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Oriental Glam
1st PlaceOriental Glam

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Glamour (Advanced Editing VII*)
Camera: Nikon D2X
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8G IF-ED
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Date: May 16, 2009
Aperture: f2.8
ISO: 800
Shutter: 1/800
Galleries: Portraiture
Date Uploaded: May 19, 2009

It's been a long time. Trying my luck this time.

This is Chloe taken durig a workshop. With a reflector upfront, I was able to lit her face

THANKS A LOT EVERYONE. Thanks to Chloe, my model and to Marise, my MUA/Stylist! And to those who voted, thanks. I expected to win a ribbon but not with such a high vote.

You'll see more of me around here...

Place: 1 out of 83
Avg (all users): 7.6937
Avg (commenters): 8.7619
Avg (participants): 7.0625
Avg (non-participants): 7.7782
Views since voting: 11761
Views during voting: 694
Votes: 271
Comments: 62
Favorites: 21 (view)

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03/14/2011 03:37:49 AM
Pattern + Eyes + Color = Amazing.
06/01/2009 06:01:27 AM
Amazing! Outstanding colors, lighting and composition.
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06/01/2009 05:24:40 AM
Thought this one had to be yours, Manny. Excellent work and a worthy winner. Congratulations.
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05/31/2009 04:19:14 PM
Beautiful! Congratulations on the blue.
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05/30/2009 06:12:26 PM
Nice portrait
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05/29/2009 06:01:53 PM
Welcome back Manny. Stunning shot - I see you still have 'it' ;-)..
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05/29/2009 09:42:26 AM
Originally posted by librodo:

starting june 5- i am out of job. will be taking one whole year off work - sabbatical leave. any invitation?:)

If you ever hit the UK dude you are welcome at my small and humble flat anytime you like. I reckon I can find some models to shoot too at a push hehehe
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05/28/2009 08:33:22 PM
[quote] I expected to win a ribbon but not with such a high vote.

You'll see more of me around here...[/quote]

Congrats on being right. I expected a ribbon, too... but it didn't work out so nicely for me. *smile*

Congrats on First Place!
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05/28/2009 04:22:08 PM
I'm so glad you won first place! You were my only 10 :)
Great job.
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05/28/2009 04:14:54 PM
Great work Manny, the lighting looks great, enjoy your year off. You may need a D3x for that.

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05/28/2009 03:43:04 PM
When I was voting this looked so much like a Manny ! Good to have you posting your wonderful photos on here again. Congratulations

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05/28/2009 05:46:46 AM
Thanks a lot everyone.) I had never been away - i am always around.

thanks to such uplifting comment. it is so nice to be "back home" though i have just been here - in and out.

thailand is still the same with less tourist.

starting june 5- i am out of job. will be taking one whole year off work - sabbatical leave. any invitation?:)
05/27/2009 09:54:54 PM
Welcome back Manuel! Nice to see such beautiful work back on the front page. Hope all is well with Thailand's latest turmoil.
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05/27/2009 02:30:18 PM
Stunning! Just knew it was you! Congratulations!!
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05/27/2009 12:18:00 PM
Congratulations on your blue ribbon and high score!! This is a perfect shot.
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05/27/2009 11:51:53 AM
Manny, when I saw this shot on the front page my heart leapt for joy. My artistic instincts told me it was you. When I clicked through to reveal this piece of heaven in it's full glory, my soul soared to the stratosphere, my spirit cried out in ecstasy. I was drawn irresistibly in to your kaleidoscope of rainbow colour, swept along by the masterful composition and brought to tears by the power and emotion portrayed before me.

Yes Manny, I wept. You lifted me from the darkest despair and ascended my spirit to a place I could only have dreamt of.

Such vision, such depth, such genius. Truly you are a god amongst men.
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05/27/2009 09:44:57 AM
Great shot, congratulations on the ribbon
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05/27/2009 07:27:02 AM
You know you don't need luck for this. Well done.
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05/27/2009 06:52:13 AM
It makes me very happy to see your photos back here. Hope to see more of your photos in challenges in the next couple months. :)
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05/27/2009 06:36:16 AM
My Top Vote. Love seeing your photography Manny.
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05/27/2009 05:58:33 AM
Congratulations!! Love the composition,and the light
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05/27/2009 05:06:44 AM
What a comeback. Congrats with with the blue and nice to see you here again Manny.
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05/27/2009 04:40:51 AM
Such a signature Manny shot...awesome to see you on the front page again
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05/27/2009 04:39:25 AM
librodo said "trying my luck this time"
what the heck??? who needs luck when that person has skills like yours? ;)

congrats. stunning portraits from you as usual!

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05/27/2009 03:47:45 AM
Congrats on the Blue!
You have not lost the touch...........
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05/27/2009 03:03:49 AM
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05/27/2009 02:05:30 AM
Beautiful image! 'Grats on the Blue!
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05/27/2009 01:45:27 AM
Told ya :)
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05/27/2009 12:54:58 AM
WOW !! Congrats on the Blue
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05/27/2009 12:29:24 AM
Congratulations!! Love the composition,colors!
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05/27/2009 12:25:05 AM
Nice to see you pokin' your headin around here, Manny! Congrats on the Blue! Most stunning! : )
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05/27/2009 12:22:47 AM
Liked it then and still do, scored this one 10, wonderful job Mani, cheers,
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05/27/2009 12:21:40 AM
Definitely a pleasure to see your art around here again!
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05/27/2009 12:20:06 AM
Nice to see your new portrait on the front, love asian flair:) Congrats.
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05/27/2009 12:14:43 AM
Welcome back Manny. Beautiful shot. Well done!
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05/27/2009 12:08:24 AM
Gorgeous! I didn't enter this challenge but I voted and gave this one the highest ratings - congratulations!!
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05/27/2009 12:05:30 AM
well done, awesome to see you back, hope to see more ;)
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05/27/2009 12:03:21 AM
My second highest vote!!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/26/2009 05:30:38 PM
good composition
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05/26/2009 05:18:26 PM
this is my favorite of the challenge
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05/26/2009 01:29:24 PM
I remember her! Fabulous use of the umbrella to achieve stunning lighting. The radial ribs really draw the eyes to the center, and the prize of her face, which is perfectly lit. The color of her eyes might be just a tad too red, but the make-up and hair are terrific. I'm undecided about the red flowers on her dress - they keep drawing my eye away from the main subject. Maybe fewer of them, or slightly desaturated.
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05/26/2009 07:53:29 AM
Very realistic! Maybe a litle too saturated, but a really glamourous picture!
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05/25/2009 08:05:12 PM
I'm pretty sure we'll see this one among the highest scores. Your lighting and creativity is almost overkill compared to many of the other entries. Well done!
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05/25/2009 01:21:22 PM
I absolutely love the composition you have here, with the radiating lines in the background. The pose and colors are great as well. I'm a little distracted by the super-heavy makeup. I know that that's the look you were going for - it just seems a little odd to me - just a personal preference, though. 7
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05/24/2009 11:24:06 PM
Her eyes are something, you managed to make it the center of the composition, like it allot, very well done, 10
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05/24/2009 07:15:14 AM
Fits the challenge, i think. great clarity and color. my pick for the blue. I gave this a 9!
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05/23/2009 09:21:34 PM
Good color combos. Great lighting, esp. umbrella. The eyes really pop.
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05/23/2009 08:14:07 PM
Superb. Composition and lighting are excellent.
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05/23/2009 02:12:15 PM
The only image in the group that wow'd me. Excellent job. Love the backlighting. To nit pick, the shadow coming across her nose bothers me and I assume you could edit that with your skill, must be the hair light above? All the crazy stray hairs, but I understand how annoying and difficult those are to be free of. Lastly, just the randomness of the umbrella, where is it coming from, how is it being held, etc... Would like to have seen the models hands engaged with it. Hope to be next to you at the top :) 9
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05/23/2009 01:53:03 PM
Good job! Love the light in the background!
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05/22/2009 03:34:40 PM
Choice! Ribbon.
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05/21/2009 06:43:13 PM
Not sure about the make up around the eyes - looks like someone's given her a left hook - but love the tone and light.
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05/21/2009 03:15:28 PM
Awesome, one of my two 10's and a definite ribbon for this one, fantastic lighting, composition, make up, hair, expression, colours, just awesome!
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05/21/2009 12:46:04 PM
First pic in the challenge I said "Wow" to. Love the colors and the makeup.
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05/21/2009 08:18:07 AM
Outstanding image - lovely makeup on an even more lovely model. Great use of the lines of the umbrella to drive our eyes to hers - 10
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05/20/2009 10:50:26 PM
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05/20/2009 06:45:36 PM
Outstanding! Ribbon winner. Could be blue ribbon. 10
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05/20/2009 03:19:53 PM
I love how her face stands out from the background. Brilliant work.
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05/20/2009 11:55:22 AM
A masterpiece. Blue ribbon. Period. 10
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05/20/2009 11:22:26 AM
A top-notch effort and worthy of making the front page for sure. Comp is right on the mark, interesting to look at, lighting, focus, costume, etc...it all works. Congrats!
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05/20/2009 02:32:08 AM
Wow, this is fantastic. the colour, lights, framing .. a worthy 10
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05/20/2009 01:33:48 AM
Must be Euro photog! Around my parts we don't use oriental! The photograph is stunning. Love the lighting and color scheme. 8
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