Author | Thread |
07/08/2018 05:31:59 AM |
what a fun image .... :)
and funny ... not funny .. but you are still unwell .. hopefully you had a break in the last 10 years .. lol .. !! ..;) |
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12/06/2011 09:29:45 PM |
I gave this one a 10 during the challenge. I can't fathom why I neglected to FAV. I'll make up for it now! ;-) |
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03/06/2011 04:10:39 AM |
Still one of my favourites. |
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06/04/2010 01:14:35 PM |
It's like a dream that paused so you could breathe it. There is no comparison. You nailed it! |
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05/12/2010 08:10:26 AM |
I absolutely adore this shot!! |
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03/03/2010 01:22:18 AM |
I still love this. What a marvelous photo and what a wonderful memory! |
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09/03/2009 08:54:34 PM |
so lovely and well done!! |
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08/21/2009 03:48:55 PM |
It makes me feel that when everything is wrong, bad and sad, this little girl shows how to be really happy. Lovely shot, great silhouette! |
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06/04/2009 11:45:26 AM |
Commented once on this already, but it is always so nice to revisit. |
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12/23/2008 06:14:31 AM |
Sweeeet! She walks on air! Congrats, Sara, on a great score and excellent finish. |
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12/22/2008 06:04:23 PM |
Very cool shot Sara! Congrats on the score and placement.
Cheers and have a wonderful end of year! |
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12/15/2008 08:10:09 PM |
so good. Say again why you are on a suck team :) |
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12/10/2008 07:32:30 PM |
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12/09/2008 02:13:46 AM |
This is perfect in all its elements. |
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12/08/2008 10:51:43 PM |
PostLuminous Award Nominee!
magnificently seen and executed--superb |
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12/08/2008 09:35:27 PM |
Ok, there will be one day that DPC will recognise pure art and will put shots like this in the first page. |
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12/08/2008 09:15:18 PM |
Well, knowing you were both in Rome together, I had a 50/50 chance of being right in my guess - shoulda named you both. :) Beautiful photo, a real achievement. |
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12/08/2008 11:39:59 AM |
You got a 10 from me! I'm disappointed not to see this one place higher... |
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12/08/2008 08:56:13 AM |
what a perfect capture of childhood and glee!
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12/08/2008 04:54:21 AM |
great picture - should have been on the front page - but hey this is DPC |
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12/08/2008 02:59:44 AM |
Congratulations!!! Were this mine, it would be the highlight of my year - I'm so very pleased you entered it. You reversed it, didn't you? Or am I thinking of a different frame? |
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12/08/2008 02:26:56 AM |
Congratulations on a strong finish! Adore this image... |
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12/08/2008 12:20:03 AM |
Sara, well done on such a great score. This was one of my favourites and certainly a high score. My kind of pic. |
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12/08/2008 12:17:50 AM |
one of my 10's. ed clarke would be proud to have shot this. |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
12/07/2008 11:37:39 PM |
Great shot, very interesting, 10 |
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12/07/2008 11:03:29 PM |
lovely treatment here. It's strange when you capture a moment like this - I almost wonder iff a bird gets landed upon - but tehn i tell myself I'm being silly. Silly is always good. 8 |
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12/07/2008 04:50:04 PM |
Great black and white shot. Brings a smile to the face. |
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12/07/2008 04:45:18 PM |
For some reason this has a e301 feel to it. Maybe from the subject and the sillouette. Very cute and a wonderful candid. 8 Bump to 9 |
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12/06/2008 04:06:21 PM |
Great parallel between the little girl and the birds - they both share the same privilege. |
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12/06/2008 12:35:13 PM |
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12/06/2008 12:22:08 PM |
nice fleeting moment to capture. contrast is a bit too much for me. |
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12/06/2008 02:22:41 AM |
Great moment! Love the deep shadows. |
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12/05/2008 05:00:48 PM |
E301? I doubt it, not seen him around. Compliment though, I like this. |
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12/05/2008 10:45:17 AM |
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12/05/2008 12:08:32 AM |
Wonderful silhouette work. This photo dances with the girl. |
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12/04/2008 07:15:05 PM |
Timeless. youth, play, energy, and unawareness of the 'big' people. favd and Good luck! |
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12/04/2008 09:33:18 AM |
The feeling of the child running into the frame is great. You have done a great job of bringing her to the forefront of the image. |
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12/04/2008 06:27:18 AM |
a tad underexposed, other than that a very fine piece |
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12/03/2008 08:37:21 PM |
The feet off the ground really makes this image. The light is perfect. |
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12/03/2008 07:39:15 PM |
Weeeeeeee. Such a fun capture. |
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12/03/2008 01:38:51 PM |
so much at play here. excellent timing and the silhouettes work wonderfully. 8 After viewing all others, bumping to 9 |
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12/02/2008 11:33:46 PM |
It's lucky the light helps outline your subject. Without it the figures in the background really detract from the story. Otherwise.... wonderful! |
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12/02/2008 07:32:27 PM |
This is such a delightful and sublime photograph. It gets my highest marks. Good luck.
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12/02/2008 07:09:01 PM |
I love the silhouetted effect the lighting creates - nice shot. |
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12/02/2008 04:24:40 PM |
Nice capture of utter joy. |
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12/02/2008 10:40:50 AM |
Awesome shot! The half bodies in the background are a little distracting to me but I'm sure you didn't have a choice. |
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12/02/2008 08:05:39 AM |
Lovely candid and use of contrast!that she is the only full figure in this adds to the emotion. |
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12/02/2008 07:31:13 AM |
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12/01/2008 11:09:10 PM |
Oh, superb! This has got a nice array of elements which contribute solidly to the mood & title. I love th empathetic connection to the girl & how it seems like she could almost keep rising up - such a strong 'Mary Poppins'-esque feel to a very emotive candid... -- 10 -- |
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12/01/2008 09:43:28 PM |
Out of all the weird, atrsy, and eclectic B&W street photography shots I have ever seen, this is the first one that actually connected with me that I understand the concept. Excellent! Fav & 9 |
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12/01/2008 09:30:27 PM |
at last I found something I like, such a beautiful care-free image, well done. |
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12/01/2008 09:19:13 PM |
Lovely evocation of uninhibited childhood. I don't usually guess photographers in my comments, but this struck me immediately as something Melethia would enter. |
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12/01/2008 01:18:36 PM |
Divine! The silhouettes ,the hint of backlighting on the girls hair just lovely 8 |
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12/01/2008 01:00:07 PM |
This is a lot of fun. I'm surprised the pigeons haven't flown off. Nice light and it works very well in b&w. |
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12/01/2008 12:34:00 PM |
Absolutely beautiful, damn near perfect, so much captured in such a simple shot. |
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12/01/2008 12:28:58 PM |
wonderful shot. the pigeon behind her back is like her slightly distorted reflection |
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12/01/2008 10:14:35 AM |
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12/01/2008 09:38:37 AM |
well done, very interesting image.7 |
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12/01/2008 12:57:47 AM |
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12/01/2008 12:55:54 AM |
Love the low key approach. We can still see the delight in her face. Nice. |
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12/01/2008 12:11:51 AM |
So fun! beautiful sillhouette. You took advantage of the available lighting very well. |
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