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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Hidden Gem -- 1,000th Challenge! (Advanced Editing VII*)
Camera: Kodak Z7590
Location: Portland, OR
Date: May 4, 2008
Aperture: f/8.0
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/1000
Date Uploaded: Mar 5, 2009


Place: 426 out of 1129
Avg (all users): 5.7750
Avg (commenters): 6.6792
Avg (participants): 5.7770
Avg (non-participants): 5.7639
Views since voting: 916
Views during voting: 663
Votes: 480
Comments: 60
Favorites: 2 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/17/2009 07:34:02 PM
I love this, it reminds me of the days of my youth that were so carefree. The action in the water drops is so cool.
03/17/2009 04:01:46 PM
Very nice! 7
03/17/2009 01:58:23 PM
nice moment , six ;)

03/17/2009 11:56:30 AM
Love this one a lot!
03/16/2009 09:55:57 PM
Beautiful shot.
03/16/2009 06:30:18 PM
So fun!

Not voting yet.
03/16/2009 03:48:57 PM
to dark for me...to many details lost
03/16/2009 03:05:18 PM
Beautiful capture! Great use of neg space to evoke a stronger emotional response. Well done.
03/16/2009 10:33:38 AM
This belongs in a book, was my first thought when this clicked open. The mix of innocence, vulnerability, enigma, & danger captures my attention and emotion.
03/16/2009 07:59:23 AM
This is wonderful - his anticipation is clear in his body language, and it's magical.
03/16/2009 04:19:03 AM
Well captured and presented. Like the energy!!!
03/16/2009 12:57:02 AM
Extraordinary capture, the detail and composition are outstanding.
03/15/2009 10:45:39 PM
Good shot.
03/15/2009 01:59:54 PM
for me less on the left would have added to the image, jmo
03/15/2009 01:24:31 PM
Nice silhouette. Good capture of freezing the water.
03/15/2009 12:07:25 PM
Title doesn't work because all we see is the silhouette and water. Why now a title that gives us the real context. Visually this works well however and it is after all a photo not an English class. 6
03/15/2009 12:01:35 PM
Looks like he's having fun, nice capture of the water.
03/15/2009 10:44:00 AM
Before I even read the title, my first thought was what gleeful, innocent fun
03/15/2009 10:41:00 AM
a capture moment of joy
03/14/2009 10:33:54 PM
Very nice. Whenever I see something like I take pictures but never came out with something like this.
03/14/2009 08:40:09 PM
Kids love to play in the water.
03/14/2009 03:43:18 PM
Cool action shot. Nice use of the light.
03/14/2009 01:48:28 PM
Surf's up!!
03/14/2009 01:22:39 PM
Beautiful capture. Great composition.
03/14/2009 10:55:29 AM
nice image rekindles my childhood
03/14/2009 08:28:02 AM
Superb shot. I love the details and luminosity of the breaking wave. Great exposure and excellent contrast. Looks almost like a black and white shot until one notices the blue in the boys bathing trunks and the bit of green whatever in the top right hand corner. 8
03/14/2009 05:52:38 AM
This looks like fun, playing with all that water. Nice light and contrast.
03/14/2009 05:51:29 AM
sweet shot perspective
03/14/2009 04:34:10 AM
great backlighting creating a very dynamic shot, nicely composed and great exposure
03/13/2009 09:33:48 PM
wish there was a little more light on the child.
03/13/2009 12:07:39 PM
03/13/2009 06:01:30 AM
Explosive. Great tones. 7.
03/13/2009 12:16:57 AM
The feeling of fun is well conveyed, lovely.
03/12/2009 08:33:41 PM
The texture here is startling, even eerie. Excellent PP, wonderful capture.
03/12/2009 08:20:44 PM
I love the texture of the water, It looks almost like a wave. The unbalanced composition really gives a sense of motion.
03/12/2009 08:12:20 PM
03/12/2009 08:00:28 PM
Coming back to comment...

So sweet!
03/12/2009 06:51:54 PM
Great silhouette shot. Love the light play on the water. The light on the ground makes the water look like snow.
03/12/2009 06:25:23 PM
Very nice silhouette. I'd like to see it with his right arm defined as well, but still a nice capture.
03/12/2009 05:19:49 PM
Good pic and action.
03/12/2009 05:02:07 PM
Great capture, the exposure is masterful.
03/12/2009 02:33:39 PM
Good texture.
03/12/2009 11:31:32 AM
This is such a great capture. I love silhouettes anyway, but this one is special in the quality of the lighting & the charming subject.
03/12/2009 09:57:42 AM
looks like a fun time, I like how you've captured this as a silohuette
03/12/2009 07:59:50 AM
cool silhoutte, 6
03/12/2009 03:51:44 AM
I like the silhouette against the bright water, all says "fun" to me
03/11/2009 08:52:11 PM
good capture, good silhouette.
03/11/2009 07:47:50 PM
I love the detail you were able to capture in the spray, although I wish I could see the subject a little bit better.
03/11/2009 04:24:09 PM
I love these kinds of shots. I find the title a little cheesy, to be honest, but I dont think that takes away from the shot at all.
03/11/2009 02:53:18 PM
Ha ha. Looks like a blast!
03/11/2009 11:18:46 AM
Wasn't it grand? I might have cropped in a little tighter.
03/11/2009 11:10:57 AM
I love the silhoutte of the child here and the stop action of the wate. Well done
03/11/2009 10:33:50 AM
Congratulations on being part of this 1000th challenge on DPC. Keep up the good work!!
03/11/2009 09:44:48 AM
nice picture
03/11/2009 09:39:49 AM
Nice composition and feel.
03/11/2009 02:53:29 AM
Magical shot!
03/11/2009 02:49:32 AM
He almost looks alienlike.. love the spray/dirt in the air..
03/11/2009 01:12:33 AM
With a force of energy unmatched in his limited experience and scope, the spray of water exploded towards him. The unexpected surge copped a shocked little scream from him, partly from delight, and partly from fear. As it soaked him to the bone, and he realized that this wall of spray and water would not hurt him, the fear turned into full amazement and joy and his laughter rang true.

And so it was that he ran through the mists, the laughter ringing in the ears of all within sound, waiting for the next blast to catch him unawares. Never knowing when it would come, ever anticipating.

It is such a thrill, the discoveries of childhood.
03/11/2009 01:10:37 AM
A splash of light, and a time of play.
03/11/2009 12:48:26 AM
Great shot and title. I like the silhouette

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