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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Macro (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot A40
Location: Living Room
Date: Nov 6, 2002
Aperture: 3.5
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/13
Galleries: Nature, Macro
Date Uploaded: Nov 6, 2002

Macro shot of yukka plant in our living room. Lighting was natural light from a nearby window.

Place: 163 out of 301
Avg (all users): 5.2164
Avg (commenters): 5.4444
Avg (participants): 5.1257
Avg (non-participants): 5.3871
Views since voting: 1559
Votes: 268
Comments: 10
Favorites: 0

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11/18/2002 04:26:00 AM
Thanks for your comments in a busy week. I must admit I wasn't entirely happy with the focus or the lighting on this picture. Seems that the lighting was very much a personal preference, from the comments received.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/14/2002 04:35:00 PM
Might have worked better if the green was in focus, not the other part -hector
11/13/2002 02:01:00 AM
Great Yukka plant. But they sure get sharp when full grown. A little off center for me. The dark area should have been partly cropped off putting the new plant closer to middle, to suit me personally. A little soft on the new plant and sharper on the old part. Would prefer reversed. Still a good strong 5. PTL
  Photographer found comment helpful.
11/13/2002 12:19:00 AM
Would have been nice if the green leaves where in focus.
11/12/2002 09:33:00 PM
Very nice photo.
11/11/2002 06:53:00 PM
like the lighting
11/11/2002 04:31:00 PM
challenge -- met. the trunk of the yukka gives a good sense of perspective.
technical -- the focus isn't quite right, that's the hardest thing with macros. i would also prefer more even lighting, but that's probably a personal preference. i like the green of the shoot against the brown of the trunk.
composition -- good placement of the shoot in the overall frame. did you try this in a vertical format at all? the shoot feels somewhat closed in because it's so close the the top and bottom of the frame.
-- gr8photos
  Photographer found comment helpful.
11/11/2002 03:04:00 PM
Is this jpeg artifacting or is this effect intentional?
11/11/2002 01:51:00 PM
I think this may work better if the lighting was even. I like the off center composition.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
11/11/2002 06:40:00 AM
great lighting

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