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The stare of a Mountain Hare
The stare of a Mountain Hare

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Habits (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Olympus C-750UZ
Location: Glen Gairn, Cairngorms, Scotland.
Date: May 16, 2004
Aperture: 3.7
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/400
Galleries: Nature, Animals
Date Uploaded: May 18, 2004

A Mountain Hare photographed as it is losing its winter coat. A bit of a stretch for habit perhaps but it's too appealing an image not to use.

Cropped, USM and fractional adjustment of levels.

Place: 173 out of 256
Avg (all users): 4.6105
Avg (commenters): 5.5161
Avg (participants): 4.4273
Avg (non-participants): 4.7389
Views since voting: 1201
Votes: 267
Comments: 37
Favorites: 2 (view)

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05/27/2004 01:55:16 PM
I had as much fun reading the comments as looking at the photo. :) This is one funny picture. Thanks for sharing!
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05/26/2004 05:59:01 AM
Looking at this photo again I think a funnier title would have been, "Too much coffee, way too much".
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/25/2004 11:03:32 PM
Ahem... it's HABIT not HABITAT
05/25/2004 08:40:31 PM
Nice smile on the hare, but it has little in common with habits
05/25/2004 08:07:09 PM
You might have titled this one "The Laughing Hare"! Great shot!
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05/25/2004 12:20:23 PM
Not sure what the habit is........but whatta face! The 8 is for that face.
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05/24/2004 03:16:00 PM
Great and beutiful photo but I think that is in the wrong theme..
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05/23/2004 09:28:39 PM
Not sure how this fits the topic. The expression on the hare is very cute, but the photo seems a tad overexposed.
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05/23/2004 08:03:50 PM
looks fake.
05/23/2004 06:45:49 PM
It`s time to run away from this monster now.
05/22/2004 03:22:03 PM
I love this photo- but it doesn't fit the challenge...4
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05/22/2004 06:31:46 AM
Did you fiz the rabbit eyes or are this the original ones? Either way this is astounding: the face, the exprecion, tha all idea... It's a 10 for me.
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05/21/2004 06:44:40 PM
totally wild picture, but how is this a habit? Do they do this 24-7?
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05/21/2004 11:43:06 AM
Nice composition and exposure. Habit?
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05/21/2004 10:06:37 AM
The expression on it's face is cool! Good shot!
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05/21/2004 01:00:54 AM
Nice shot, Great dof.
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05/20/2004 10:40:55 PM
Wow. That bunny's eyes are buggin out. This is kinda loose as far as the challenge goes but this is an amazing photograph.
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05/20/2004 06:30:26 PM
05/20/2004 03:17:14 PM
I don't get a connection to the challenge. I like the hare placed off-centered as he is. I would have liked a little more DOF.
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05/20/2004 02:57:43 PM
I don't get the connection to the challenge...?
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05/20/2004 02:27:52 PM
well... im not sure how this counts as a habit, but its funny as heck ! ! !
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05/20/2004 01:03:30 PM
Good capture
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05/20/2004 11:13:38 AM
What habit is being represented here?
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05/20/2004 09:13:25 AM
So far as I know, neither rabbits nor staring are habits. This is a great shot of a rabbit, and I can see why you are proud of it, but it doesn't belong here. Well, at least it rhymes with habit...
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05/20/2004 08:55:07 AM
Good picture, but I can't really figure out how this is a habit.
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05/19/2004 08:32:04 PM
This bunny scares me.
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05/19/2004 07:32:03 PM
Habit ???? Oh... I thought you say Rabbit !

nice photo.... so cute!!!

8 for making me laugh
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05/19/2004 06:50:57 PM
Nothing states Habit to more than a Rabbit with a funky smile and Marty Feldmen eyes. BTW have you kicked the heroin habit yet:-). A 10 from me
Why because I am still laughing about it 2 hours later.
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05/19/2004 05:17:15 PM
Sorry having trouble following your line of thought.... sure this is not a 'Hare...bit'
As for the photo, very good detail, nicely composed with excellent dof and lighting.

If I could have made a connection to the challenge I would have given it higher marks.
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05/19/2004 04:59:37 PM
How in the... how on earth... what in the world.... HE's SMILING for pete's sake!
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05/19/2004 04:53:38 PM
05/19/2004 04:51:26 PM
He looks like he's high.
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05/19/2004 01:45:11 PM
what did he smoke!?? hehehe its like no other rabbit ive ever seen, i love it. 8
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05/19/2004 12:36:58 PM
Crazy picture. Not a habit though!! - 2
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05/19/2004 11:23:00 AM
not even remotely relevant
05/19/2004 04:15:16 AM
That's one crazy hare ... Excellent composition.
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05/19/2004 04:13:17 AM
habits, rabits... similar, that's for true! Feels good to see someone shoting photos to animals, not bullets.
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