Extra point for humour. The colours of the tractor are soft and pleasing. However, since you used your flash, it created harsh shadows inside the bottom of the machine and the sky is totally gone.
I know you shot this from a difficult angle probably hand-held, but try to position the camera on a tripod, low enough, then set it for a slower shutter speed, don't use flash, and let the light be recorded naturally by the camera. This will help with the sky a lot. If there is not enough light on the bottom or on the machine itself, then use a flash light to light paint the underside of the tractor. This will look even cooler than the flash on your camera. Painting with light is fun and it can create some amazing effects without the harshness of flash. Try even longer times and see what you come up with.
The composition is a good try, but by moving to the left a bit, you could have avoided the flagpole sturcture on the left. Go even lower and show more of the tires to make it appear even larger. |