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Hi-Key Portrait
Hi-Key Portrait

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Light Source (Classic Editing)
Camera: Ricoh RDC-7
Location: Amsterdam, NL
Date: Oct 20, 2002
Aperture: 3.1
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/1.1
Date Uploaded: Oct 20, 2002


Place: 10 out of 256
Avg (all users): 6.6259
Avg (commenters): 8.3143
Avg (participants): 6.7987
Avg (non-participants): 6.3784
Views since voting: 3007
Votes: 270
Comments: 38
Favorites: 7 (view)

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10/28/2002 03:13:00 PM
Thank you all for your friendly comments. This past week has been a boost for my ego as a photographer, watching the cheers and good marks coming in. I did not try to make a 'glossy' picture that would please everyone, so I am really pleased with the way things turned out.
Thanks again.
10/28/2002 01:39:00 PM
Can't believe this didn't win!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/27/2002 08:45:00 PM
Great style. I hope this does well for you. Gotcha 9
10/27/2002 06:37:00 PM
I know this has absolutly nothing to do with the picture itself, but I think you could have done better on the title. I like the photo, and can see for myself that it is hi-key. 8
10/27/2002 06:33:00 PM
Wow! I like this photo very much. The high contrast emphasises the details of the face and the cloths very nicely. One of my favourite photos this week. -stephan
10/27/2002 04:54:00 PM
A bit too much contrast for my tastes, but I understand that may have been intentional. I feel like if there was a larger range of tonal values, I could get a better look at his face and more of a texture feeling from his clothes and the furniture.
10/27/2002 03:48:00 PM
i love this. and even though i am a huge fan of higer contrast pics, i still might have toned it down just a little tiny bit. but still awesome! 9--alecia
10/24/2002 08:04:00 PM
Not so much the light source at play here as playing around with yopu camera's balance and contrast.
10/24/2002 01:21:00 PM
That expression, that light. Great job!
10/24/2002 11:28:00 AM
This is a pretty nice picture. I don't like the title of it. I think we can tell it's high-key, well at least I can and I don't know squat. But forget the title, we're critiquing pictures here betwixt arguing in the forums. This is a nice portrait with some pretty BRIGHT lighting, on purpose of course. I don't like the hand on his head. would've been more effective posing in some other fashion. But aside from that, nice job - Inspzil
10/24/2002 10:03:00 AM
Great portrait! Mini-nitpick...i wish the chair wasn't textured...it draws my eye away from the subject. 8 Lisa
10/24/2002 08:43:00 AM
Excellent portrait. The fingers on the head stop the eye leaving the frame. Theres a tiny blemish above his elbow.
10/24/2002 07:11:00 AM
very interesting portrait. a little too contrasty but not much.
10/23/2002 05:12:00 PM
Would like to have seen at least one eye. Don't usually like B & W portraits but this is pretty good. Needs just a little less light on leg and more in middle.
10/23/2002 02:23:00 PM
you get a ten. maybe i'm a big dummy, but i don't know what 'hi-key' means, perhaps you could splain.
10/23/2002 12:05:00 PM
very strong shot! really love the high contrast you used here. (How did you get David Carradine to pose for you, I hear he's a really reclusive guy?) Excellent! (10) ~mcmurma
10/23/2002 10:42:00 AM
I like the strong contrast here. Especially on his face. The more I look at it, the more I find to look at!
10/23/2002 09:58:00 AM
Very good. Wonderful composition achieved with the posture of the subject. The balance between the crossed leg and the insinuated upper hand is the key. The facial expression is exact. Even if the subject may not smoke, I would have not resisted including a lit cigarret smoking on his right hand, in the same position as it stands.
10/23/2002 08:36:00 AM
excellent shot... the hand on the head adds a very intriguing twist tho this photo :) very nice work :) - setzler
10/22/2002 11:19:00 AM
A big 7. JEM
10/22/2002 10:34:00 AM
The hand on the head is distracting.
10/22/2002 10:07:00 AM
got it now - 9
10/21/2002 11:24:00 PM
This shot almost looks like a drawing, and I mean that as a compliment. The lighting is perfect, and the shot has a lot of impact for me. lhall
10/21/2002 09:22:00 PM
indeed, a ten!
10/21/2002 09:06:00 PM
Great contrast. Very thought inspiring. (9)
10/21/2002 08:43:00 PM
Great shot, works very well in B&W. Top 5 for me. An 8
I would like to see a version with the face (esp right cheek) not quite as bright.

Jim msp
10/21/2002 05:58:00 PM
Excellent portrait. Hang it on your wall. 10
10/21/2002 03:54:00 PM
Nice lighting. Might have been better without distraction on right side of head. Otherwise nice.
10/21/2002 02:35:00 PM
Lovely! Fantastic shot. I love the duotone. Very dramatic. Great model. 10
10/21/2002 02:23:00 PM
Great photo! Very dramatic. The thumbnail didn't get my attention but now I see it full size you did an excellent job.
10/21/2002 02:22:00 PM
I love the high contrast in this. karmat
10/21/2002 01:54:00 PM
Nice portrait work. Justine
10/21/2002 01:41:00 PM
Wow. Well lit, great effect, beautifully done.
10/21/2002 01:11:00 PM
A perfect 10 ! This is jsut wonderful !!!!!!!!!!!!!! = 10 Shiiizzzam
10/21/2002 11:46:00 AM
Very Good. Excellent mood, I like his expression. 10 -sojourner
10/21/2002 11:34:00 AM
very good portrait--good show of single light source--9bobgaither
10/21/2002 06:20:00 AM
Not too sure about the position of the right hand (his left) hand, but it's is an excellent image regardless. seasick - 9.
10/21/2002 05:30:00 AM
Excellent portrait. the expression goes along with the lihgting.. good luck

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