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FeO3 Spider (Daddy Long Leg's can NOT live on Rust alone)
FeO3 Spider (Daddy Long Leg's can NOT live on Rust alone)

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Rusted (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 5700
Location: Novato California Home
Date: May 4, 2004
Aperture: f7.3
ISO: ?
Shutter: 1/244.4
Date Uploaded: May 4, 2004

THis is a picture of the remains of a Daddy Long Legs that had nothing to eat but rust.

Original date/time: 2004:05:04 18:17:41
Exposure time: 1/244.40
F-stop: 7.3
Focal length: 25.4000
Flash: Not fired
Exposure bias: 0.0000
Metering mode: Pattern
Exposure program: Aperture priority
Digitized date/time: 2004:05:04 18:17:41
Modified date/time: 2004:05:04 18:17:41
Image description:
Reference black/white: 0.0000,255.0000,0.0000,255.0000,0.0000,255.0000
Camera make: NIKON
Camera model: E5700
X resolution: 300.0000
Y resolution: 300.0000
Resolution unit: Inches
Camera version: E5700v1.1
Colorspace: sRGB
File source: DSC

Record Version: 2.0
Keyword: Rust DPC
Caption: Rust DPC
[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]
Nikon COOLPIX5700
Focal Length: 25.4mm
White Balance: Auto
Digital Zoom Ratio: 1.00
2004/05/04 18:17:41
Exposure Mode: Aperture Priority
AF Mode: AF-C
Saturation comp: 0
RAW (12-bit)
Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern
Tone Comp: Auto
Sharpening: Auto
Image Size: 2560 x 1920
1/244.4 sec - f/7.3
Flash Sync Mode: Not Attached
Noise Reduction: OFF
[#End of Shooting Data Section]

Place: 303 out of 443
Avg (all users): 4.8269
Avg (commenters): 6.0000
Avg (participants): 4.6727
Avg (non-participants): 5.0424
Views since voting: 1152
Votes: 283
Comments: 16
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/10/2004 09:43:39 PM
Reminds me of Plato's shadows on the wall and how hard it is to see reality. Beautiful rust surface, beautifully photographed.

A 9.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/10/2004 12:23:27 PM
Good idea, composition and color. A wider DOF would make the spider's body more clear.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/09/2004 09:37:10 PM
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background 5
Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing 6
Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc. 3
How well does it meet the challenge: 7
Total Averaged Rating(Rounded) 5
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/09/2004 05:50:45 PM
What's the point? (for us ignorant non-chemists/entomologists )
05/09/2004 12:04:44 PM
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background 8
Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing 7
Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc.? 7
How well does it meet the challenge: 9
Total Averaged Rating 7.75 Dick
Wish the spyder wasn't so blown out.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/07/2004 11:28:04 PM
Has the mars rover found life?
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/07/2004 01:45:39 PM
clever focus.....love the Martian landscape...one of the best
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/07/2004 05:01:13 AM
Some DOF issues here, It would've been more striking if the spider and rust background were in focus.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/07/2004 01:24:13 AM
Tough shot, and terrific take on the challenge. You found good rust and a super kicker in that insect! Hope this does very well and pays off on the patience you had to find it!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/05/2004 08:29:14 PM
This is so much orange and red, which normally would unappeal to me, but this is interesting, like a martian soil and alien or something.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/05/2004 06:06:50 PM
Think the insect needed to be in focus as well as its shadow. Really bright rust--disturbingly bright. (Just my thoughts.)
05/05/2004 05:15:21 PM
For me the spider needs to be more obvious, and/or in focus. I see the shadow, but find it difficult to pick out the spideer itself. Also, that little grass stalk to the left of the spider needs to be removed.
05/05/2004 10:26:19 AM
Hey, no fair going to Mars on a photo shoot, and not taking the rest of us! Too bad your Martian spider is not in focus.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/05/2004 08:47:20 AM
The spider seems to be a bit out of focus.
05/05/2004 02:25:00 AM
Unfortunately he is out of focus; it would have been a better shot with a larger DOF.
05/05/2004 12:36:39 AM
what is this red clay?

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