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Harmonic Downpour
Harmonic Downpour

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study 2008-11 (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Canon EOS-1D Mark III
Lens: Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM
Location: Newport, NC
Date: Nov 22, 2008
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/4
Galleries: Portraiture, Water
Date Uploaded: Nov 22, 2008

This is Mandy, she was such a good sport for this shoot, it had been raining really hard for most of that afternoon and as soon as we both got off of work she agreed to let me shoot her in it.
Original inspiration was from Larus' photo

It wasn't as cold as every other day this whole month but still pretty cold, and she still was willing to stand in a gas station parking lot while people were watching us to allow me to get this photo. Capturing rain is more difficult than I thought, I learn something new every shoot.

Place: 144 out of 417
Avg (all users): 5.8780
Avg (commenters): 6.7273
Avg (participants): 5.8288
Avg (non-participants): 5.9811
Views since voting: 1140
Views during voting: 339
Votes: 164
Comments: 13
Favorites: 1 (view)

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12/08/2008 10:16:16 AM
I had a feeling this was yours- which is why I immediatly gave it a one and moved on. Just kidding.

This line made me laugh "...a gas station parking lot while people were watching us...."

I bet alot of guys were watching, can't blame them.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/07/2008 07:29:33 PM
huh. yeh i like this, had to think about it a bit though. the texture on the jeans and and the ground(it looks like ice to me). her face seems too white, like the lighting was directed right at her face or something. the capture of the rain coming down looks very cool-7
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12/06/2008 11:26:41 AM
Great! I think controlling the highlights on her would have earned another point from me!
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12/06/2008 10:59:11 AM
Title needs work, but otherwise a great shot.
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12/05/2008 01:22:08 PM
It was a night, much like this one. Dark, stormy. A real bastard of a night.

I was standing alone, in that downpour, having just changed the tire on my car. The thing had blown on me at 90 miles an hour on the freeway, and I'd barely stopped from flipping off the edge. My nerves were shot, and the weather hadn't helped much. Thankfully, the act of putting on the spare had calmed me some, and I was just about to put the jack back in the trunk when she appeared.

Like an apparition, she came from out of the rain. A shadow at first, it was coming down that heavily, but then popping into existence in the glare of my headlights. I thought at first she was a hitchhiker, drawn to my car on the side of the road, wishing to solicit a ride. That thought was quickly put aside however, as I noticed her walk toward me. So confidently, that sly grin upon her face. I began to smile myself, and was about to greet her when I stopped. Something wasn't right, and suddenly every instinct I had was telling me to just get in the car and lock the door. Indeed, I was about to, but had run out of time.

Without a word, she sauntered up to me and enveloped me in her arms. I could only stand there, unmoving, as her touch was cold as ice and I knew she wasn't human. Not like you or me. Then her head leaned in and she whispered in my ear, a sound that was both from her throat yet also in my head as if it had come from all around me.

"Come with me," she said, "Come join us all."

With another sly look, and a half-a-grin, she backed up a step and gestured off the road. Through the rain, into the muddy wastes of the ditch, I could see a light gathering strength. An unnatural blue glow that seemed to penetrate, touch my very soul. I stared at that light and watched as this being, this woman that was not a woman, walked toward the light and gestured me on, and as god is my witness I actually began to move towards her. Towards that light.

Perhaps it was by the grace of that same god that that semi-truck suddenly appeared out of nowhere that night. Its lights suddenly burst through the rain and illuminated us. With a shriek that split my ears, the apparition that was this woman suddenly burst into a frozen mist that was quickly swallowed in the murk, and she was gone. The rig blasted its horn twice and then shot past me with only inches to spare. How I kept my feet in the riptide of wind that followed, I'll never know, but keep them I did. Had I fallen then, I believe that whatever was waiting out there, in the darkness, would have taken me anyway, angry at the interruption, but I did not fall.

For a couple of seconds more I stared off the side of the freeway, at the light that was still there, but it had faded, and with a sudden realization of terror and relief, I was knocked out of my reverie and bolted for my car.

Never in my life had I been so scared as I was that night, and I swear what I tell you is true. The night of that downpour. The night I was nearly taken by a modern day siren, the night I nearly lost myself to the evil on Freeway 101.
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12/05/2008 09:43:23 AM
I like this pic, I think the composition is great and I think it's got an edgy, sexy feel without going overboard.
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12/05/2008 09:02:32 AM
Good idea. Great execution. 8
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12/03/2008 08:17:49 PM
Great title.
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12/03/2008 07:31:13 PM
Excellent lighting, the sheen from the ground is nice. Not quite sure of the point of the unzipped coat with no bra on and not sure it adds anything to the photo .... I don't think it takes anything away either! I really like rain, adds a lot imho, it's something different so overall a great shot.
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12/02/2008 09:48:09 PM
Well done. Very well done. The rain is perfect and I really like the ground and the blown stuff and the reflection. (not voting yet)
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12/02/2008 08:01:13 AM
Nice, would have liked the texture of the rain to come out more, if I had processed this I would have masked out the sky area and try to bring that out more, either with sharpening, contrast or whatever would have done the job. Otherwise pretty cool!
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12/01/2008 08:43:39 PM
I like the balance of the light and dark backgrounds. If I look hard, maybe I can see raindrops splashing, or is that my imagination.
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12/01/2008 05:23:14 AM
nice...she looks freezing! Light is good...
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