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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Macro (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 5700
Location: Home
Date: Sep 16, 2002
Aperture: f 4.4
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/60 Sec
Date Uploaded: Nov 10, 2002

Original macro capture, the feather it`s on a black glass plate , the sky it`s reflecting in to the glass surface.

Place: 13 out of 301
Avg (all users): 6.7701
Avg (commenters): 7.7143
Avg (participants): 6.6818
Avg (non-participants): 6.9286
Views since voting: 1706
Votes: 274
Comments: 28
Favorites: 3 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/17/2002 04:17:00 PM
nice use of water droplet!
11/15/2002 01:38:00 PM
i tried and tried and tried to do this, but i couldn't get it focused well enough. is that water, or did you use another liquid? Very nicely done. karmat
11/15/2002 07:51:00 AM
Very interesting. Looks like you used a miror reflecting the sky also. It's neat how you threw in a black background. Kinda looks like a feather in space with the earth as the background. I like it. Jacko 10
11/14/2002 09:24:00 PM
great shot...great focus/dof , not too crazy about that rounded background...9 zadore
11/14/2002 11:26:00 AM
Terrific shot - good choice of background.....
11/13/2002 10:13:00 PM
Nice idea, but I think I would have zoomed more in to the waterdrop. -stephan
11/13/2002 05:37:00 PM
cool this looks so neat, what is that drop made of? is that water? it looks so neat i would want to know how u did that. i rate this picture a 9
11/13/2002 05:32:00 AM
so beautiful
11/13/2002 02:36:00 AM
I love how the drop of water gives you a macro effect on the feather. :-)
11/13/2002 12:02:00 AM
Great shot, ribbon worthy!
11/12/2002 09:15:00 PM
Love the choice of subject, and your setup is unique. The drop of water adds interest, and I like how the feather is reaching up into the negative space. Very nice. lhall
11/12/2002 08:45:00 AM
top 3 for sure.
11/11/2002 11:24:00 PM
nice. I like the colors and textures.
11/11/2002 10:22:00 PM
superb! 10
11/11/2002 10:10:00 PM
Nice focus. I wonder if it would benefit from less black at the top. DPz
11/11/2002 06:48:00 PM
looks like a wood duck feather sitting on a mirror. very sharp and the color is perfect
11/11/2002 02:56:00 PM
nice, great idea and composition. gave it a 10
11/11/2002 02:48:00 PM
A little too "staged" for my tastes, but the composition, lighting and focus are just great!! 7. Bitz.
11/11/2002 02:30:00 PM
I don't like the black background.
11/11/2002 02:17:00 PM
Nice shot, but I would have gone way closer.
11/11/2002 01:43:00 PM
It's a good shot.
11/11/2002 11:44:00 AM
Just great....I like all of it......Nice nice nice work. Justine
11/11/2002 09:31:00 AM
I love it ! Shiiizzzam
11/11/2002 09:11:00 AM
Great shot! Thw ater drop really adds to the shot. 8 kosmik
11/11/2002 08:28:00 AM
ohhhh yes... sweet photograph... 10
11/11/2002 02:41:00 AM
I like it
11/11/2002 02:26:00 AM
This would have been neat if you could have just taken a close up of that water drop where it's magnified.
11/11/2002 01:11:00 AM

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