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Shaking off the bad weather
3rd PlaceShaking off the bad weather

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Fauna III (Basic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-40D
Lens: Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS
Date: Mar 28, 2009
Aperture: f/6.3
ISO: 1000
Shutter: 1/500
Galleries: Nature, Birds
Date Uploaded: Mar 30, 2009

Holy Cow I got a ribbon!! Thanks everyone for the votes and comments, I didn't think this had a chance after taking a nose dive around 115 votes. Truly an amazing bird and sight to see, well worth getting soaked with rain!
[Apr. 7th, 2009 11:57:19 PM]

This is a wild redtail hawk that was extremely kind to me for a bout 45 min. It was one of those days that I figured I wouldn't get any good pics b/c it was pouring down rain, but I decided to go out anyway in hopes that it would stop raining....well it didn't but I was rewarded with one of my better subjects I've shot in the wild. She was extremely kind to me, allowing me to follow her around a small area as she flew from tree to tree scooping an open field. She perched at eye level on many occasions, letting get within 10 feet of her. She really just accepted that I was there and wasn't going to mess with her, she was an amazing bird.

I watched her snatch what I believe were frogs out of the rain soaked field on a few occasions, very cool.

This is the same hawk that I entered in the Rock Song Title challenge and in the March Freestudy. Personaly the fauna challenge shot is my fav since you can see her shaking off the rain.

Thanks to all for the comments and votes, truly a magnificent bird and day for me, these shots are why I dig photography, the unexpected interaction with such a beautiful creature. Cheers.

Place: 3 out of 204
Avg (all users): 6.7909
Avg (commenters): 8.2308
Avg (participants): 6.9296
Avg (non-participants): 6.7248
Views since voting: 4408
Views during voting: 345
Votes: 220
Comments: 42
Favorites: 9 (view)

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04/10/2009 05:53:11 PM
Right on Trevor! congrats on your ribbon!
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04/10/2009 10:04:42 AM
You are incredibly lucky that this hawk was so generous with her time! Amazing shots, both of them! Hope you make this one into a print and put it where she can see it :-)
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04/09/2009 05:41:06 PM
just fantastic , Trevor - A well deserved ribbon for this beautiful raptor !!!!
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04/09/2009 12:16:35 PM
Great job!!!!
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04/08/2009 10:59:49 PM
What a catch, nice work. Congratulations.
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04/08/2009 07:35:51 PM
Congratulations!!! Well deserved..
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04/08/2009 04:47:27 PM
As someone who shoots birds and wildlife a fair bit you were very lucky to get such a cooperative bird!
I am glad you did and you got the shots to prove it.
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04/08/2009 04:19:41 PM
congrats!! birds are tough good job!!
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04/08/2009 03:40:02 PM
How wonderful for you, Trevor, to have such an experience! Nice capture with all those flying droplets. Congrats on the ribbon!
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04/08/2009 01:36:04 PM
Congrats on your first ribbon man! I will be expecting you up again on the front page more often. :)
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04/08/2009 01:20:15 PM
Very nice shot/congratulations
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04/08/2009 12:33:35 PM
Congrats on your first ribbon. Hopefully many more to come!
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04/08/2009 12:08:51 PM
perseverance paid off - quite a capture you have - congrats !

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04/08/2009 11:27:21 AM
btw, I know you got a 6.79 but this shot def should have scored higher... first off it is a wild hawk, which places this image in a different category of fauna pictures, one that i think is much more worthwhile of admiration. 2nd, you don't see shots like this with the feathers all ruffled and the water splashing, a real original shot with perfect technicals, congrats again.
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04/08/2009 11:05:52 AM
congrats on your first ribbon Trevor! I gave this a 9 and was positive it would place, awesome work.
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04/08/2009 09:42:22 AM
Great moment... Congrats
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04/08/2009 08:36:45 AM
Nice action capture! Congrats!
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04/08/2009 08:25:24 AM
I hope this Hawk comes back and thanks you... :) LOL

Excellent work
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04/08/2009 06:42:32 AM
Great hawk you have found! Congrats on your first ribbon!!!!
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04/08/2009 05:58:22 AM
This series of photos are amazing! I do a lot of bird photography and have never been lucky to come across something like this with a hawk!

Nicely done, and congrats.
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04/08/2009 04:28:14 AM
This was a fantastic entry, stunning.
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04/08/2009 03:56:00 AM
Huge congratulations on your first ribbon, Trevor. Great shot and great timing.
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04/08/2009 03:10:53 AM
Congratulations on your great shot and ribbon! You have some impressive bird shots and scores in your portfolio lineup!
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04/08/2009 02:18:44 AM
Congrats !!! Brilliant timing , very impactful shot
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04/08/2009 01:44:05 AM
Congrats on the 1st ribbon!
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04/08/2009 01:16:59 AM
Great week with this bird! Congrats on the successful shoot and the experience, and a ribbon to go with it all, as well as a great finish in the FS!
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04/08/2009 12:45:57 AM
Congrats on this amazing shot!
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04/08/2009 12:10:13 AM
Congratulations on a terrific shot! Actually all of them are really great!!
Much well deserved ribbon!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/07/2009 11:31:06 PM
What a great shot!
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04/06/2009 10:39:41 PM
The water drops add a lot to this image.
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04/06/2009 03:16:43 PM
Very nice!
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04/05/2009 07:01:29 PM
Wow this one is a winner.
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04/04/2009 03:23:34 AM
Caught mid-bath. Great shot. Love the fly-off drops.
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04/03/2009 08:52:37 PM
Almost looks like the poor bird was sudsed! Fun capture.
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04/02/2009 07:31:14 PM
Outstanding image.
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04/02/2009 05:55:19 PM
Well seen and taken..
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04/02/2009 08:48:15 AM
what a great capture, something that's not often seen, a wet bird
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04/02/2009 08:02:11 AM
How neat! Sharp action shot.
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04/01/2009 10:55:56 PM
fantastic! 10
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04/01/2009 09:16:48 PM
I love how his face is still in focus in the midst of all that movement. Good job. It's nice to see something unique in a bird picture. 10
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04/01/2009 08:52:30 PM
Nice capture. Don't see them in this kind of shape very often. 7
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04/01/2009 01:03:06 AM
awesome clarity...this should do well, good luck 9
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