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I can see for miles
I can see for miles

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study 2009-04 (Advanced Editing VII)
Collection: Challenges 2009
Camera: Canon EOS-400D Rebel XTi
Location: Afghanistan
Date: Apr 4, 2009
Aperture: f/8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/250
Date Uploaded: Apr 15, 2009

Afghanistan from the air, revisited. This time taken from a C-17 at an altitude of somewhere around 30,000 feet (I'm guessing - C-17s don't have those cute little announcements about reaching cruising altitude or the weather at your destination. They also don't have beverages, meal service, or in-flight movies, but they usually do have a latrine, which is nice.)

Taken with the Rebel and the kit lens (it was either that or the Lensbaby). C-17s have two very small little round windows near the front doors - I'm guessing to see the ground crews and what they're up to before you smush them by dropping the door or some such. That's all you get for windows, though. This one was not especially clean, is double-paned with several inches between the panes, and had a very persistent moth who was competing with my lens for space.

Still it was quite the view. And Cory ( Fetor) is hoping to reprise his shot out of the tail of a CH-53 so we can have dueling Afghanistan-from-the-air shots. His is in the Lighting challenge and scoring way better than this one will, but it's still fun. The things I do for entertainment.... :-)

[May. 1st, 2009 02:05:37 AM]

I need to find a new form of entertainment. I thought this worthy of a 6. Silly me! And why is it suddently amazing AFTER the challenge, hmmmm?

Cory's shot:

Place: 117 out of 435
Avg (all users): 5.9424
Avg (commenters): 7.7500
Avg (participants): 5.9804
Avg (non-participants): 5.8378
Views since voting: 878
Views during voting: 240
Votes: 139
Comments: 14
Favorites: 0

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06/09/2009 12:59:05 AM
Ok, if it'll make you feel better, this shot sucks.

No, sorry, can't keep up the pretense. It's very nice. ;)
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05/10/2009 10:54:34 AM
WOW!! Deb, this is phenomenal!! what a view..You so totally kick butt all the way around!!

30,000 ft with the door open...EEK!!
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05/10/2009 10:29:49 AM
Amazing capture, Deb!
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05/09/2009 02:01:03 PM
What truly amazing landscape. Nice clarity and even more so having read the story behind the shot.
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05/08/2009 11:05:46 AM
Beautiful, Deb! So hard to believe it's a war down there.
Amazing clarity, Canon should use this as a photo demonstrating the potential of their kit lens.
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05/08/2009 09:41:47 AM
9 - Afghanistan from a C-17 - I am a sucker for great aerial photos.
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05/08/2009 06:28:28 AM
9 from me partly because I qualified as a geologist and have always liked terra-forms.
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05/08/2009 03:55:33 AM
This is awesome Deb, a 9 from me, I had actually believed the tail gunner shot had been by you, I love your scence of humour for entertainment when visiting such troubled areas, great work and brings new areas to us mere home buddies..
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05/08/2009 01:51:32 AM
well .. here' one i gave a score to and i can see by the red line that it was a 7 .. looking at it now i wish i'd given it an 8 .. i was going to go back and check the scores i'd given and give out either more or less depending on how they stacked up against the others in the challenge, coz doing a first run doesnt really cut it .. i didnt have time .. sorry deb .. that red line should be with the 8 and not the 7 .. :)
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05/08/2009 12:09:17 AM
I gave this a 7. I thought the details, lighting, and perspective were breathtaking. Must have really been something to see in person.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/05/2009 10:51:53 PM
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05/05/2009 10:22:46 PM
totally stunning .. an amazing shot .. i really love how there's so much detail closer and as you look further away it becomes softer and less defined .. the colours are beautiful .. :)..
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05/03/2009 08:54:41 PM
Fascinating POV. Pretty neat that there is no windo that is harming the clarity of the image.
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05/01/2009 09:30:09 PM
A solid image that is crisp, sharp and properly framed and composed - a technical success in every way. From an artistic standpoint, it has significant impact being richly colored with excellant detail, but the author has succumbed to the overly tall temptation to add impact, depth and dimension - the image could have had one third cropped from the top and it wouldn't have decreased it's impact at all. This image would have worked as a black and white as well. A perfect demonstration of the power of properly controlled light and focus. A top ten image.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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