OK, I'm going through the Free Study submissions, purposefully finding those images I think are shot with a less conventional eye - this is one of those images! Thanks for offering something that isn't just DPC friendly eye-candy (though of course there's nothing wrong with eye-candy):
Positives: What a slice of life this is! The Topaz (or Topaz-like) effect gives it an other-worldly look which invites a particular interpretation...... as a viewer, with my own perspective, this looks like satire to me - don't get me wrong, I do think this is a non-contrived scene but I feel you are asking us take a particular stance. I'm going to go out on a limb here and hope that the girl in the green dress isn't a loved one but I can't help noticing that the girl in black is cutting a cake and the lady in green is first in line! I really love the way the girls in the centre are crowding together and perhaps I've watched to many Lindsey Lohan movies but they seem to be in their own clique - making me wonder about all of their relationships with each other. Perhaps I have read too much into this image but as the viewer I have felt invited into this scene to draw my own conclusions. That's something quite significant you've done there - pull me in, make me feel as if I'm there.... I feel involved, part of it.
Critical stuff: This image makes me worry a little - perhaps it is a sincere rendition of a scene of importance to you and what I've said above is a little inappropriate in that context for I have certainly entertained stereotypes in my interpretation. However, that in itself offers a social commentary - not of the photo but of me, the viewer, and my socio-culturally moulded view of the world; if that's the case then I do apologise - but nonetheless I thank you for the image.
Overall: A very interesting image which is very, very involving. |