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Lunar Landing
Lunar Landing

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Deep DOF (Advanced Editing II)
Collection: Good - Average
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Location: Easton, CT
Date: Jun 5, 2004
Aperture: f/32
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1 second
Date Uploaded: Jun 6, 2004

I expect a lot of daylight landscapes and architecture on this Challenge, so I'm going for originality with an impossibly deep macro at night. ;-)

Taken with the kit lens at 41mm and a -2 exposure bias. Manual focus was set just beyond the grasshopper. Cropped, sharpened, converted to grayscale, then colorized slightly. Applied curves to even out the moon and cloned a bit around the moon's edge to make it sharper. Cloned out a few stray white specks and a faint blade of grass at the bottom right. Dodged the wings for more transparency. Added a border, then erased it over the grass stalks.

"Yeah, but how did you DO it?" OK- the moon is actually a photo I took two years ago through a telescope with a Canon Powershot G2. I simply projected it on my monitor to backlight the grasshopper for this shot. If I sharpened too much, the monitor pixels became apparent, so it's a little soft.

I refrigerated the grasshopper for several hours to slow him down, although he was still fairly active, and the antennae were constantly moving. The grass stalks were taped together and sandwiched between a long row of CDs to hold them upright about 5" in front of the monitor. There was more grass, and I was hoping to show the tops, but the weight of the grasshopper bent them over whenever he got close.

Place: 21 out of 158
Avg (all users): 6.4070
Avg (commenters): 8.3182
Avg (participants): 6.2762
Avg (non-participants): 6.5532
Views since voting: 1769
Votes: 199
Comments: 28
Favorites: 3 (view)

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06/14/2004 08:54:30 AM
Wow - now that's some work and serious thought you put into this photograph. Even if you used another photo as your background - still excellent work and original thinking - that's what this is about. :-)

Thanks for sharing the 'how you did it'. Inspires me to continue thinking outside the box....
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06/14/2004 06:17:02 AM
Very nice and original idea, although I don't support using another photo as a main part of the composition.

Good luck in the other challenges...
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/13/2004 09:46:04 PM
Okay, this really rocks. Multiple exposure or just a really great lens?
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06/13/2004 03:21:21 PM
This is REAL nice. How did you get the zoom to capture moon like you did?
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06/13/2004 09:34:45 AM
I can't wait to see the 'how you did it' when the challenge is over. :-)
Great idea. I would love to be able to shoot the moon like you have. Cool shot!
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06/13/2004 03:01:27 AM
This is incredible. The grasshopper(?) is in focus with its silhouette and the moon's craters are also well focused. Not the most appealing due to the color but from a technical aspect VERY impressive. 9
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06/12/2004 06:27:28 PM
The cicada has landed! Great way to add interest to a normalliy static subject. The subject is almost too close to center. If possible, I'd recrop the moon, and shift either left or right. Awesome idea! 7
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06/11/2004 06:53:21 PM
OK, there's another moon picture in this challenge and I think you two are mean for taking the poor moon from us earthlings :D This is awesome- great sillhouette.
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06/11/2004 05:10:18 PM
Just 10
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06/11/2004 01:59:29 AM
Incredibly excellent! Um... now let's pick it apart: Hmmmmmmmmmm Ah! A MAJOR FLAW!!! It's not one of my photos :(

Seriously though, you have a great photo here that would look good on anyone's wall.
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06/11/2004 01:21:50 AM
I had a similar idea, but couldn't manage it with my camera. Good job! (10)
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06/09/2004 04:30:07 PM
Cant wait to find out how you shot this and what you shot this with.... been have great troubles shooting the moon
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06/08/2004 06:43:21 PM
This photo is probably already been put up for disqualification already. I'm really amazed with this and, at first sight, can't believe this can be done without cheating...The moon that big and in focus AND the very small animal in front in focus together...If it is genuine, I really think this should win! I voted a 10
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06/08/2004 02:53:23 PM
Please show how you did this. 10 here.
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06/08/2004 02:23:22 PM
Interesting. The border is a distraction, however.
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06/08/2004 02:16:24 PM
Very imaginative, I presume this is not the real moon in the background! Superb composition and mood.
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06/07/2004 09:18:55 PM
beutiful, but unreal for this contest
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06/07/2004 08:22:21 PM
Such an original shot, very well done. 8 .
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06/07/2004 05:59:59 PM
I want to know HOW you did this....!!! It rawks!!!!

Please post or PM....thanks!!! Yes a 10 and first photo I've added to my wishlist...
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06/07/2004 05:07:40 PM
If this locust isn't in front of a huge poster of the moon then that's an amazing shot. Nice composition.
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06/07/2004 03:58:59 PM
How did you do that? incredible
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06/07/2004 01:02:33 PM
Nice idea, we'll see how you did it when the challenge ends. Good luck...
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06/07/2004 12:17:49 PM
Excellent! Some will think you used a photograph for the background image, but I know the technique uses rea limages because I used it myself. But yours is much better done than mine! 8
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06/07/2004 09:38:21 AM
Very creative! I like it!
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06/07/2004 09:38:08 AM
I'm dying to know how this was done - amazing!
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06/07/2004 03:41:57 AM
what do we have here...2overlapped layers in photoshop?...nice ideea but none of the subjects is in focus in my oppinion...cheers
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06/07/2004 01:04:26 AM
Couldn’t you get him not to move his antenna? Tops for focal length!
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06/07/2004 12:24:21 AM
This is a great shot. Iether subjct alone would be super but to get them both. WOW!
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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