Author | Thread |
07/22/2010 02:09:33 AM |
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11/29/2009 03:15:36 PM |
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10/29/2009 12:51:21 AM |
Such an adorable dog and the processing is awesome. |
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07/13/2009 01:20:18 PM |
This one is just too cute for words - it makes me smile every time I visit your profile page! |
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02/21/2009 11:03:31 AM |
Every time I see this, I melt. Is she a poodle? Portugese water spaniel? Labradoodle? Whatever, such a sweetie. |
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02/21/2009 10:52:37 AM |
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01/26/2009 04:25:29 PM |
Hey Max, just saw this one. Congrats on an awesome photo, and a huge new PB!! Love the processing. |
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01/22/2009 09:56:56 PM |
Well done. Love the eyes. Ton of favs! |
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01/22/2009 06:26:08 PM |
Iknew this was gonna do well she is sweet dog,imagine if you had put them both in the boxgreat job and congrats Max.. love ya donna |
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01/22/2009 11:36:18 AM |
Congratulations on 4th place. This is just TOO CUTE!!! Love the processing too and the nice focus. Wow, look at all those favs. |
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01/21/2009 07:16:42 PM |
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01/20/2009 08:15:10 PM |
Your Vote: 10
Your Comment: N/A
This was one of my 10's, I loved this shot, you will have to let me know what this topaz layer thingy is!
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01/20/2009 12:50:06 AM |
awwwww. They don't come much cuter than this one. |
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01/19/2009 10:45:34 PM |
Woooohooooo! Congrats, Max! What a cute dog and wonderful image. Hooray for your honorable mention and new personal best! :) |
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01/19/2009 09:32:47 PM |
She just makes me smile. And so does your ribbon, Max. congrats! |
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01/19/2009 06:30:06 PM |
Adding this to my favorites This is just lovely so cute and adorable |
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01/19/2009 04:26:59 PM |
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01/19/2009 02:20:26 PM |
This is absolutely ADORABLE!!! Fantastic editing & the perfect pose, congrats on 4th place!! |
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01/19/2009 01:33:19 PM |
This is a FABULOUS image! Congratulations on the high finish and new PB score, it is well deserved! |
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01/19/2009 12:54:02 PM |
Congratulations Maxi. And yes, we do know how much it means :-)
If it's any consolation, I'm thinking of starting an on-line Updaters Anonymous support group. I also heard that roller coaster score-induced anti-anxiety meds are in the works... |
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01/19/2009 12:08:03 PM |
So darling...congrats..nice job! |
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01/19/2009 11:00:47 AM |
Awwwww, I just knew this one was going to be in the very top few. I'm so happy to see it with at least an honorable mention. This is so much more than just a pet portrait. It is a photography study on how to capture the soul and personality of an animal subject. FABULOUS work! |
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01/19/2009 10:34:10 AM |
I did not finish voting so I did not get to this photo. How adorable! What a sweet face. She loves her daddy! Congrats on 4th place and a new PB!! |
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01/19/2009 10:27:38 AM |
Well done! From a fellow dog lover. |
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01/19/2009 10:21:59 AM |
This was hands down the finest doggy shot I've ever seen. I just loved it. I think it deserved a ribbon.
Fabulous finish. |
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01/19/2009 10:17:02 AM |
Outstanding shot, Max, and way to go on an excellent, excellent finish!! And your dog is an awesome model. |
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01/19/2009 08:58:22 AM |
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01/19/2009 08:51:25 AM |
Congrats for a great finish and a new PB :) |
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01/19/2009 07:33:44 AM |
Awesome Max!! Congratson the finish. |
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01/19/2009 07:32:47 AM |
This is a great shot, with really brilliant PP work. You make a living shooting people's pets in this style. Nicely done. |
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01/19/2009 07:31:44 AM |
Wow, congratulations on a new personal best Max. Love the dog! |
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01/19/2009 07:28:34 AM |
Whoa! A PB. Good for you. Congrats! |
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01/19/2009 07:10:15 AM |
What an AWESOME image, and the lighting is just PERFECT, and the model is a sweety..... You ROCK mate and look at that score..... |
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01/19/2009 07:07:48 AM |
Congratulations on the PB! I like to think our little head to head competition had something to do with it. Awesome shot! |
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01/19/2009 06:47:05 AM |
Congratz on your 4th place. I gave you a 9 during voting plus a comment. |
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01/19/2009 06:23:52 AM |
Heh Max way to go!! Excellent image and she is totally adorable. Congratulations on your HM and personal best, I expect you to be in the top 3 very soon. Love the processing.
Sue |
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01/19/2009 06:11:49 AM |
Max that is you!!!! Congrats what a great shot. |
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01/19/2009 05:32:20 AM |
Nice!!! Way to go Max
Great score Great finish. Congrats on the PB ... I wonder if Tupacs people will want to use this shot on a CD rerelease of 'Unconditional Love' :D |
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01/19/2009 05:14:32 AM |
Wow Max, well done! Sooooo close to that ribbon. A great shot and a wonderful score. So very richly deserved by a great guy and a great photographer. :) I also have a 4th and a 5th so I know how you feel. |
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01/19/2009 05:08:21 AM |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
01/18/2009 03:22:31 PM |
They say that pets often remind us of their owners.
I don't even want to try and imagine what this guy must look like :D
Great shot. Your lighting is awesome ... I love the textures in the fur ... Very well done
Good luck |
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01/17/2009 01:01:36 PM |
This is great. Excellent pose, all that curly fur... good job with the lighting, too. |
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01/17/2009 10:14:07 AM |
Love this...excellent textures and that face!! Well done. |
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01/16/2009 06:10:53 PM |
Very cute dog. Excellent expression. I go back and forth on the processing, not sure if it hurts or helps. But, I like the image as it is, so it can't hurt. 8 |
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01/16/2009 04:23:59 PM |
What a super cute pooch. To me, the colors are a little bizarre and not natural. I'm still going high with a 9 |
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01/15/2009 04:34:11 PM |
awww my dog looks just like that when his hair is cut |
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01/14/2009 09:59:18 PM |
beautiful background and subject. The lighting is great and texture of this photo is incredible. Awesome. 10 |
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01/14/2009 02:31:20 PM |
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01/14/2009 02:07:13 PM |
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01/14/2009 08:19:07 AM |
color tones not really my taste , still nice shot, excellent detail, lovely pose, 8 |
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01/13/2009 10:21:53 AM |
Great face :-) Well lit and posed. Processing seems a little harsh to me for such a sweet, soft-looking subject. I think it's the muted sort of color on the dog which looks rather unnatural for my taste. Really, really cute expression, though; I do enjoy looking at it. |
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01/13/2009 08:35:49 AM |
This is a good puppy shot. I like the green background and the textures, but it's a little bit too over-exposed/processed. |
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01/13/2009 07:22:58 AM |
oh, I want this! Please, can you send this lovely little one to me?
Really nice portrait! Background-color works well. |
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01/13/2009 06:52:53 AM |
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01/12/2009 11:53:43 PM |
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01/12/2009 10:37:07 PM |
Very very nice. I love the look of the dog :)
PS, I'm not voting on this challenge, just commenting on some pictures :) |
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01/12/2009 09:32:17 PM |
I love it!!! Great lighting, but I'd have liked clearer eyes. |
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01/12/2009 09:27:00 PM |
Love the glow around the pup! But the pooch looks a bit green himself, and a tad over exposed. |
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01/12/2009 08:31:12 PM |
What a sweet looking pup. |
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01/12/2009 07:01:57 PM |
Oh, cute ... what a lovely expression. Really like the processing on this too. |
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01/12/2009 03:08:17 PM |
CLoser crop would help... cute processing |
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01/12/2009 01:35:33 PM |
Darling dog and you really caught his/her expression. |
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01/12/2009 12:21:09 PM |
nice portrait with great impact on the viewer. |
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01/12/2009 12:01:56 PM |
great expression and exposure. colors work well together. |
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01/12/2009 11:21:58 AM |
Cute puppy, Great detail in the fur. I like your processing ... urban acid-y? |
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01/12/2009 11:08:10 AM |
Love the PP'ing here. Excellent puppy portrait! |
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01/12/2009 10:22:27 AM |
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01/12/2009 10:00:32 AM |
Oh what a cutie! Funny expression, love all those curls of fur. |
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01/12/2009 08:27:22 AM |
I really like the photo. Looks like a painting. Great eyes. 9 |
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01/12/2009 05:49:09 AM |
I love the editing you did in this picture. |
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01/12/2009 04:06:09 AM |
So very cute and wonderful processing. 9 |
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01/12/2009 03:19:10 AM |
Absolutely beautiful. And the colors are superb. 10 and a fav. |
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01/12/2009 03:03:55 AM |
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01/12/2009 01:10:48 AM |
i'd love to read the process on this image. its awesome. |
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01/12/2009 12:43:53 AM |
Oh My GAWD. That is the cutest face I've ever seen. I even like that weird green vignette. 9 |
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01/12/2009 12:21:11 AM |
awesome pet is great as is the green bg...8 |
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