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The Discount Surgeon
1st PlaceThe Discount Surgeon

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Risk (Basic Editing)
Camera: Nikon D40X
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 ED
Location: My Studio
Date: Sep 16, 2008
Galleries: Studio, Self Portrait
Date Uploaded: Sep 16, 2008

WHOOOOO HOOOOOOO.... Finally a blue ribbon, Thanks everyone. Thanks amiee for helping me come up with the name, Kim for making me reshoot this to add the blood and a huge thank you to my youngest son Hunter for hitting the button on the remote for me as you can see my hands were a little tied up.

I shot this threw an umbrella just under the camera which was in front of me about waist high. I took about 80 shots or so and this was the last one I took. As soon as I saw it I knew it was the one I would be using.
As for the blood... check out my "Chocolate Covered Strawberry" shot :D

Place: 1 out of 127
Avg (all users): 7.1789
Avg (commenters): 8.1000
Avg (participants): 6.7111
Avg (non-participants): 7.3241
Views since voting: 11251
Views during voting: 410
Votes: 190
Comments: 80
Favorites: 23 (view)

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04/20/2012 07:15:55 AM
Whenever I see this image on the forums/challenges I think it looks like the character 'scorpian' from Mortal Kombat.
08/01/2010 11:21:04 PM
omg that image is creepy splendid great!!
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06/17/2010 10:23:28 AM
just passing by after a peer mentioned a discount surgeon. love this photo.
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03/09/2010 11:09:14 PM
Originally posted by mbrutus2009:

I came back to this photo to admire the work. I remember when this photo won and I couldn't stop viewing it! Still blows my mind every time I look at it!

Thanks mate.
03/09/2010 10:39:22 PM
I came back to this photo to admire the work. I remember when this photo won and I couldn't stop viewing it! Still blows my mind every time I look at it!
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08/15/2009 02:44:03 AM
Originally posted by Dirt_Diver:

Originally posted by Azrifel:

Everything I have ever learned about being a better photographer teaches me never to just have a hand pop up out of nowhere. It actually doesn't even look like his hand or it's too big for his body. I know it is because it would be silly to use a fake hand there but I'm just confused, off to read comments left by others.


Yeah I took this photo before I learned all that, besides in the original photo you can see that the hand is attached to me. Only in the crop does it lose it's connection. But I still stand by what I say.

Yo, it's a cool photo anyway. Rules are made to be broken. That is rule nr 1 in my book. :)
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08/14/2009 09:11:18 PM
Originally posted by Azrifel:

Everything I have ever learned about being a better photographer teaches me never to just have a hand pop up out of nowhere. It actually doesn't even look like his hand or it's too big for his body. I know it is because it would be silly to use a fake hand there but I'm just confused, off to read comments left by others.


Yeah I took this photo before I learned all that, besides in the original photo you can see that the hand is attached to me. Only in the crop does it lose it's connection. But I still stand by what I say.
08/14/2009 05:37:54 PM
Everything I have ever learned about being a better photographer teaches me never to just have a hand pop up out of nowhere. It actually doesn't even look like his hand or it's too big for his body. I know it is because it would be silly to use a fake hand there but I'm just confused, off to read comments left by others.

10/01/2008 02:09:32 PM
this is great, one of my favorites.
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10/01/2008 08:40:14 AM
Great photo, the ego disclaimer is a little over the top...
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09/30/2008 06:31:41 AM
Just freakin' CREEPY!!!! LOL!!!
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09/29/2008 01:19:47 PM
great shot! reminds me of one of my favorite tv show "dexter" hehe.
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09/25/2008 08:18:55 PM
I'm gald this made front page, I like looking at it, nice work!! Congrats!
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09/25/2008 11:18:38 AM
Oh wow, very nice! It's a great picture, good job. :D
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09/25/2008 05:32:06 AM
Love this! Gotsa get my surgical masks back out.
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09/25/2008 05:19:16 AM
Very nice, hjust the way I like 'em. Gritty and creepy.
Off-topic, your copyright statement is a bit loud for me.

Message edited by author 2008-09-25 07:40:49.
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09/25/2008 12:21:11 AM
Congratulations on the blue!!! Well deserved. Must say though... as a nurse, this gives me the heeby-geebies...
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09/24/2008 09:28:35 PM
Well deserved, Joe. Good to see you on the front page. Great image too -- creepy, brilliantly composed and beautifully processed. Congrats!
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09/24/2008 07:28:24 PM
This is a photo that meets every possible criteria for a top score. Concept, creativity, execution. Brilliant.
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09/24/2008 05:56:23 PM
What can I say...? If I had to come in second, at least I came in second to a much more imaginative image defining risk itself! Very nicely done!

I'm not blowing smoke here - I actually found the images in this challenge fairly boring - my own image included! Yours was the only one that creatively said anything! Congrats!
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09/24/2008 04:49:34 PM
Well done. Clearly a great shot. Well deserving of the Blue. Now you just have to get a red and a 4th to finish your collection.
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09/24/2008 02:03:11 PM
About time, boy! ;)
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09/24/2008 01:46:00 PM
Interesting image but not sufficiently so to warrant the kind of copyright disclaimer that accompanies it.
Kind of ruined it for me.

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09/24/2008 01:21:49 PM
Congrats Joe! Nicely done.
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09/24/2008 12:16:30 PM
Yipppeee! A blue for you, Joe! Wonderful! Congrats!
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09/24/2008 10:24:42 AM
I don't understand how "throwing an umbrella" just under the camera has any kind of effect on the picture.
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09/24/2008 10:04:05 AM
Oooooooh. . .goood one! Congratulations on top honors with this one. It is very deserving!

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09/24/2008 09:59:15 AM
Very well done! Love it! Congrats!
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09/24/2008 09:11:39 AM
Great job baby, I am so proud of you. I knew this shot could be the winner!
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09/24/2008 09:08:49 AM
This is creepy good!!! Well done and congrats on your first BLUE ribbon!!
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09/24/2008 09:02:50 AM
This is a fantastic shot! Nicely done and congrats!
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09/24/2008 08:39:37 AM
Congrats Joe! Great idea and execution....
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09/24/2008 08:35:59 AM
Oi! you can stop this right now... last thing we want is you scoring high and winning ribbons for the wrong team.. hehehe

congrats mate, good solid image presented well.
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09/24/2008 07:47:28 AM
Nice going. One of the my higher scoring shots. Congrats.
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09/24/2008 06:49:22 AM
WTG!!! Congrats on the blue.
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09/24/2008 06:21:05 AM
Congrats on the BLUE and the new PB!!! Gee doc...I have this pain in my liver...
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09/24/2008 04:53:11 AM
Congrates on your blue, WTG
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09/24/2008 03:31:07 AM
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09/24/2008 03:00:19 AM
Yo Joe!! Congrats on the blue and PB! Great idea and perfectly executed.
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09/24/2008 02:36:44 AM
well done,congratulations
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09/24/2008 02:16:13 AM
Nice Man Congrats!
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09/24/2008 01:48:49 AM
Great work DD! You may have peaked a week early though... :)
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09/24/2008 01:33:26 AM
HAHA congrats!!! Plus you made 7! I take full credit! lol... good work Joe!
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09/24/2008 01:32:59 AM
Excellent result.....
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09/24/2008 01:25:40 AM
amazing shot
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09/24/2008 01:13:41 AM
Yesss! WTG Joe. this shot is scary!! Well deserved and Congrats on the Blue!!!!!
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09/24/2008 01:07:56 AM
Very well done. Congrats!!!
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09/24/2008 12:35:16 AM
Very deserving, congrats on your first blue!
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09/24/2008 12:21:52 AM
Congratulations on the blue. Awesome!
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09/24/2008 12:17:30 AM
Big, huge congrats on your blue, Joe!
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09/24/2008 12:09:34 AM
Love this shot. Congrats on a well deserved ribbon.

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09/24/2008 12:09:29 AM
Congrats Joe! Well deserved blue ...
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09/24/2008 12:03:17 AM
FIRST BLUE! Well done, well done.
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09/24/2008 12:03:05 AM
Great job DD!
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09/24/2008 12:02:00 AM
Congrats! Gruesome and very much on point.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/23/2008 10:49:37 PM
Favourite of the challenge, I love it. 10!
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09/23/2008 04:50:44 PM
yuk..........but yes definetly
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09/22/2008 07:55:11 PM
One of my top rated photos
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09/22/2008 05:35:21 PM
excellent light making this look scary in the spotlight. good composition. nice look of the model... i mean nice in a less nicer way :)
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09/22/2008 01:43:45 PM
My winner. 10
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09/22/2008 01:07:34 PM
Great lighting/shadows, very creepy!
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09/22/2008 10:07:02 AM
This is really scary :-)
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09/22/2008 04:52:59 AM
That title is hilarious - and the shot is great for the title (or the title for the shot, whichever you prefer)!
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09/21/2008 05:15:50 PM
Very gritty and dramatic.
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09/21/2008 04:02:35 PM
With only 2 photos left in the challenge to vote on, I think I finally found the blue ribbon photo. Friggin' super awesome totally sweet! 10
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09/20/2008 01:21:20 PM
Great composition. Sinister look in his eyes. I actually like the strong light source and dark background. It leaves me with the impression that he has something to hide. Don't care much for the boarder.
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09/19/2008 04:33:33 PM
cool shot!
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09/19/2008 12:23:32 PM
I'm scared all right! Looks like it comes from a horror movie. American Psyco, possible. "Is that a rain coat he's wearing"? 10.
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09/19/2008 08:21:07 AM
Great lighting!
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09/19/2008 06:18:54 AM
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09/18/2008 08:58:31 AM
(not voting yet) What a great idea, love the tones and comp, lighting is great! Nice take on the challenge, one of my favs.
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09/18/2008 03:15:32 AM
Yeah, that would be pretty risky, all right.
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09/17/2008 04:49:07 PM
Great job at setting the mood.
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09/17/2008 11:49:43 AM
I love monochrome work - very nice. Good model, too - he knows what he's meant to be doing!
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09/17/2008 09:15:40 AM
I'll bet this will earn a ribbon... nicely done!
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09/17/2008 08:34:00 AM
This is great! I love it! I always want to enter but never do because I can never think of anything clever or creative to do. You have clearly done that here and I envy your talent. Oh... The composition and lighting are fantastic as well. You may have done it intentionally but the only thing that kept it from being a 10 are the blown highlights on the glove. Great work!
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09/17/2008 07:44:47 AM
a ribbon winner and best in the challenge (next to mine :) ) 9
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09/17/2008 06:18:10 AM
I'm sure everything will be just fine!

Very fitting photo and well executed.
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09/17/2008 05:42:22 AM
Very sinister, really well lit. There's something about the look in the eye and the glove that suggests he's moving in for a full body search, but I try not to hold that thought. 9
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09/17/2008 04:58:36 AM
Dark, sinister, but so very, VERY well done!

I'll need to sleep with my eyes open tonight - SMILE!
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