The Tarrant county civil courts building in downtown Fort Worth. This building was added on to the original courthouse and was painted to look like stonework to match the original building. The relief of the angel is real, but it's shadow is painted on. It is now shut down and the civil courts have moved elsewhere. Rumor is that this building will eventually be torn down. I suppose some may consider it an architectural eyesore, but I find it interesting and unique.
Pre-challenge notes:
Not expecting more than a low to mid 5 from this. It's a good shot, IMO, but I am not sure it has enough wow factor to nail a really high score.
Post challenge notes:
Not sure what went wrong here. I am pretty sure it is sharp, well exposed and decently composed. The one comment I received in the closing hours suggests that the relevance to the challenge was too subtle. Either that, or it was just found to be boring. I can't see it as technical failure.
The relevance is that the stonework is painted on the building and so is the shadow.
Here are several other views:
Place: 73 out of 116 Avg (all users): 4.8843 Avg (commenters): 4.0000 Avg (participants): 4.8333 Avg (non-participants): 4.8966 Views since voting: 1309 Views during voting: 429 Votes: 216 Comments: 3 Favorites: 0
I didn't vote, but will comment this cause you asked.
The suttlties of this are always going to be lost ont eh 2 second voter, who only seem to vote on the Wow factor. Nothing you can do about that unless you live in Iceland.......
I noticed the painted on stone lines. It is common in some areas, especially some parts of Germany for the Rebuilding after WWII. Gives an effective look and enables you to match the surrounds, without the cost.
The angle you chose is interesting, and the amount of sky is always something that comes down to personal choice. I like the angle, I would have been tempted to include more sky, but that comes down to something i play with when i am PPing.
I think the title is fine. Unless you used 'Painted Bricks' the 2 second voters are never going to get it. Those that take the time should have been able to look and see the real bricks in there. They are pretty obvious.
Maybe the low score is a combination of the 2sec voters, some people thinking you were making a Religious statement, a heap of DNMC from those who didn't bother to look and that it lacks the Wow factor. Under 5 is harsh for this, but that is sometimes the way the votes go
As you are looking for feedback, I'll give you my thoughts. I got it. It was subtle and for the speed voters possibly they missed it, not sure how since the title made it quite obvious. (Maybe too obvious?) ETA. Not a big fan of titles that explain the picture. As you said, it's technically competent, but there is something missing (you know, that DPC wow factor). I gave it a 5 because it was technically fine and did meet the challenge but it was kind of boring and the colours were kind of boring too. Sorry, not sure you could have improved the score with the subject matter.