Greetings from the Critique Club!
Initial impression: Love the post-processing, but too much sky, not enough tree.
Technical: Lighting ambient and good use of it; dof seems quite shallow but still works; again pp basically not noticeable apart from b/w conversion.
Artistic: Most entries in this challenge were very centred, including mine, so can hardly fault you for that. Like the low symmetry of trees in front/flanking main tree. You had a good-sized lens, could've got in a little closer.
FWIW: If this were my shot...I'd get as close as physically possible to the tree, gone for a more fill-the-frame type shot. But, if need be, go to the nearest house and politely enquire if the tree is on their land, and if it is, explain that you would like to get pix of the tree for a competition. Stress that pic is not for sale, be polite and they'll likely say yes, may even offer you even closer access. If tree is not theirs, ask if they think owner would mind tree being photographed, and go from there.
Overall a good try, not a bad shot, just needs more of the tree and less of the sky. Keep shooting!
Feel free to PM me with any questions,
Susan |