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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Deep DOF (Advanced Editing II)
Camera: Canon EOS-1D
Location: Reykjavík, Iceland
Date: Jun 6, 2004
Aperture: F/20
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/60 sec.
Galleries: Sky
Date Uploaded: Jun 6, 2004


Place: 25 out of 158
Avg (all users): 6.3436
Avg (commenters): 8.0625
Avg (participants): 6.2900
Avg (non-participants): 6.4000
Views since voting: 1646
Votes: 195
Comments: 22
Favorites: 6 (view)

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04/24/2005 01:33:16 AM
Interesting choice of comments you found helpful.

Were the others not worthy?
 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/13/2004 03:43:49 PM
Amazing cloud formations! The image in itself is well done, the curvature of the hills very effective. Your main subject is however not exactly centered but for me a little too centered, I would have offset him a little more.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
06/13/2004 12:51:42 PM
Meat picture. I might have liked to have seen a tiny bit more grass but that's just my opinion. Nice effect though. 7
06/13/2004 03:11:15 AM
This another of my favorites. The title is so perfect. I wish there was a bit more fill lighting on the person to give a slight contrast to the dark sky but it is very good as it is. 9
06/12/2004 03:39:55 PM
i reeeeeeeeeeeely like this pic.. everything.. sky is fascinanting
06/12/2004 09:12:24 AM
I really like this photo. What I may have done is...had the subject more at the bottom left of the photo to maximize the negative space.
06/11/2004 04:34:34 PM
Very tangible feeling from the expanse of sweeping clouds. Subject is almost too centred and it may be a touch too burned but I like it. Pretty good DOF too.
06/11/2004 07:12:31 AM
06/10/2004 09:12:35 AM
Even though the person is almost in the centre, the composition works since the dramatic clouds seem to converge on his position. Great positioning of the horizon to emphasize the clouds. A little more contrast in the clouds may give the image even more impact. 9
06/09/2004 01:19:59 AM
great shot, interesting lighting. I'd like to see subject more to the left, but still great.
06/08/2004 11:47:04 PM
This image has a very dramatic mood. Although a bit centered, it would be easy to crop off the left side (about 1/2 of the distance from the edge to the model) to make it a perfect composition. The lighting (or post processing) on the model's shirt is superb. Having said all that, it's a bit weak on the deep DoF requirement, but I still think it's a fantastic image.
06/08/2004 06:21:09 PM
The drama!!! (I also think I know who's pictures this is, because that certain one from Iceland has a specific own style :) ) Great sky, great colours! Did you backlight this one?? Or is it pure nature.... Lovely shot!
06/07/2004 09:47:15 PM
06/07/2004 07:24:38 PM
This is stunning. I can't stop looking at it. I can see this working really well as a print. It's definitely my favorite in this challenge - 10
06/07/2004 04:41:00 PM
The mood, those clouds ... this would seem to cry out for a black and white treatment to me. That said, the muted blues, and the greens and the red shirt do have an impact entirely down to their colours. Great sky - if it's burnt, it's done very well (against the dpc trend). I guess it will score well, though, I have reservations personally about it - kind of too obvious for me, if you follow.
06/07/2004 10:24:43 AM
Beautiful use of open space, an overall well done composition. The only thing that i would have done differently here would be to make the cloudsobve the grass line a bit brighter. Good Job ;)
06/07/2004 09:34:48 AM
Wow. Dang, there goes any hope I had for first place in this challenge, lol. Simply spectacular use of a wide-angle lens to add amazing drama to the sky. The single figure is really highlighted by the depth of the image, and the overall saturaed, moody tones make this a winner. I predict a ribbon... 10
06/07/2004 07:33:41 AM
Great stormy landscape. The subject should be more off centered .
06/07/2004 05:14:32 AM
ok let me guess, this is in Iceland? :)
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06/07/2004 02:10:23 AM
Makes you think about the significance of man. I think it is a wonderful picture.
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06/07/2004 01:10:09 AM
Beautiful photo. Intense mood and fits the challenge very well. Good luck with the challenge. This one should do very well.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
06/07/2004 01:02:32 AM
Outstanding mood you've portrayed here - colors, pov, single element = utter aloneness.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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