Greetings from the Critique Club
You met the challenge very well. There is minimal blur in the background, but it definitely shows motion panning, and the short shutter speed helped you keep the motorcycle and driver in sharp focus.
Now, looking at the comments you got I agree with them. However you needed the cardboard boxes on the right to really show the motion panning, since the rest of the picture is pretty static, not revealing the blur.
I was anticipating many, many car, motorcycle, bicycle, bird shots in this challenge and I was pleasantly surprised there were less than I anticipated. I think doing the type of shot overdone so much in MP I and MP II hurt your score along with the previously mentioned items. I think a more interesting subject would have helped a lot. As it is people probably look at it for 2 seconds and go on. Granted, carrying such a load on a motorcycle is different, but since you live in Korea I bet you could have come up with something really unique to viewers in most of the rest of the world. Slowing down the shutter while still keeping sharp focus on the motorcycle would have helped. |