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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Curves (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot S40
Location: Yosemite
Date: Apr 7, 2002
Aperture: F/9
ISO: 1/200 sec.
Shutter: 1/202 sec.
Date Uploaded: Apr 7, 2002

Bridveil Fall

Place: 48 out of 89
Avg (all users): 5.3651
Avg (commenters): 5.6786
Avg (participants): 5.0864
Avg (non-participants): 5.5741
Views since voting: 1529
Votes: 189
Comments: 62
Favorites: 3 (view)

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07/24/2002 07:51:00 PM
I love the richness of the lighting.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/14/2002 06:58:00 PM
beautiful, Where is this I need a vacation
04/14/2002 02:58:00 PM
Looks like a postcard! Gorgeous view ... the curves of the ridges are nice.
04/14/2002 10:55:00 AM
Looks like a very pretty setting. I assume the lack of sharpness in the distance is due to atmospheric haze. If you did not use one, you may want to consider a filter which sometimes can negates the impact of these atmospheric distortions. What would you think of including a little more of the tree in the upper left? These wide angle landscapes often benefit from foreground interest like you have done with the pine trees in the middle of the frame, which are a little distant to grab the eye. Keep it up, I think you are on to the right track here.
04/13/2002 10:38:00 PM
Curves are the last thing that occur to me in this image.
04/13/2002 10:20:00 PM
Not many interesting curves
04/13/2002 09:39:00 PM
Nice scenic, but what does it have to do with the current Challenge?
04/13/2002 02:18:00 PM
The lighting condition could have been more favorable for this picture. The colors appears washed out by the bright sunlight.
04/13/2002 12:10:00 PM
I like the atmosphere and depth in this picture.
04/13/2002 01:27:00 AM
wow, stunning...I mean, I'm stunned; I think there's not enough of that branch in the foreground for it to work, but otherwise the framing's good; the photo makes me wish I was there
04/12/2002 10:51:00 PM
where in the hell do you live?.... Are you looking for a roommate?
04/12/2002 07:14:00 PM
If you live near here, what are you doing wasting your time in front of a computer!!!! It is beautiful. Sort of hazy though and the foreground a little dark. Nice though!
04/11/2002 03:17:00 PM
Nice, God's homemade curves. Great picture. Was it foggy out when you took the picture
04/10/2002 08:31:00 PM
I love this! Landscapes are one of my favorites! The pine tree in the foreground gives a good framing effect. The contrast of the light and the shadows is very pleasing. Great job!
04/10/2002 06:37:00 PM
Doesn't really hit the subject on curves but that is one awesome picture.
04/10/2002 05:19:00 PM
Lovely picture - composition & different light values well controlled - not the curves I would expect for this Challenge
04/10/2002 04:00:00 PM
Where is this place? Astounding beauty!
04/10/2002 02:00:00 PM
beautiful landscape but doen't fit the curves challenge.
04/10/2002 12:45:00 PM
While this is a nice nature shot, it doesn't exacly scream 'curves' to me.
04/10/2002 12:17:00 PM
Ah, California. Great shot.
04/10/2002 11:54:00 AM
This is such a beautiful place. I think it belongs in a scenery challenge.
04/10/2002 10:53:00 AM
I'm not quite sure whether this falls under the description of 'curves'
04/10/2002 09:40:00 AM
Georgeous photo with great light. Looks like an old painting. However, I don't think it really addresses the challenge topic. I'd give it an 8 as a photograph -- some judicious cropping of the bottom of the frame would help it, I think -- but I'd give it a 2 as far as the challenge goes. I'm pretty sure this is Yosemite (never been there, but that looks like Half Dome in the distance), which is a glacial valley and therefore very rounded, but this picture barely whispers "curves".
04/10/2002 09:14:00 AM
Beatiful shot. Just not net gemaine
04/10/2002 08:34:00 AM
Really good image, but it doesn't fit the curves challenge
04/10/2002 08:25:00 AM
breathtaking; wish we were there!
04/10/2002 03:58:00 AM
Good photo, not sure it fits the category.
04/09/2002 11:32:00 PM
Why did you place the waterfall in the center? Does anybody know about the rule of thirds?
04/09/2002 11:05:00 PM
this is beautiful! where is this?
04/09/2002 04:10:00 PM
Great picture, but it looks almost cg to me. I'll be interested to see where this was taken.
04/09/2002 02:38:00 PM
Lovely view, but does it belong to 'Curves'?
04/09/2002 01:11:00 PM
Lovely photo, but I don't think it suits the category as well as it could.
04/09/2002 12:36:00 PM
Beautiful picture.
04/09/2002 11:38:00 AM
Absolutely beautiful.
04/09/2002 11:35:00 AM
Is this a real photograph?
04/09/2002 11:32:00 AM
ah, i wish i was backpacking. not the best time of day for the pic. sunrise or sunset would have been alot more striking. also try a black and white.
04/09/2002 09:31:00 AM
Awesome photo. Was that on this earth? I'd love to go there.
04/09/2002 07:47:00 AM
Beautiful shot, so soft and relaxing. Take me there Please!
04/09/2002 07:37:00 AM
It's a nice picture. Not great but nice. But what does it have to do with curves?
04/09/2002 05:18:00 AM
This is a beautiful picture, however I get the feeling I'm missing some of the color depth - I'm NO expert, don't really know what I'm doing, but I have seen some examples of using polarized lenses - seem to make a world of difference in popping the sky and details out with their colors! Just a thought.
04/08/2002 10:51:00 PM
Where did you take this shot? It's gorgeous...
04/08/2002 08:52:00 PM
This is a beautiful photo, but I don't see any obvious curve drawing me in.
04/08/2002 07:16:00 PM
Lovely photo ....where is this? Nice work, thanks!
04/08/2002 04:38:00 PM
Difficult, the foreground trees are very dark, yet the main scenery feels washed out. However, you've managed to get a huge amount of detail into the shot.
04/08/2002 04:11:00 PM
Beautiful, but banal.
04/08/2002 03:18:00 PM
hey, it's a painting, wait. It's a photo, hmmm. Nice shot, good use of framing. only thing to make it a touch better would have been moving the waterfall to a high interest point (rule of thirds) and get more of the pine tree from the left. you're lucky to have scenes like that near you.
04/08/2002 01:18:00 PM
absolutely breathtaking
04/08/2002 01:13:00 PM
Gotta love Yosemite!!
04/08/2002 12:56:00 PM
Beautiful photo! Curves?
04/08/2002 12:23:00 PM
beautiful location
04/08/2002 12:22:00 PM
wow how far do you live from where you shot the picture? Its such a scenic place. It'd be even cooler if big foot showed up as you shot the picture, hehe. Good shot!
04/08/2002 11:32:00 AM
Great shot!
04/08/2002 11:16:00 AM
Wow, although not very curvey.
04/08/2002 10:49:00 AM
This is an awesome shot. Like something out of national geographic.
04/08/2002 09:57:00 AM
This is a very nice landscape photo. I really like the waterfall in the center... The only reason I'm not scoring this one higher is because I don't really see the 'curve' effort in the shot...
04/08/2002 09:36:00 AM
Wonderful landscape shot. Not sure I see the curves too well though. A polariser would cut the haze a lot.
04/08/2002 09:03:00 AM
damn. nice shot. where is this?
04/08/2002 08:24:00 AM
i saw this one in national geographic.
04/08/2002 07:07:00 AM
Nice landscape. Poor choice for this competition. 4.
04/08/2002 02:10:00 AM
where was this taken?
04/08/2002 12:48:00 AM
Mister Frodo! Your ring! You dropped it, sir!

Very nice.
04/08/2002 12:33:00 AM
I love Yosimite!!!! Nice photo.

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