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 This image was disqualified from the Overexposed challenge.
cast away
cast away

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Overexposed (Basic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-40D
Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
Location: BACK YARD
Date: Aug 29, 2008
Aperture: 10
ISO: 100
Shutter: 30
Galleries: Nature, Macro
Date Uploaded: Aug 29, 2008

after 30 shots...adjusted temp'levels and contarst in RAW.
Disqualification Details
You may use a cloning tool or small healing brush for the sole purpose of removing sensor dust or hot pixels. No other spot-editing is allowed.

Views since voting: 2028
Views during voting: 356
Comments: 39
Favorites: 4 (view)

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09/18/2008 08:36:56 AM
This was DQ'd? So sorry. It was (is) a beautiful image. Hope you aren't too discouraged. Keep up the good work.
09/12/2008 07:05:54 PM
Beautiful image, congrats on your first ribbon!
09/12/2008 09:10:17 AM
Congrats on your first ribbon! I have had this happen a couple of times where a dq has happened and I have moved up to ribbon territory. Well done. It always worries me when a first time entry wins a ribbon as you know that perhaps they don't understand the rules...Congrats again
09/12/2008 08:02:53 AM
wow!!!my first ribon...THX all.
never expected this would do so much score.
actually, AS I mentioned before, this came out after 4 hours of testing many objects in big bowl of water and milk.
the first tests came out very blure, and then I noticed that in 30 sec exposure, I need to hold my leaf steady...so I have puted a small wine glass under it, waited 1 min for the milk waves to stop down and took the shot.
special THX to IrineM.(taking a look at here gallery makes me think more creative...).
I still dont know how I moved up from 4th place, was he discqualified?
09/12/2008 12:57:50 AM
Hey, you've moved up! Congrats on the ribbon, very deserving.
09/11/2008 09:47:12 PM
Glad this "floated" to the top 3 at least, definately one of the best in the challenge.
09/11/2008 09:16:53 PM
Congrats! Very nice!
09/11/2008 05:59:16 PM
Congrats on your first ribbon. You have a great eye and I am happy to see this one rewarded, even belatedly.
09/11/2008 05:52:35 PM
Way to go on reaching ribbon land. Not the most glamorous way to make it, but nice anyway!
09/11/2008 05:52:07 PM
kobi, maybe not the best way to earn your first ribbon but well deserved! CONGRATULATIONS!
09/11/2008 05:47:26 PM
Congrats on the ribbon!
09/11/2008 07:22:44 AM
I love the silky feel of this shot.
09/10/2008 04:37:10 PM
wow, thx everyone!
this is my highest score ever...guess i was too bored that night...
actaullay, I tried to take a photo of another leaf, when suddenly i noticed this one on the my back yard floor.
(its a grapevine leaf.)
09/10/2008 09:25:19 AM
Very well done. Congrats on 4th.
09/10/2008 04:40:55 AM
Gorgeous image. Congrats on 4th place.
09/10/2008 12:03:35 AM
Beautiful. I love it. Congrats.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/09/2008 09:53:50 PM
What a great subject to use. Simple and altogether brilliant.
09/09/2008 08:46:20 PM
Very cool. Simple and eerie.
09/08/2008 08:55:44 PM
Nice job. An eight for you.
09/08/2008 06:44:05 PM
Not sure how you got this effect, but it's different ... and effective.
09/08/2008 01:30:49 PM
Nice effect! Was the leaf placed in a bowl of watered down skim milk?
09/07/2008 03:52:59 PM
Love it, in milk or just long water exposure? Either way i like it, simple clean and dramatic
09/07/2008 10:01:32 AM
One of my top two picks. Well done.
09/06/2008 05:41:54 AM
Really interesting photo. Nice execution. Really nice colours.
09/05/2008 09:28:18 PM
What an image.....magical. You are the winner in my book. I want to hear how you did this.
09/05/2008 01:41:51 PM
Unique subject, I like the variety of textures in this foto.
09/04/2008 11:10:13 PM
Overexposure enhances this nicely. Enjoy seeing color detail in this. Wish the bit of leaf around 4 oclock did not have to be turned upward. High score from me nevertheless.
09/04/2008 10:23:04 PM
09/04/2008 08:50:26 PM
09/04/2008 07:42:40 AM
Very attractive.
09/03/2008 07:48:36 PM
i looove the image..but.. it doesnt look over exposed to me, just white
09/03/2008 07:36:41 PM
I love the fog swallowing the leaf in this image. The fog seems to draw the leaf down into it.
09/03/2008 07:19:09 PM
Beautiful, but not really overexposed.
09/03/2008 02:57:13 PM
Cast away and blown out. Simple and effective.
09/03/2008 09:53:12 AM
Oh this is lovely!
09/03/2008 09:49:40 AM
love this one by far so far my favorite and i actually see overexposure!!!!
09/03/2008 09:01:06 AM
LOVE THAT!! Like the leaf is floating on a dreamy cloud or fog.
09/03/2008 06:07:39 AM
09/03/2008 03:44:47 AM
Tastefully done!

Some parts of the leaf seem a little bit sharp but great shot all the same

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