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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Immovable (Basic Editing)
Camera: Casio Exilim EX-S770
Date: Sep 9, 2008
Date Uploaded: Sep 9, 2008


Place: 35 out of 53
Avg (all users): 4.8426
Avg (commenters): 5.4516
Avg (participants): 4.8182
Avg (non-participants): 4.8454
Views since voting: 856
Views during voting: 589
Votes: 324
Comments: 32
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/16/2008 03:30:14 PM
With a bit more processing this would be really good. As it is, you have a sound composition that nails the challenge, and a model who is acting the part well, but the photo remains flat and dull. If you haven't done so, a levels adjustment would bring more depth to the tonal range.
09/15/2008 11:52:53 PM
What's taking him so long?
09/15/2008 11:52:12 PM
I love his facial expression. Looks very "back-breaking".
09/15/2008 09:34:29 AM
I think you lost a bit of the colors in the left part of the photo (the rocks look a bit washed out compared to the ones on the right, probably because of the light), but I like the colors and textures on the right side of the photo. :).
09/15/2008 03:28:08 AM
It looks to me as if the rocks near the foreground are in focus, and the boy is not. Would have preferred a greated depth of field to carry tjhe focus for more of the photo
09/15/2008 01:54:06 AM
This one actually looks like he is trying.
09/13/2008 08:33:39 PM
Focus seems a little off. By the time the eye gets to your subject, he looks a little soft. The closer rocks are sharper.
09/13/2008 07:18:34 PM
'up in the sky is it a plane or SUPERMAN... Good thinking here
09/13/2008 01:43:05 PM
Looks like he is actually holding it up! I don't however like the overexposed areas in the arms and the top left corner between the trees/
09/12/2008 01:23:15 PM
awesome! I lovve it! His expression is really funny ;)
09/12/2008 01:04:26 PM
A bit higher and he can get underneath...
09/12/2008 12:50:55 PM
I wish the focus was a little better here, great expression on the face
09/11/2008 05:34:22 PM
The colours llok too pale and washed out but the composition is good.
09/11/2008 03:51:31 PM
Nice composition, just the shadow under the bridge and the bright sunlight seems to be a bit to contrasting to me.
09/11/2008 06:45:36 AM
This made me chuckle. I like the crop, helps to give the illusion of great immensity to the mini bridge, or whatever it is.
09/11/2008 05:22:45 AM
Nice idea.
09/11/2008 12:31:57 AM
where is his right foot
09/10/2008 08:34:46 PM
Might benefit from a bit more contrast and USM but a nice leading line to the face and hands/arms.
09/10/2008 02:36:11 PM
I am wonder if the trees and grass were cut out if it would look like he was lifting a pile of rocks! Nice idea. Learn to make Curve adjustments to make image pop!
09/10/2008 01:29:59 PM
I would like to see more contrast in this image. The rest is quite nice.
09/10/2008 12:54:14 PM
Great shot, I only wish that the model was in a bit clearer view. It looks like the focal point is a bit short of him. A smaller aperture might have been effective here.
09/10/2008 12:25:25 PM
A little OOF and more light is needed on the facem, but the expression is good as is the composition
09/10/2008 12:24:14 PM
he seems to be moving it alright(4)
09/10/2008 12:14:14 PM
A bit soft...but nice perspective and immovable object you've chosen.
09/10/2008 12:10:42 PM
dominic what are you doing lol
09/10/2008 12:08:18 PM
dom what is up man
who took this pic
09/10/2008 12:08:06 PM
He looks like he's relly pushing it! I think its a real good shoot and good expressions!
09/10/2008 07:28:51 AM
The image size isn't the best to say exactly but it seems that the focus is more on the bridge than on the person. The background with the trees is a bit colorless and the sky is burned.
09/10/2008 05:11:33 AM
that backs gonna ache in the morning.. lol
09/10/2008 03:08:13 AM
this idea i really good. I wish the focus was more on his face
09/10/2008 01:52:30 AM
Good idea, but unfortunately not original as you will see after the voting is over.
09/10/2008 12:06:22 AM
Excellent take on the challenge

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