First impression : Nice colors, different from the other java lamp pictures (close up), well isolated with black background, Humour : 'distant planet', creativuty : medium, camera work: medium-good, composition:good
Second approach : Compoistion : The center of the picture seems to me to be the distant planets. In that sense, they a a little 'lost' in the picture becasue of the reflexions on upper left and right corners (double reflection upper right corner ?). The yellow and pink colors are very nice but somehow, I think, conflict with the 'planets'
Technical : By (little) experience I now that java lamp pictures are not so easy .. it looks sharp from distance human eyes but blurry from the pictures. I think you did a good job with the 'dust' in the liquid. What is the double reflection in the upper left corner ?
Opinion : Interesting picture, a good 'close up' shot of the Java lamp. I like the evocation of distant planet and the ne you chaught are of good size for your topic. I think that the interest is too 'spread' between the 'distant planet concept', and a 'regular java lamp' shot. Suggestion (but that's just me) : maybe try cropping to get a 'pure' 'distant planet landscape'.
Overall 5.
Lionel |