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Pittsburgh from the Monterey Bay Fish Grotto
2nd PlacePittsburgh from the Monterey Bay Fish Grotto

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Table Shot III (Advanced Editing VII)
Collection: Architecture
Camera: Apple iPhone
Location: Monterey Bay Fish Grotto, Pittsburgh
Date: Apr 29, 2009
Galleries: Cityscape
Date Uploaded: Apr 29, 2009

[Post Challenge]

A ribbon with an iPhone! Very pleased - many thanks for the votes and comments.


Out to dinner without my camera, but since I'm never without it I had my iPhone. All things considered, I don't think this is too bad!

A great view shared! I'd recommend a visit.

[May. 4th, 2009 01:27:02 PM]

Using an iPhone for this challenge entry - some thoughts and consequences:

The extreme Depth of Field of a camera phone worked to my advantage, capturing both the foreground tableware and the spectacular view.

It gave me some issues though; although the image was OK focus-wise, because of the low light conditions the image was pretty noisy - especially when the colour was pushed. As such it needed an aggressive edit. Two passes with Neat Image and some pretty liberal noise suppression with Topaz Adjust offered up this image which is characterised by the smoothness some of the commenters have mentioned.

The colours in the sky are reflections in the window from the lights in the restaurant behind the camera.

I was a little nervous about using Topaz but given this is Advanced Editing, which is result based I wanted to give it a rules field test - I made my own assessment by comparing this edit with the original and checking that no new image areas had been added. The vibrant colours were already there and could also be brought out by upping the vibrancy slider.

This is the first time I have used a camera phone for a challenge and consequently I put in a ticket and uploaded my original for Site Council to check the EXIF file; on advice that EXIF data files from camera phones don't always make it into a computer unaltered - but Apple's Aperture 2 is pretty good at looking after you that way.

So there you have it - not sure about the EXIF data, not sure about the legality of Topaz (but from a results perspective, it all looks OK to me) - all declared publicly so let's see what happens.

Oh yes, I had an assortment starter and the Scallop Linguini (I'd recommend it!)

Place: 2 out of 98
Avg (all users): 7.0069
Avg (commenters): 7.3158
Avg (participants): 6.6667
Avg (non-participants): 7.1456
Views since voting: 16580
Views during voting: 378
Votes: 145
Comments: 61
Favorites: 23 (view)

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12/07/2012 05:23:13 PM
This is so amusing now. I just imagine what a better job I could do with my iPhone 4S and a good edit with my Nik plugins.
01/15/2011 05:05:26 PM
Just WOW. And on an i-phone. Amazing

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12/05/2009 02:41:49 PM
lovely and fun! and a wonderful dinner to boot :)

showing it's talent, not the gear, that makes the image...
good for you!
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05/15/2009 10:56:22 PM
woww...nice shot with the little baby ;) Congratulations!
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05/13/2009 10:27:48 PM
Congrats! I walked by this restaurant today on my lunch hour and thought about this shot. Great view of the city from Mount Washington...
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05/13/2009 06:03:09 PM
This is sooo good!
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05/12/2009 06:55:45 PM
My first impression is that the 'smoothness' of the image would make it unsuitable for an entry. But the overall effect and the extraordinary DOF make this a memorable and most appropriate entry!
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05/12/2009 04:02:48 AM
Awesome photo. I can't beleive you took this with an iPhone. I will have to sell my $10K worth of photo equipment and get one. Submit this to Apple. I mean...really...submit this to Apple!

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05/12/2009 12:08:50 AM
paulbtlw you set the bar really high with this excellent image. Congratulations on seeing this scene and interpreting it extraordinarily well. Let's hear it for Topaz as well as the phone.
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05/11/2009 11:00:25 PM
amazing iPhone picture. Congratulations on the ribbon
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05/11/2009 09:43:57 PM
Whoa!! Took my breath away. Pittsburgh never looked so good!
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05/11/2009 08:52:06 PM
I think Apple store should use your photo to promote their iPhone. Congratulations on your ribbon!!!
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05/11/2009 06:35:46 PM
This is pretty good! Good imagination. I like it :)
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05/11/2009 05:24:19 PM
Impressive. Until now I thought the iphone camera was only good enough to shoot for the brown ribbon. :P Seriously, that's the best I can get out of it.
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05/11/2009 02:10:17 PM
I was gonna do a mild slammin' on the excessive noise reduction aspect of this, until I read your notes :-) An iPhone, eh? No KIDDING? This is a milestone! And you know, the thing of it is, the hyper-smooth mien of the finished image is actually oddly appealing, if not entirely my cup of tea. So congrats! Well done!
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05/11/2009 01:23:46 PM
First iPhone photo to win a ribbon. Congrats.
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05/11/2009 01:13:37 PM
Oh, way to go! An iphone!! You are the BOMB! And I can't imagine anything any more beautiful taken with a high dollar camera. CONGRATULATIONS! With so much high-tech camera equipment out there -- it is so refreshing to have it confirmed that you don't HAVE to have the most expensive, latest and greatest of everything to take great photos!

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05/11/2009 12:51:36 PM
Huge congrats Paul!!!
It's amazing how you post processed and squeezed the Iphone to the limit. BTW is it a 3G iphone :) ?
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05/11/2009 12:29:46 PM
Beautiful shot/congratulations
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05/11/2009 11:46:42 AM
LOL! Congrats on your iPhone Top Finish!
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05/11/2009 11:26:48 AM
The iPhone rocks!! You should send this to Apple and they'd probably make a commercial out of it! Congrats and I LOVE the view!!
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05/11/2009 11:24:15 AM
I think im doing something wrong with my iphone - or maybe you just have a whole load of talent! (im going for the latter). Congrats

Really fab image, specially when considering your "camera". The smoothness adds a slight surreal tone to the image, its really fantastic. Im taking more shots with my iphone!! if I could work out how to get them off it of course..
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05/11/2009 10:01:31 AM
Congratulations! I totally love the shot, and love your story/explanation of events. Just an awesome image.
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05/11/2009 09:42:27 AM
Wow, Paul! Congrats! :)
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05/11/2009 08:06:58 AM
You can't do that with a Zune ;) Nice.
I think that crease in the tablecloth actually adds some interesting perspective and drama. I might be wrong but diagonals in a perspective really help the eye get excited.
Edit: Zune not Zoon. You deserve a special ribbon for having such a high score with a device that I didn't even realize had a camera =0

Message edited by author 2009-05-11 08:10:04.
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05/11/2009 07:33:47 AM
Very cool an iPhone.. Congratulations..
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05/11/2009 06:46:10 AM
Congrats, Go iPhone whoohoo!
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05/11/2009 05:19:18 AM
Fabulous! Love the smoothness and the tones!
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05/11/2009 03:14:57 AM
Quite the achievement! Congratulations.
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05/11/2009 01:22:23 AM
congrats on the ribbon!! :)
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05/11/2009 01:22:13 AM
your iphone takes better shots than my d2h, that is a sad thought!
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05/11/2009 01:01:22 AM
Excellent shot, Paul. Your iphone did a great job for you. Congrats on the ribbon.
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05/11/2009 12:39:12 AM
VERY good for an iphone lol. Very coo, I do believe this is the first mobile phone winner. lol.
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05/11/2009 12:32:46 AM
Oh wow. Is this the 1st mobile phone ribbon winner?
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05/11/2009 12:16:47 AM
Congrats on a fantastic shot and to top it off from an iphone wow !!
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05/11/2009 12:06:26 AM
I was wondering how you did the colors. An iPhone - who woulda thought that? Congrats on the ribbon!
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05/11/2009 12:04:47 AM
Congrats, especially considering the "device" used.......! Hopefully teh EXIF was OK...
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/10/2009 10:19:41 PM
This looks ribbony, but I like it anyway.
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05/10/2009 07:59:51 PM
Well done on a ribbon winning shot! The subtle tones and depth add to and superbly captured image. Some may say the reflection detracts but IMO it adds to the overall feel of the picture.
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05/10/2009 01:15:33 PM
Excellent shot - most definitely the blue ribbon winner! I hope you will share your editing steps as I would love to be able to edit this way. 10
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05/10/2009 12:34:47 AM
Love the POV and the PP. Great job. 10
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05/09/2009 11:40:32 PM
Boy, that looks like an expensive view. :-)
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05/09/2009 08:59:37 PM
One of my top rated photo's. Only one technical deficiency's would be the color's reflecting off of what look's like a window and the knife and spoon being just a tad OOF.
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05/09/2009 07:27:52 AM
I am speechless.
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05/09/2009 02:42:57 AM
Great concept and execution !!
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05/08/2009 06:34:13 PM
Love the colors.
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05/07/2009 10:49:14 PM
i will be surprised if you are not one of the first 3!
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05/07/2009 04:34:38 PM
Nice shot, but I'm not too fond of what you did in the editing.
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05/07/2009 03:37:41 PM
Hope you had a wonderful evening here. Looks like a very nice place to have dinner.
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05/07/2009 12:05:55 PM
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05/04/2009 11:33:59 PM
You did a good job of minimizing the window reflections.
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05/04/2009 09:50:53 PM
Beautiful work,looks a little sureal. Great shot, good luck, Mike
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05/04/2009 07:46:20 PM
A very intriguing concept here with the table cloth reflecting odd lighting effects off the window - a major plus to the artistic impact of the image. The rather simple place setting along with the off set wine glass, imparts a rather natural and candid impression. A very interesting reflection on the left that seems to be out of place is also interesting and not readily visible at first. A very competant capture using all the available natural effects at once. Well done.
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05/04/2009 05:39:07 PM
A little to strong in the noise reduction taking away the sharpness, otherwise a good concept...
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05/04/2009 04:49:03 PM
breathtaking vantage point. composition is top notch.
although pp is of love/hate type and unfortunately i am on the negative side on that one. over all i like the image.
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05/04/2009 11:54:37 AM
i like the smoothness in this photo, also the composition is interested...
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05/04/2009 11:31:54 AM
Great colors, light, focus, love it all.
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05/04/2009 08:23:29 AM
Nice! Great color and light. 10
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05/04/2009 04:15:17 AM
terrific colors, comp. and pp
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05/04/2009 12:42:47 AM
Nice shot, maybe more glass in frame is optional, not sure about the blotchy sky
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05/04/2009 12:06:50 AM
Interesting juxtapositioning.
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