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Rain on me
Rain on me

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study 2008-09 (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f1.2L
Location: Downtown Reykjavik
Date: Sep 16, 2008
Aperture: 1.2
ISO: 3200
Shutter: 1/80
Galleries: Portraiture, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Sep 30, 2008

This is the second shot in a new series called "After Dark" wich I am posting on Flickr if anybody is interested. I was going to wait a bit with this series and didn´t mean to start it right away but the weather that night was too "good" to pass on the opportunity and since Annel Helgi (the guy in the picture) wasn´t doing anything we met downtown and took some pictures.

The weather was horrible, the remains of hurricane Ike passed over Iceland and while it was severely downgraded by now since it passed over the Carribean and North America, it was still pretty bad and people were asked to stay indoors. A couple of people in cars drove by us and they just looked at us like we had escaped from an asylum. Well I haven´t gone out of my "comfort zone" in a good while now so I felt inclined to try something new, for me at least. The rain was pouring down and both of us were soaked after being outside for only 15 minutes or so.

Only used ambient light for this, shot it roughly 3 and a half hours after sunset or just before midnight.

B/W treatment similar to my "Dirt" entry, contrast just boosted way up in C1, curves, sharpened and frame, this would have been legal in basic editing.

Place: 10 out of 430
Avg (all users): 7.0064
Avg (commenters): 8.0000
Avg (participants): 7.0000
Avg (non-participants): 7.0204
Views since voting: 5378
Views during voting: 270
Votes: 156
Comments: 29
Favorites: 18 (view)

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11/05/2008 07:53:51 PM
Kinda looks like Paul Newman
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10/11/2008 09:07:07 PM
My question is: Will Annel Helgi be at the Iceland workshop.. and if not.. can you arrange it? ;)

Oh yeah.. forgot to add: brilliant image.. looks like it could be a scene from a movie, it creates a story instantly.

Message edited by author 2008-10-11 21:09:29.
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10/10/2008 10:18:00 PM
excellent b&w - classic image and sticks in my mind.
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10/10/2008 10:19:00 AM
This really reminds me of a young Paul Newman, very nice work, love the lighting. he looks like he's looking up into a window of a lover and wondering where he went wrong. Lots of emotion in this picture, Great Job!!!!!!
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10/09/2008 03:09:28 AM
awesome image...thanks for sharing the story Larus...your work is always exceptional
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10/08/2008 04:16:34 PM
Very Marlon Brando. FABULOUS! A new favourite!
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10/08/2008 02:46:47 PM
Originally posted by posthumous:

I gave you a 6. I would have scored it higher, but you need different models. The ones you use are too damn perfect.

Haha, you serious? I love you man, I really do but you wierd me out sometimes. Lemmejustsay that I like my photos and models just fine the way they are so if that´ll cost me a point or two from you during voting, so be it :)
10/08/2008 02:17:40 PM
I gave you a 6. I would have scored it higher, but you need different models. The ones you use are too damn perfect.
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10/08/2008 10:43:23 AM
Lovely photo. I like even better than your usual high quality submissions....
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10/08/2008 10:23:55 AM
Oh, I love rainy photos. This is fabulous!
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10/08/2008 03:45:50 AM
Superb work! Really does make me think of A Streetcar Named Desire.
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10/08/2008 01:24:22 AM
PostLuminous Award Nominee!
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10/08/2008 12:33:55 AM
Reminded me of a young Paul Newman or especially Marlon Brando, A Streetcar Named Desire might be the flick I'm thinking about. Nicely shot. I didn't guess this to be yours but I'm very pleasantly suprised :)

Message edited by author 2008-10-08 00:34:47.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/07/2008 09:05:45 PM
Matthew had a terrible affliction. Whenever it rained, he was uncontrollably compelled to go stand outside in it and pretend to be a film noir super-hero.
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10/07/2008 02:23:44 AM
Hey Larus. Nice one here.
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10/06/2008 08:41:21 PM
I like this shot, wish he was a little more to his right. 8
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10/05/2008 01:34:29 AM
noir, very well done--looks very cinematic 7
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10/03/2008 05:37:01 PM
Great shot, with fantastic use of light and shadow (especially on his face), lots of wonderful contrast, great capture of the rain itself, and oh my very handsome model too. Works very well indeed.
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10/02/2008 05:57:56 PM
Wow, he looks like a young Paul Newman.
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10/02/2008 03:59:53 PM
Beautifully moody.
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10/02/2008 03:58:57 PM
How did you get a photo of me in the rain...

Really nice exposure time on this, the rain drop streaks are prefect and the B&W balance and lighting are great and of course you made me look really good for my age.....
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10/02/2008 12:23:58 PM
Wow, looks like a still from a movie! Fantastic treatment of the b&w! And gorgeous model! 10
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10/01/2008 11:05:40 PM
like an old movie poster.
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10/01/2008 09:03:19 PM
Nicely done. Love the high contrast.
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10/01/2008 08:36:45 PM
I really like this image, good the model pose, perhaps a bit decenterf position was better. the details of the rain are great and the lights on the background perfect for the scene. even the location work.
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10/01/2008 08:51:55 AM
Easily recognizable Larus photo. This is like a still from an old film. Were you under shelter or did you put a bag over your camera?
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10/01/2008 08:17:43 AM
great photo..
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10/01/2008 02:57:26 AM
Sensational! Reminds me a little of a young Paul Newman in Cool Hand Luke! : )
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10/01/2008 12:55:15 AM
Excellent shot, Hollywood material.
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