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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Deep DOF (Advanced Editing II)
Camera: Nikon D100
Location: palo alto
Date: Jun 6, 2004
Aperture: f 5.6
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/4000
Galleries: Macro
Date Uploaded: Jun 6, 2004


Place: 158 out of 158
Avg (all users): 3.2461
Avg (commenters): 2.9286
Avg (participants): 2.9681
Avg (non-participants): 3.5155
Views since voting: 1409
Votes: 191
Comments: 30
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/13/2004 09:58:48 AM
This is actually a shallow dof....
06/13/2004 09:28:29 AM
I think this is more an example of shallow depth of field
06/13/2004 06:31:02 AM
Had the whole picture been in focus you would have scored much better.
06/13/2004 02:59:09 AM
Deep DOF means everything in the frame must be in focus. I'm sure you've read that by now so I'lll comment on other parts. The foreground mushroom seems a bit oversharpened. The other two show signs of compression. Lighting is a bit strong, too.
06/12/2004 01:56:28 PM
Interesting subjects with good composition and lighting. But the back subjects are not in focus and that is distracting. This would be a great photo if it had deep DOF.
06/10/2004 03:41:26 AM
This is the antithesis of DOF. All should be in focus for this challenge, no?
06/10/2004 01:29:16 AM
This is a great example of shallow DOF, not deep DOF.
06/09/2004 06:24:09 PM
MMMMM, Morrels. I am from Michigan. We used to go up north and pick Morrels. Haven't gone in awhile, But my buddies have been going every week. They said they picking dried up for the year. Love the picture. I gave you a 7.
06/09/2004 07:06:59 AM
Oops. I'm not convinced about the shot anyway, leaving aside the challenge; it would seem to me that the variation in these shapes cries out exactly for a deep depth of field rather than this shallow one - had they been identical objects, and had you arranged them so that therre was more progression through the field of focus, then perhaps it would work. 3 - mainly for missing the challenge.
06/09/2004 01:28:11 AM
keyword, deep
06/08/2004 06:40:01 PM
uh this is Shallow DOF.
06/08/2004 03:38:29 PM
I believe you misunderstood wide dof. This is a very nice picture however. I like it.
06/08/2004 01:46:12 PM
Doesn't suggest Deep DOF to me.
Good luck though
06/08/2004 01:03:54 AM
Nice composition, good subject (yummy), and good lighting. But unfortunatly a very shallow DoF.
06/08/2004 12:08:51 AM
Uh oh, you've probably heard this already, but this is shallow dof, not deep. :(
06/07/2004 07:47:35 PM
wheres the dof ?
06/07/2004 06:25:53 PM
This does not show Deep depth of field. It shows shallow depth of field. Deep depth of field is when the background is in focus to infinity. It's an interesting subject but I don't think this is the best approach to photographing such texturally interesting objects. Try lighting it from the side to capture all the nooks more dramatically. Also, try moving in closer so that the mushrooms become more significant to the frame.
06/07/2004 06:08:47 PM
Ah....another later entry for the "Threes" competition...eh?
06/07/2004 05:43:53 PM
not deep, but very shallow DOF.
06/07/2004 03:13:55 PM
to fit the challenge all 3 should be in focus.
06/07/2004 10:47:45 AM
seems the dof is shallow here. Still the morrels are cool looking. Great shapes and I like the shadows.
06/07/2004 10:34:03 AM
I like this shot, but the DOF is very shallow, which, I'm sorry to say, is the total opposite of what the challenge was supposed to be.
06/07/2004 10:27:51 AM
Definitely, and unfortunately, short depth of field, not deep depth of field. Great job on the white background and composition, however.
06/07/2004 10:05:45 AM
Deep DOF would require that all three of these be in focus. Interesting subject, but definitely not meeting the challenge.
06/07/2004 06:50:30 AM
This is shallow depth of field, but I guess you are hearing that a lot in your comments right?
06/07/2004 03:40:38 AM
hellloooooo...this was the deep dof challange...and you submit here o shallow dof photo...deep dof means that all your objects in the composition should have been in focus...or the focus difference between the closest and the furtherest should have been as tiny as possible...
06/07/2004 01:11:12 AM
this seems to be completely opposite of the challenge. Otherwise, a very nice shot, but I can hardly score it well given the shallow DOF.
06/07/2004 01:00:12 AM
Clarity is outstanding on the first mushroom in the foreground but the two at the back blurred - telling me that this is shallow rather than deep. Good composition though.
06/07/2004 12:13:39 AM
I think this should be in the shallow depth of field challenge...
06/07/2004 12:06:12 AM
Um, I think you got it mixed up ;) *Deep* depth of field, not shallow... I'm sure you're not the only one who got these confused, though...

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