DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: De-Motivational Poster (Basic Editing*)
Camera: Nikon D90
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR II
Location: Natural Bridge State Park, Kentucky
Date: May 10, 2009
Aperture: f/8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/250
Date Uploaded: May 12, 2009


Place: 84 out of 124
Avg (all users): 5.3759
Avg (commenters): 5.9545
Avg (participants): 5.2500
Avg (non-participants): 5.4095
Views since voting: 1257
Views during voting: 588
Votes: 266
Comments: 25
Favorites: 0

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05/20/2009 09:35:36 PM
Keep trying Kelly, you have to get a 6 in the next 3 challenges you enter, take your time, plan, stage and shoot,
6 is very easy,
 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/18/2009 05:26:25 PM
try a graduated ND filter.. I feel you though.
05/17/2009 11:44:26 PM
giving you a ten cause the picture is gorgeous, not cause i feel bad.
05/17/2009 09:41:05 AM
i laughed-nice image too!
05/16/2009 09:51:31 AM
hmmm if u say so...here's a 10
05/15/2009 11:42:22 PM
I am sure you had great time. Too bad the clowd got really blown out.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/15/2009 11:08:47 PM
Your words/saying is just to long...
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/15/2009 07:05:12 PM
Same old story.......giving you a 5.....7, after a second look. ;-)
05/15/2009 06:00:50 PM
so true don't worry though, most professional photographers aren't that good.
- 4 -
05/15/2009 03:38:23 PM
05/15/2009 02:15:39 PM
DPC is a very strict photography environment. If you got a 5 in here, it means it is = 7 outside.
If you got 7 in here '' Ribbon '' then you are a 10 outside,
The point is, you need to keep trying till you reach the 6, after that aim for a ribbon,

Ask your self these questions,
What do I think of my picture?
What do I think of my picture compared to the rest of the entries on DPC?
Is it technically correct? Is it creative? does it have a wow factor?
If you got all the above right, then there might be a ribbon, at least there will be a 6 and that for sure.

Now if you allowed me to honestly critique your submission,
I would say the exposure is correct, the green looks green and the blue looks blue '' I said honestly :) ''. Is it interesting? Not really .. looks like a point and shoot taken by a 6MP camera and got adjusted using Photoshop. Does it have the woww factor .. no,
I would give it 6 '' I am not conservative when it comes to scoring '', The reason I am not giving it less, because technically it is very correct, nothing wrong about this picture. The reason I am not giving it more than 6, it is not interesting and doesn't have a wow factor ..

I hope I didn't bore you so far.
Now if your blood pressure is still under control :) You will say ok well this smart$$ critique is leading to nowhere, doesn't contain a real advice in here ..
My Big advice is, make the picture interesting,
Landscapes are best taken either by sunset or sunrise.
Include something in the composition beside the trees and the sky, a Big tree, a Rock, a child '' you have 3 super models under 6, user them ''.
Hit the view from a diff rent angle, lay on the ground put your feet on the sky .. shoot, try, shoot, try .. change angle .. ask your self again .. is it interesting enough .. not really keep trying .. when you find a picture that wowws you, Only then enter it here. Ask for honest critique, you might end up with another pain in the A$$ like me that might give you some pointers.

Out of my last 6 entries, 5 of them got over 6 and ended up in my front page.

Sorry for the long critique, I am sure it is the longest ever you got for one of your pictures, but we awe you this for the sake of the amount of time you spend trying, the money you spend on gear.

One last thing, not a single word mentioned above means any kind of disrespect, all the critique in here is out of love, and wishing you best of luck.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/14/2009 11:02:13 PM
You're right! There is no De-Motivation in this Pic...
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/14/2009 10:58:20 PM
I'm giving a six just to spite you :-)
05/14/2009 07:38:46 PM
lol dont you love it here?
05/14/2009 04:23:30 PM
Truth. You might have done better to photograph a shoehorn on a table. Or maybe not.

Uh, you traveled to such a great landscape and only took 205 shots? Pixels are cheap. No wonder you are demotivated! But, I'll send you another flashcard if you like.

Added: Taking back the flashcard offer. What you really need is some babysitting.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/14/2009 01:00:30 AM
HaHa looks like a 5 to me ;)
05/13/2009 10:57:10 PM
That looks sort of familiar; I'd like to know where that is. And I can definitely relate to the message. haha.
05/13/2009 07:22:25 PM
Congrats! Your poster got me to comment! Nice colors, and a very nice scene. Love the poster part. I'm going to pass along a tip that was given to me by someone who is AMAZING with landscape photography. I'm a total newbie myself, so please take anything I say with a grain of salt. When you are shooting a landscape, for the horizon to be in the middle it should probably be symmetrical (ie: a reflection of a mountain on the water). Otherwise you probably want the horizon to go through either the top third (to emphasize the foreground) or the bottom third (to emphasize the sky). Which one? Depends on which one is more appealing. In this case I would probably have moved the horizon up to a little more and tried to get something interesting in the trees down below as the sky isn't as intriguing. I hope this helps. You still get a 6 from me!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/13/2009 07:11:16 PM
I know this location!!!! I have a shot similar to this and can't wait to get back to Natural Bridge. Great shot and submission.
05/13/2009 04:56:00 PM
Ain't that the truth!!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/13/2009 12:13:18 PM
amen, thats the truth
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/13/2009 07:47:21 AM
hahahahaha I feel your pain!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/13/2009 03:22:00 AM
I think you might be wrong in this instance... reckon this will do better than 5.0000... but I have to say, I feel your pain. But, lets talk about the photo. A tad on the uninteresting side for my liking... there's not enough here to keep me looking. Don't get me wrong, it's a pretty scene, there's just no real subject that grabs the viewer. Colours are good, though I think I see a hint of pink in some of the clouds... I do like your tag line though, well and truly fitting for the challenge. I hope that you get above 5.0000, I honestly think it deserves to do better than that (especially taking into account the caliber of many of the other images in the challenge)
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/13/2009 03:17:29 AM
05/13/2009 12:14:50 AM
Boy you got THAT right. HAHAHA
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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