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For many people, but not for everyone...
1st PlaceFor many people, but not for everyone...

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Street Photography III (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Canon EOS-40D
Lens: Canon EF 70-200mm f/4.0L USM
Location: Treviso, Italy
Date: Oct 25, 2008
Aperture: f5
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/250
Galleries: Urban
Date Uploaded: Oct 25, 2008

Thanks everyone for comments and votes. I'm very glad for this shot.

Place: 1 out of 146
Avg (all users): 7.3466
Avg (commenters): 8.5625
Avg (participants): 7.5000
Avg (non-participants): 7.2712
Views since voting: 9781
Views during voting: 474
Votes: 176
Comments: 70
Favorites: 45 (view)

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11/08/2008 02:29:02 PM
Excellent shot, congrats.
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11/06/2008 11:37:57 PM
A perfect capture well deserving of the blue. Congratulations!
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11/06/2008 09:54:18 PM
Beautiful shot! Congrats on the ribbon - well deserved.
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11/06/2008 12:53:22 AM
This is exceptional, great work.
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11/05/2008 04:13:57 AM
very nice... it tells the whole story. congrates
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11/05/2008 03:40:53 AM
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11/04/2008 12:58:16 PM
Beautiful commentary piece. Very well done. Congrats on your first place win!
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11/03/2008 09:30:10 PM
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11/03/2008 05:41:37 PM
Storytelling at its best. Congrats on your deserved blue! Did you think about cropping the bottom half inch or so from the bottom?
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11/03/2008 04:00:46 PM
this is one of those that strike you straight to the heart. a very moving picture. great job
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11/03/2008 01:18:50 PM
PostLuminous Award Nominee!
This is an image to linger over, again and again...
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11/03/2008 10:53:51 AM
wonderful story here, looks like a medieval painting with all the rich people feasting and slipping treats to their dogs whilst the peasants sit outside gnawing on crumbs. Lovely detail. Well deserved blue!
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11/03/2008 10:29:54 AM
the DOG nails this shot. EXCELLENT.
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11/03/2008 10:04:16 AM
Congrats on a very story image. The dog makes the shot even better.
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11/03/2008 09:45:01 AM
My favorite part is the dog. What a cool street moment. I love it. Congratulations!

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11/03/2008 08:46:23 AM
Awesome photograph. Congrats on the Blue Ribbon.
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11/03/2008 08:05:17 AM
This is quite brilliant, very beautiful image with all sorts of story lines merging together. Very subtle in many ways, and I'm pleased to see it ribbon.
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11/03/2008 07:46:13 AM
nice job...I didn't see what others did in terms oh "haves" and "have nots". Rather I see a man who looks pretty well dressed, counting out his change
then there is a blonde with a derisive look at the dog near the tables; I thought that is what your title referred to, tho there may have been a double entendre

in any case, CONGRATS!
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11/03/2008 07:39:38 AM
Fantastic work! So Real! And imaginatively captured.
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11/03/2008 07:16:51 AM
Fantastic Capture! Beautiful b/w, congratulations on the Blue!!
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11/03/2008 05:13:35 AM
brilliant shot. Congrats on a well deserved ribbon
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11/03/2008 04:05:25 AM
When I said "Very nice contrast, bravo." I meant in every sense...bravo again!
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11/03/2008 03:50:45 AM
Greta photo, and a deserving blue. The only minor flaw, which obviously you couldn't do anything about, is the woman at the far right whose face is mostly obscured by the wall. Congratulations.
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11/03/2008 03:37:01 AM
I see I was not the only one who found this shot to be best of the lot. An absolutely well deserved Blue ribbon. Here was my comment and I see many others saw the same qualities in your entry as I did.
"Wonderful shot. I see it's taken in Italy somewhere. It reminds me of a modern day version of the scenes one often sees depicted in the wall murals and paintings of Classical Rome. Images of lavish feasts with plenty of wine flowing and trays groaning under the weight of all the food. And somewhere in those images there's always the figure of some pauper or poor man to show the contrasts and contradictions of life. This is what this image evokes in me.
From a technical point of view I find the lighting and tones superb.
So many different things happening in this scene. All the elements are in the right place. The guy sitting outside of the luxury zone counting his pennies perhaps wishing that he could join the extravagant people on the terrace for a drink or something to eat. That white dog being patted also adds something special to the composition and is also a recurring image in the classical wall murals and paintings right down to it's particular pose.
Well done, lovely composition. A winner for me and I say that even though I have an entry in this challenge as well.
I give you full score 10. This is the only 10 I gave in this challenge by the way"
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11/03/2008 02:47:53 AM
Well spotted. Excellent street capture! Congrats on the blue! : )
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11/03/2008 02:10:20 AM
Excellent capture, congrats on a well deserved blue ribbon!
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11/03/2008 01:59:30 AM
Congrats on your very well deserved blue for this powerful image.
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11/03/2008 01:56:30 AM
great shot, real street photography at its best! well deserved blue.
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11/03/2008 12:55:05 AM
Very satisfied to see this blue. Congrats!
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11/03/2008 12:40:49 AM
I loved this one, congrats on the ribbon :)
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11/03/2008 12:40:43 AM
Winner! Of course. So much drama in this shot. This is what SP is. Congrats!
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11/03/2008 12:37:08 AM
Awesome shot. Congrats on ribbon. Glad to be by your side.
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11/03/2008 12:27:17 AM
Brilliant. It's busy and quiet at the same time. Superb tones. Congrats on your blue, Paolo.
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11/03/2008 12:09:50 AM
the dog is right. the woman is right. the man is right. everything is just right.
perfect tones. sublime photograph.
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11/03/2008 12:04:40 AM
An interesting photo,congratulations on the Blue.
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11/03/2008 12:02:36 AM
Congratulations on the blue! I'm very pleased to see this get the recognition it deserves.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/02/2008 11:39:10 PM
A classic tableau, to use an obvious word. I love the dog even as it serves to compound the serious meaning of this photo. What would Mazzini say? The redenzione is still to be accomplished. 10, no question.
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11/02/2008 10:54:46 PM
Coming back to comment only:

Two seperate worlds - but everyone in each world seems happy ... it's a beautiful photo .. the tonal quality of the grays and the light are lovely.. the textures are wonderful .. I really like the dog and how it is the center of attention - well captured/well photographed slice of life!
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11/02/2008 09:50:11 PM
the decisive moment.
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11/02/2008 09:49:20 PM
A very strong and clear story to this. Was it caught this way by chance or was it staged to have him counting his change?
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11/02/2008 09:00:35 AM
There are so many good things going on with this image. This is an excellent composition.
One of the best entries in the challenge ... good luck
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11/01/2008 03:56:16 AM
wow - you deserve it - 10
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10/31/2008 09:58:57 PM
I love the contrast of isolation and companionship.
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10/31/2008 09:22:44 PM
Meets Challenge:2
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10/31/2008 06:50:20 PM
Your post processing really pushes this shot into the top. Not only the vignette but the tones between the two areas. The dog, the people at the tables, and the man on the bench. First 10 vote from me. Nice work, very nice.
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10/31/2008 03:31:13 PM
classe 10
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10/31/2008 10:52:26 AM
great example of rule of thirds, tells an interesting story. B&W works well here. 8
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10/31/2008 10:04:04 AM
Very nice contrast, bravo.
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10/31/2008 10:03:50 AM
This is my top pick. I just like how everyone is having fun, and here is this guy, on the outside, counting his money as if checking that he has enough to get in. This tells a nice story.
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10/31/2008 06:42:36 AM
This can actually be cut into 2 great photos, so good
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10/30/2008 07:29:47 PM
thoughtful imagery
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10/30/2008 04:36:13 PM
Absolutely perfect for this challenge and an awesome photograph on its own right. So many stories here. The main story of the gentleman on the bench, aside from the others, in a B&W tone different than the rest (nice touch, that.) The light on him, whether actual or slightly enchanced, is very nice. Then there's the rest of the story at the top of the steps. Congratulations on a wonderful find and taking full advantage of it.
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10/30/2008 01:37:51 AM
I like the contrast here, both in terms of the story-telling aspect and the processing. Nice work!
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10/30/2008 12:59:53 AM
This is a winner. My favorite in the challenge. My only 10.
You captured a great moment. You captured so much in this shot. It really speaks to the viewer like a photograph is intended too. Great eye! You did a really good job with the PP. You were borderline of doing too much but I think it came out brilliant. I love it. There is something wrong if this doesnt place in the top 3. Although I think it should be 1st. I cant even tell you how much I love the composition. Brilliant, just brilliant.
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10/28/2008 11:08:16 PM
This works fairly well for me, I see the context between the individual counting change and the people eating. At the same time since the man look well dressed the counting of change doesn't seem to necessarily coincide with the dining area, but more of a coincidence. Still I like the idea here and the toning/lighting is terrific. Highly rated.
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10/28/2008 01:33:46 PM
One of my top picks for this challenge. Great compositon, and a very strong story/message with this photograph.
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10/28/2008 11:43:23 AM
You know, this challenge is full of a ton of pictures of people just thinking they can snap anything on the street, convert to B&W and enter it. Only a few try to tell a story. This is absolutely one of them. I thought I had seen the winner already, but I changed my mind. Auto 10 and a fav.
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10/28/2008 08:12:13 AM
Beautiful image. So many stories in what seems almost like 2 separate pictures, with the light and dark.
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10/28/2008 07:26:01 AM
Love the 2 distinct bubbles of way of life, nice balance to the composition as well - 9
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10/28/2008 03:54:36 AM
Wonderful shot. I see it's taken in Italy somewhere. It reminds me of a modern day version of the scenes one often sees depicted in the wall murals and paintings of Classical Rome. Images of lavish feasts with plenty of wine flowing and trays groaning under the weight of all the food. And somewhere in those images there's always the figure of some pauper or poor man to show the contrasts and contradictions of life. This is what this image evokes in me.
From a technical point of view I find the lighting and tones superb.
So many different things happening in this scene. All the elements are in the right place. The guy sitting outside of the luxury zone counting his pennies perhaps wishing that he could join the extravagant people on the terrace for a drink or something to eat. That white dog being patted also adds something special to the composition and is also a recurring image in the classical wall murals and paintings right down to it's particular pose.
Well done, lovely composition. A winner for me and I say that even though I have an entry in this challenge as well.
I give you full score 10. This is the only 10 I gave in this challenge by the way.
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10/28/2008 12:14:42 AM
Love the woman petting the dog. Like the guy on the bench, too. But with them together in one photo it's hard to know where to focus my attention. Maybe better cropped into two separate photos? Hard to say. Still, you did a good job on this.
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10/27/2008 11:48:15 PM
By far my favorite... Really tells a story. Love the lighting of the man on the bench. 9
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10/27/2008 05:45:40 PM
I like the contrast here beteen the people eating and the outsider. 9
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10/27/2008 04:58:44 PM
Wow, very nicely done, very emotive, love the comparison going on here, also the dog adds a ton to the shot for me, everyone seems so happy there on the left, and it looks like the guy on the right is trying to scrounge together the money. You nailed the essence of "street photography" to me here. 9 from me.
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10/27/2008 04:57:49 PM
this is nice!
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10/27/2008 02:47:21 PM
Awesome scene! well seen! Niicely done image. 8
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10/27/2008 10:16:05 AM
very nice moment and love the b/w PP
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10/27/2008 09:26:11 AM
Just came back to bump this one up, my one and only 10 for the challenge. This tells a great story, it is representative of all that, IMHO, street photography should be. I hope to see it on the front page.
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10/27/2008 06:55:11 AM
Good spot!
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10/27/2008 02:28:39 AM
I really like the dog at the restaurant and the man reading alone while everyone mingles (even the dog).
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