:26.
04/28/2004 12:32:35 AM
Oh great!! :) Thanks. I'm adding it now.
04/28/2004 12:29:38 AM
Originally posted by mavrik:

I want to add this to favorites, but I want to wait to see if it gets DQ'd first. Can you tell more detail about your setup?


It was validated six days ago. I'll put up a tutorial this week about it.
04/28/2004 12:23:15 AM
I want to add this to favorites, but I want to wait to see if it gets DQ'd first. Can you tell more detail about your setup?

04/28/2004 12:02:59 AM
Seems plenty of people were quick to think this a fake. Too bad I didn't vote on 20% this time around, you would have gotten another 10.

Message edited by author 2004-04-28 00:04:05.
04/28/2004 12:01:32 AM
I called it second! Yeah! I'm getting good at predicting, not at the fotog but at predictions!
Congrats Aleks!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/27/2004 01:27:51 PM
Very striking and original image. High marks on aesthetic and technical merits but I don't get the serendipidous quality.
04/27/2004 11:17:09 AM
great idea, well developped
04/27/2004 05:00:14 AM
wow, I really would like to know HOW you did that :)
04/26/2004 11:48:13 PM
Wow, I like. How did you do it? :P
04/26/2004 01:34:40 PM
no idea how you did it, but it is very cool!
04/26/2004 01:23:12 AM
Welcome to Blue Ribbon Land, my friend... :-)
04/25/2004 09:42:20 PM
The discovery of x-rays, very serendipitious. I'd really to hear how you accomplished this imabe. 10 for the unexpected and skill
04/25/2004 01:04:31 PM
04/24/2004 04:12:49 PM
Wonderful! Great idea, simply and ingeniously shown... My second favourite image in the challenge.
04/24/2004 11:45:25 AM
Well done, and I learned something. How very serendipitous for me.
04/24/2004 11:29:00 AM
What - how ? .:10:.
Please teach me how you do this.
04/24/2004 08:52:38 AM
Can't wait to see how you did this, cool shot---it took me a while but i got what was serendipitous!
04/23/2004 08:35:13 PM
Excellent idea and execution. The flesh tones work very well against the black background. I'd give you one more point if that blue border was NOT there.
04/23/2004 04:07:20 PM
How'd you do it?
I like, very much. Top Ten, at least
04/23/2004 02:39:59 PM
Well created image with visual impact.
04/23/2004 02:20:01 PM
I'm anxious to see how this was done. I'll have to read up on the discovery of Xrays.
Nicely done ;)
04/23/2004 08:41:25 AM
Cool. 10.
04/23/2004 03:17:37 AM
Excellent. I have absolutely no idea at all how this could be achieved within the rules, but see it has already been validated, so can't wait to see how it was done .... I do hope there is an explanation! 10
04/22/2004 09:01:40 PM
How did you do that? Good topic, too.
04/22/2004 09:00:10 PM
GREAT creative pic! especially this nice border hehe, nice thought :)
04/22/2004 06:19:11 PM
Very nice! I would like to know how this was done. Though the gesture in the pic might suggest you might not tell us...
04/22/2004 05:51:52 PM
This is really cool! I have never seen anything like it! I would like to know how this is done?
04/22/2004 02:38:37 PM
Please let us know how this was accomplished!
04/22/2004 10:00:52 AM
If this has been validated then I am impressed as I can only guess at how it was done? A fine effort.
04/22/2004 05:05:27 AM
Incredible Double Exposure (thank god i saw abit of your index, oresle, i'd think its digital)
04/21/2004 09:10:28 PM
Neat, a digital camera that takes x-ray shots??
04/21/2004 09:04:07 PM
Interesting idea, how'd you do it?
04/21/2004 07:56:58 PM
This is a great photo, but considering the context, I don't think it's the best photo here. It relies on its title/exposition completely to convey "serendipity."
04/21/2004 07:37:47 PM
Great technical shot. You have to tell us how you did it.
04/21/2004 07:15:06 PM
Clever idea. It will be very interesting to read after the challenge how you did this, I can't think how it must have been done. Since your picture has been validated, it must be something legal! Nice color and focus. I think the border really does enhance your picture.
04/21/2004 05:37:43 PM
My first reaction was: this cant be real, it for DQ, but when I soo it has been validated I could not give you 11 so you got 10...excellent...
04/21/2004 04:52:35 PM
Of course this one is Xellent but need to know technical details :)
04/21/2004 04:38:43 PM
Amazing shot, I'm very curious to see how you accomplished this shot. The compistion is good, maybe a touch less dead space at the top would have been nice. Also, you washed out the back of the hand a little. I think just a touch of darkness would have improved the dramatism of this photograph. Still, great shot, there is no justice in the world if this is not the blue ribbon winner.
04/21/2004 03:54:11 PM
I'm still trying to figure out how you did this with only basic editing, but assuming that you did, you get high marks from me. Only thing I could think that would improve the photo is if the tip of the middle finger was just a little sharper.
04/21/2004 03:36:07 PM
please please explain how after the vote...
Have a 10
04/21/2004 01:10:02 PM
i am dying to see how this was done, good job!
04/21/2004 12:43:52 PM
Cool technique! I guess you work as an X-Ray technician?
04/21/2004 11:56:54 AM
This is just so creative and beautifully executed! 10
04/21/2004 11:54:37 AM
I suppose there will be a tutorial explaining how you did it within basic editing rules. It is an exceptional image but I am unsure it is an exceptional photo. Color is great. Composition is good. Interesting relevance to theme.
04/21/2004 09:49:19 AM
Great image. Very well done. The lighting is good and good exposure on the x-ray. Very creative. this image stand out from all of the rest. My top pick for the week.
04/21/2004 09:32:12 AM
One of the best images in this contest, not cryptic, and for those that know how x-rays were discovered, truly Serendipidus.
04/21/2004 05:49:12 AM
Neat effect whish I knew how to do that in basic editing.
04/21/2004 05:15:32 AM
Clever idea, neat execution but within the rules?
04/21/2004 04:36:06 AM
A little tricky for my taste... you did that WITHOUT layers?
04/21/2004 02:06:29 AM
Am of course interested to see your details of how you got this shot! Great idea too. I'm not hot on the border choice. A slight gradiant background of black/white could serve this well...(7)
04/21/2004 12:24:13 AM
Nice, but this is a multi-image composition.

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