Author | Thread |
01/22/2010 12:15:38 AM |
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03/18/2009 04:17:34 PM |
Just came back to say that I stay behind my 10 on this Real Gem shot |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
03/17/2009 09:13:51 PM |
Louis? Interesting shot...i like the texture |
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03/17/2009 07:10:53 PM |
looks very odd.. shoudlnt the bird be highlighted on the right side? It also doesnt have the same texture as the background? |
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03/17/2009 06:39:11 PM |
Really interesting and unique composition, you're the only one in the world with this pic, that's for sure. |
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03/17/2009 04:08:29 PM |
Nice catch -- I keep trying to get one of an airplane flying across the Moon, but they've either been a little too far off or I didn't have usable camera (or settings) at the time. |
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03/17/2009 03:42:08 PM |
Outstanding! The tangency of moon & hawk is remarkable. I'm sure you're getting hammered for "noise" but I don't care; I like it, in this image. Well seen! 7 from me. |
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03/17/2009 01:36:41 PM |
Interesting and creatively executed image. |
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03/17/2009 10:03:44 AM |
I'm having trouble viewing this image. It will not load! I'll be back to vote. |
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03/17/2009 06:57:11 AM |
This ha the feel of art to it. Minimalistic, interesting combination of subjects and I must say that the texture of the sky really works for me. Like a painting. |
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03/16/2009 11:03:51 PM |
Fascinating capture. good job
Not voting yet. |
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03/16/2009 04:26:56 PM |
Good timing. It almost looks like the crow is perched o the moon. You stretched it a bit too much on the telephoto. The noise is pretty high. You may have tried some Noise Ninja or Neat Image to clean it up. |
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03/16/2009 01:25:20 PM |
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03/16/2009 04:44:00 AM |
too much filtering for my taste |
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03/15/2009 11:55:44 AM |
That's a pretty cool capture. Your processing/filter makes it look like an embossed notecard. |
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03/15/2009 06:49:25 AM |
ehm what is that texture there for ? :) is it noise? coz I dont like it there lol :)))
brano |
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03/15/2009 04:40:38 AM |
Lovely view of the bird and the moon. |
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03/15/2009 04:03:22 AM |
I have to say it is unique. |
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03/15/2009 01:38:39 AM |
Nice capture, a one in a million shot. |
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03/14/2009 09:21:42 PM |
I like the shot very much, but I really don't care for all the noise. Is it from over-sharpening? |
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03/14/2009 09:16:33 PM |
What an interesting capture and composition. |
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03/14/2009 08:57:01 PM |
Simple, but symbolically powerful. |
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03/14/2009 08:56:02 PM |
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03/14/2009 07:52:43 PM |
Reminds me of Native American art, nice! |
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03/14/2009 03:26:03 PM |
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03/14/2009 01:12:57 PM |
Just love the simplicity and peace reflected by this. The grainy texture really works. |
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03/14/2009 11:16:39 AM |
very interesting shot, great capture, the sky/background "noise" is distracting to me though. a little surface blur on it? imo |
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03/14/2009 06:40:18 AM |
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03/14/2009 02:31:11 AM |
I like the texture in the sky. It almost appears to be ISO noise, but if it is, you have done something very cool with it. The sharpness of the bird suggests it is an intentional treatment. Another for my faves list. |
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03/14/2009 12:14:20 AM |
beautiful awkward decisive moment. |
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03/13/2009 11:32:05 PM |
Now that's a perfect capture. |
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03/13/2009 11:29:51 PM |
Looks like an album cover lol. Personally I would prefer a bit more space between the moon and the bird, but I like the minimalism. |
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03/13/2009 02:47:14 PM |
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03/13/2009 02:40:53 PM |
Not sure about the textured sky? Good capture with the moon and bird. |
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03/13/2009 01:55:40 PM |
minimalism that works.. 7 |
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03/13/2009 11:45:25 AM |
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03/13/2009 09:38:43 AM |
I really like that particular color of blue. |
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03/13/2009 08:22:29 AM |
I thought it was a cow that was supposed to jump over the moon :) |
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03/13/2009 07:45:34 AM |
this is really cool, I like the negative space, this is an image I would of made the mistake of cropping too tightly |
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03/13/2009 04:11:20 AM |
This is really nice, I do feel that the bird is in exactly the wrong place though, only just touching the moon but neither on it or away from it |
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03/13/2009 03:19:22 AM |
I like how you tried to use the texture in the border to complement the noise/texture in the pic. Interesting.
The bird/moon grabs the eye too.
7 |
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03/13/2009 01:29:28 AM |
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03/13/2009 12:37:43 AM |
Brilliant photography! I simpy love this one |
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03/12/2009 11:16:02 PM |
Superb. Subject(s), composition, even the grain. Among best of show so far! |
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03/12/2009 08:24:20 PM |
Interesting, but the texturing is a little over the top for my tastes. |
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03/12/2009 08:08:07 PM |
Almost a poster for "The Crow" |
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03/12/2009 07:42:10 PM |
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03/12/2009 06:50:20 PM |
Good capture and well framed. Would liked to have seen a tighter crop. |
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03/12/2009 04:18:51 PM |
I like this a lot, lovely and unique :) |
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03/12/2009 04:16:10 PM |
interesting idea, but the sky is very grainy/noisy taking away from the image. |
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03/12/2009 03:51:45 PM |
Interesting photo. I like the placement of the bird on the moon. |
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03/12/2009 02:28:03 PM |
Interesting texture and overall an interesting photo. I like it! |
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03/12/2009 02:21:03 PM |
The grain makes it look like an old film shot. neat photo! |
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03/12/2009 01:24:11 PM |
Great capture! Even this insanely thick border and square crop nicely complement the image. 10 |
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03/12/2009 10:10:00 AM |
Very abstract and simple. I wish there wasn't so much noise. |
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03/12/2009 04:23:07 AM |
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03/12/2009 01:06:25 AM |
Well done, very captivating, graphic like presentation. |
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03/12/2009 12:40:15 AM |
why? the border is taking over my computer screen. You apparently also used a filter that is making your photo look very noisy. |
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03/12/2009 12:09:59 AM |
If the bird wasn't touching the edge of the moon and the negative space was a bit more utilized, it'd be a stronger image. |
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03/11/2009 11:50:01 PM |
Seems like a far off dream, lovely, wonderfully composed. |
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03/11/2009 11:39:28 PM |
Neat idea, a bit to noisey for me, and I really do not like the heavy boarder around it, The silohuette or the bird is kind cool though |
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03/11/2009 10:00:48 PM |
wow .. whats with the color of the sky ... i would try with a smaller boarder |
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03/11/2009 08:53:52 PM |
The moon and the bird are strangely positioned in relation to one another. I feel that the bird should either be right on the moon, or slightly farther from the moon to give them both space to breathe. |
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03/11/2009 07:55:31 PM |
Aside from the texture in the sky, this is a really nice shot. |
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03/11/2009 07:22:15 PM |
Very cool. I love the textured feeling of the sky. |
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03/11/2009 06:51:51 PM |
I have no words for this - 5 |
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03/11/2009 04:55:02 PM |
Fine timing - the bird "eyelashes" are pretty nifty and the "noise" makes a lovely texture. |
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03/11/2009 12:55:27 PM |
I know it wasn't easy to get the bird in the photo...but at this angle I think the moon alone would have been more impressive...did you crop this alot? The photo looks very "grainy" |
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03/11/2009 10:29:47 AM |
Great! Where is that texture coming from? Hope it's not done in post... may get you a DQ. |
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03/11/2009 09:58:21 AM |
Nice abstract. Would be great in a art gallery I think. Simple but very emotive. |
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03/11/2009 08:53:28 AM |
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03/11/2009 08:40:13 AM |
A difficult capture I'm sure. nice sharp eagle. |
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03/11/2009 01:12:59 AM |
Cool shot. Not sure how you got it, but the result is great. |
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03/11/2009 12:34:27 AM |
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