Just a quick reply to a few questions asked about my Juvenile Magpie image
I've never seen a Magpie; this is interesting. Evidently you don't have squirrels, raccoons, and deer there. We could never have an open feeder like that. The seed would be gone in about two minutes in my yard back in NY. I think the tall fence is interesting. I wonder what you are keeping out or in.
Hi Julianne JuliBoc – no we don’t have squirrels or raccoons – some parts of Sydney do have deer roaming wild in the royal national park and of course there are deer farms. Most of the wildlife around our place (abt 60km SW of Sydney as the crow flies) consists of grey kangaroos, wallabies, wombats, echidna, many varieties of birds and parrots, foxes, snakes and a whole range of insects.
The seed we put in the feeder is a wild bird mix, but we limit the amount we put out to about three cups per week – this is to reduce the possibility of disease in the wild bird population – especially birds that don’t normally interact together.
The “tall” fence in the background is really not that tall at all – in fact, I think it appears that way because the original image was cropped heaps. This photo shows the view from the bird feeder to the fence in question.
The only thing that we are keeping in here is cattle, horses and sheep – the kangaroos and wallabies jump over , the wombats dig under, the echidna’s go through and the foxes probably do all of the above.
Did you make the feeder -it's a great one? Yes I did – thanks very much Pat patio127
Nice perspective of her/him which looks good size already. They must be fairly lg in size as adults..
Notice the high wire fence in the bg. Guessing your yard is fenced in..and nice forest land in the back.. Jane, stargazer05766 this young female is probably not far off full size – they seem to come out of the nest big and they don’t venture out of the nest until they can fly and basically fend for themselves. The fence behind is the division between our house paddock (about 3 acres) and our 13 acre paddock.
This is the 13 acre paddock
The land further to the west is Water Catchment area which includes the firetrail where we walk and thousands of acres of natural bushland.
I feel that you must have a wonderful place to live, from what I have seen in photos from Roz and you. You are so fortunate to live on the edge of the natural area.
Those eucalyptus trees are beautiful, but they are certainly messy when they shed leaves, bark, and limbs. They grow those here for pulp wood, but they are not a native tree here.
Oh Man! I could picture laying back in a lawn chair, sipping a drink, enjoying the sounds of the birds, soaking up the sun! This is beautiful, I would LOVE to have a backyard like this! I loved the details about the critters & how they "sneak" into the fence!
looking st your pictures combined with Rozzie's, you live in an area with a nice mix of rural and urban, even a little "city" and that fabulous firetrail!
nice expanse of your yard there, looks a lot like here in the sticks of Vermont
I only wish I had the chance to ve able to visit you both as I love to be able to follow Roz around in the fire trail. My heart says yes, but my body says no way, and my brain say to late......