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One of those days
One of those days

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Hidden Gem -- 1,000th Challenge! (Advanced Editing VII*)
Camera: Canon EOS-400D Rebel XTi
Lens: Canon EF 70-200mm f/4.0L IS USM
Location: Denver Zoo
Date: May 18, 2007
Aperture: f4
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/40
Galleries: Humorous, Animals
Date Uploaded: Mar 7, 2009


Place: 788 out of 1129
Avg (all users): 5.2004
Avg (commenters): 5.7671
Avg (participants): 5.2114
Avg (non-participants): 5.1446
Views since voting: 1059
Views during voting: 707
Votes: 504
Comments: 82
Favorites: 2 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/17/2009 06:24:56 PM
Very nicely done i like the capture and the clarity of the subject
03/17/2009 01:32:29 PM
Gordon plopped down on his favorite branch and sighed. It was rough, sometimes, the daily grind. Flitting from tree to tree, gathering nuts, outrunning those filthy canine terrors of the neighborhood yards, avoiding those monstrous metal behemoths on the roads, playing up to the laughter and attention of the human children.

Yes, it was tough being a squirrel sometimes. So tough.
03/17/2009 12:22:44 PM
colors are a bit flat, could use some sharpening
03/17/2009 12:18:20 PM
Very nicely composed and a good capture. Would be good to sharpen it up a bit more, and maybe try to shift the lighting to emphasize the face a bit more. (Not voting, just commenting.)
  Photographer found comment helpful.
03/17/2009 10:35:56 AM
Haha, I don't know how they lay like that without falling off. Great DOF and a great moment to capture.
03/17/2009 10:09:44 AM
Delightful image. Lovely bokeh.
03/17/2009 06:40:32 AM
Great image, well spotted but feels a tad soft
03/17/2009 04:21:14 AM
nice capture, too bad it is not really sharp
03/17/2009 04:09:16 AM
Could have benefitted from post-processing! (You had the subject!)
03/16/2009 11:51:28 PM
Oh that is funny. Lovely shot, and beautiful bg bokeh.
03/16/2009 08:48:31 PM
I can relate.
03/16/2009 03:01:15 PM
Good shot. A bit more focus on the squirrel would score higher.
03/16/2009 02:23:58 PM
I'm having one today. Haha, great photo...
03/16/2009 10:50:57 AM
I like the photo - A bit more contrast would add to this shot - but still -a nice capture.
03/16/2009 10:34:53 AM
:)))) sooo funny
yet its just four from me coz of the quality ;D
take care
03/16/2009 04:07:55 AM
03/15/2009 09:43:34 PM
Creative title and photo. How centered can one photo and one squirrel be! Very, very, nice.
03/15/2009 09:33:23 PM
nice capture
03/15/2009 09:21:46 PM
lol aw!! so cute!
03/15/2009 08:28:55 PM
good subject, but playing with it in the shop might make it stronger
03/15/2009 07:19:18 PM
Very cute, but not sharp enough
03/15/2009 03:14:36 PM
This photo is so funny! I think it would have been a little better if the features were a little sharper, but I just love the pose he is in.
03/15/2009 03:01:31 PM
focus is a bit off
03/15/2009 11:59:53 AM
Nice shot but the focus for me is off
03/15/2009 11:24:58 AM
This squirrel needs a massage! nice catch!
03/15/2009 05:52:05 AM
Cute squirrel. Looks like a DPC'er after given 1000 comments.
03/15/2009 12:48:41 AM
I love it! Great catch. I have never seen a squirrel do that. Maybe a tiny bit more sharpening would bring out the squirrel's details.
03/15/2009 12:12:14 AM
Don't take this the wrong way but as I see DPC as a learning experience here is my frank critique:

This comes across as a snapshot. By that I mean that I feel that anybody standing where you were with a camera could have gone click and got this result. I think a photographer should aim to do more than that. I may be wrong and perhaps you do have more of a story to your shot but the fact is that it doesn't come across to the viewer.

As an example, if you were in Paris and saw the Eiffel Tower you could hold the camera and go click. You'd have a shot that millions of other tourists have and would be good as a record of your holiday. I think at DPC you need more than that. You need to consider the POV - make it something that enhances the tower (include a flowerbed or kissing couple in the foreground), make use of lighting (dusk for shadows), composition (maybe include the buildings beside it to get a sense of scale).

I hope this helps and please don't be offended, I'm only offering an opinion.
03/14/2009 11:53:22 PM
lol...I have these all the time!
03/14/2009 10:13:41 PM
nice capture
03/14/2009 07:13:27 PM
A little more DoF would work.
03/14/2009 05:31:08 PM
Ha! So cute. A bit fuzzy, did you use a long zoom?
03/14/2009 04:55:51 PM
really cute capture
03/14/2009 12:22:37 PM
LOL! Great picture.
03/14/2009 08:02:57 AM
This really made me laugh. Thanks!
03/14/2009 03:16:26 AM
03/14/2009 02:59:23 AM
That describes my day exactly!! Great capture. The picture does seem a little flat to me though.
03/13/2009 11:13:47 PM
Dude... I relate
03/13/2009 10:15:44 PM
So funny! I've never seen a squirrel do this, now I wish I could in real life...an entire tree full of lazing squirrels. How great would that be?!
03/13/2009 08:39:01 PM
What a great capture. Needs a bit more contrast or a levels adjustment I think with a little Post processing this could ribbon.
03/13/2009 06:39:41 PM
Oh goodness, he is pooped. Wow I have never seen a squirrel do this.
03/13/2009 06:18:35 PM
Great catch with this really funny capture :)
Could use just some sharpening around its eyes and nose. (no vote)
03/13/2009 06:17:42 PM
Wow great job catching this guy relaxing.
03/13/2009 01:05:17 PM
LOL ... that's hilarious and your title fits perfectly! I think it could benefit from a slight boost in contrast and saturation ..
03/13/2009 12:51:40 PM
Very sweet capture. I know just how he feels. The body position, the expression, the background bokeh are all great - if only the subject were in focus.
03/13/2009 11:48:55 AM
Ahhhh, a perfect capture. Precious! 8
03/13/2009 11:47:47 AM
ha! thats great! might work a bit with the sharpening and contrast, but the cuteness of the little dude totally make up for it
03/13/2009 11:43:02 AM
Made me smile. Thanks.
03/13/2009 11:29:21 AM
oh how funny
03/13/2009 10:28:15 AM
LOL! Rare to see a squirrel resting, I must say. Looks a little washed out on my monitor; I'd deepen the tones a bit.
03/13/2009 10:00:30 AM
ha ha ha...I am so chuckling...looks like one of my popped out squirrels around here...especially after the dog has been chasing them wonderful focus, great bokeh engaging photo
03/12/2009 09:33:19 PM
Tired out little thief, they won't leave my bird feeders alone, nice capture.
03/12/2009 08:31:35 PM
To much light and lack of focus but nice subject with a cute story.
03/12/2009 05:38:31 PM
what a funny shot, great capture
03/12/2009 04:09:30 PM
great shot, even though the focus is a little soft, the expression is priceless.
03/12/2009 03:58:16 PM
hehehe great capture
03/12/2009 11:15:05 AM
Nice capture, funny pose.
03/12/2009 10:36:02 AM
Ah...to be a squirrel in a tree.
03/12/2009 09:38:29 AM
LOL, great pose
03/12/2009 09:00:32 AM
What a lazy squirrel!
03/12/2009 08:54:14 AM
Thanks for making me laugh, I know how he feels.
03/12/2009 07:33:31 AM
03/11/2009 09:06:51 PM
LOL! Hilarious! Just needs some processing to make it 'sing'!

Not voting yet.
03/11/2009 08:42:27 PM
Great capture. I'm totally with the squirrel on this one.
03/11/2009 08:40:14 PM
Well caught. I would have toned down the background a tad but it still bought a smile to my face.
03/11/2009 08:29:50 PM
That is so how I feel right now at home from work sick! Great capture so cute.
03/11/2009 07:41:50 PM
lazy lol - great capture
03/11/2009 07:38:06 PM
Hahaha! I've never seen a squirrel look so exhausted! Nice shot.
03/11/2009 06:52:55 PM
LOL.... loved the humor and the humanization.
03/11/2009 05:37:02 PM
sums up rather nicely how I feel right about now in voting this challenge
great expression you captured
03/11/2009 01:26:30 PM
I think they know they are being photographed.
03/11/2009 01:08:51 PM
I know how that goes! Great catch, wish it was a little sharper.
03/11/2009 01:00:47 PM
03/11/2009 12:39:43 PM
The laugh gets a already good shot a +2..
03/11/2009 10:42:24 AM
Oh, this really made me chuckle! The pose/look of the exhausted squirrel collapsed on this tree branch is priceless! Normally they are all bushy tailed, bright eyed and twitchy bundles of energy so to see one that looks utterly exhausted is a rare find. This is a great shot but it could be even better if you boast the contrast and up the color saturation just a tad more. That way they colors and play between light and shadow tones are not as washed out. Other than that thank you for sharing this little gem that brings a smile to the face.
03/11/2009 09:39:01 AM
nice bokeh
03/11/2009 07:14:59 AM
good capture of the moment , but the background just does not help the shot.
Also some fill flash could do wonders to bring out more detail in the squirrel
03/11/2009 05:50:20 AM
nice shot
03/11/2009 05:25:14 AM
LOOL this is funny ... great catch !
03/11/2009 03:24:29 AM
What a great moment you have captured. He looks completely fed up.
03/11/2009 02:02:04 AM
This would make such a great card LOL
03/11/2009 12:52:36 AM
Damn, I wish I was that relaxed.

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