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Opposite Sex : Caught in the Act!
Opposite Sex : Caught in the Act!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Opposites (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Olympus C-740UZ
Location: Out side our gate, QC, Philippines
Date: May 10, 2004
Aperture: f3.2
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/200
Galleries: Candid, Animals
Date Uploaded: May 9, 2004

I hope this is not a taboo here :)

I have a couple of ideas for this challenge, but those are setup shots. I'm preparing to leave this morning (May 10) going to voting precints (it's election day here in the Philippines). I saw our neighbor's dogs in front of our gate. There were 3 male dogs running after this female. The brown one was lucky to come in first. :)

I have several shots of them, in different angle and positions.... I thought this one is the best and somewhat discreet.

Sharpen a little
Enhanced Contrast a little
Enhanced Saturation a little

Place: 272 out of 286
Avg (all users): 3.7095
Avg (commenters): 4.1364
Avg (participants): 3.6048
Avg (non-participants): 3.7849
Views since voting: 2232
Votes: 296
Comments: 28
Favorites: 0

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05/19/2004 02:54:34 AM
You're welcome (I gave you one of the 26 6's). Actually I didn't find the shot to be really within the challenge, but I "allowed it", reading the title.

On a side note, I'm so sick of reading the Moral Majority comments all over this site whenever there is nudity, violence or anything that doesn't fit in to their american dreaming Mr Rogers Neighbourhood.

That the subject might be poor taste in their eyes doesn't make it a bad image and this is a site about photography, not moral consent. There are no limits to art, and it surely is in the beholders eye. Your image to me was well worth the 6. Or perhaps it wasn't, and I fell in the trap of playing their game - upgrading it just a bit for you having the guts to post it? Can't tell. I do know I almost gave you a 10 for the same reason, but felt it would be wrong. I Would never vote an image down for depicting something I didn't like anyway - I'd like to sleep well at night.

Thank you for posting a controversial subject.
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05/19/2004 12:37:27 AM
I'd like to thank all of you guys for your comments, good or bad, nice or not-so-nice, it doesn't matter....I mean all are warmly accepted.

wow...a whooping 53 1's, 50 3's, 51 4's and 57 5's....

I thought it is cool, I thought I've captured something different...yes dogs are well photograph, and the subject is rather common. But how often do you see an "action" or "scene" like this in front of your gate?

This is my lowest score so far, but it really doesn't matter to me. But who wants a lower score anyway? :( I'm pretty happy if I get an average, but will be very happy if I get a higher one. I enjoy this site very much and I love entering every challenges. I guess I should be more selective now of my entries so I won't get slammed.

Again thanks folks especially those who gave 6, 7, 8 ,9 and 10

Cheers :)
 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/18/2004 08:06:33 PM
The colors are just wonderful here- how it's all muted beige and browns. The subject is actually rather well done, though I get little sense of opposites in this setting. The framing is nice as is the exposure and focus. Did you happen to feed any of these dogs? They look pretty scrawny.
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05/18/2004 09:54:34 AM
This is like a train wreck. Ugly, buy you can't keep from looking at it.
05/18/2004 01:30:50 AM
Is that bite mark on her butt? Hee Hee Hee. Very nicely caught! 10 - mostly for the humour, but also for great capture of detail in the detail in their fur.
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05/17/2004 11:09:07 PM
The street really adds to the urban/ferocious feeling of this photo -- excellent job!
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05/17/2004 01:23:42 PM
Too funny!
Great right time at the right place.
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05/17/2004 12:32:07 PM
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05/16/2004 05:50:17 PM
what ugly dogs, but they look like they are enjoying themselves. Not sure how to score this one, it certainly catches the eye from amongst all those 'fire & ice' or 'black & whiite' shots -
05/15/2004 04:37:59 PM
I don't even know what to say. 1
05/15/2004 07:01:20 AM
This is more of a snapshot to me. Not sure that the subject matter really works here :)
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05/14/2004 05:37:00 PM
Opposite sex, indeed. But the image as a whole doesn't convey "opposite." Otherwise, good detail and frame.
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05/14/2004 05:08:56 PM
gonna have to read the comments you get from othesr, ive a feeling your gonne get bashed... good luck!
05/14/2004 12:16:14 PM
I know you're going to get slammed on this, but I think it's absolutely hilarious. 10 from me.
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05/14/2004 11:53:48 AM
This is st6retching the opposites theme. From a technical perespective there isn't enough contrast between subjects and background to really make it interesting either.
05/14/2004 09:42:13 AM
The choice of subject matter is rather common. It's well photographed, though.
05/13/2004 11:55:14 PM
all i can say is... ew...not very tasteful
05/13/2004 09:16:11 PM
That is just....
05/13/2004 04:29:41 AM
Don't see the opposites...
05/12/2004 09:47:52 PM
05/12/2004 05:21:08 PM
oph mn your gonna get blasted.. too funny....
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05/12/2004 02:24:36 PM
That really is unnecessary. :o(
05/12/2004 01:33:55 PM
Well, gosh, what can I say? From the looks of the dogs they are strays and she's still nursing. Nothing really here to hold my interest, any chance you might catch them and get them fixed? A 2
05/12/2004 01:20:45 PM
Nah !!
05/12/2004 01:07:11 PM
Was just wonder - did you get lucky with this shot, or is this more like an everyday view outside your window?
05/12/2004 09:49:26 AM
05/12/2004 03:48:50 AM
good lighting and composition. a little oversharpened
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/12/2004 12:56:23 AM

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