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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: HDR II (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Canon EOS-400D Rebel XTi
Lens: Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 USM II
Location: At Vargviken on Fårön in Piteå, Sweden
Date: Sep 11, 2009
Aperture: f 20
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/20 s to 5 s
Galleries: Floral, High Dynamic Range (HDR)
Date Uploaded: Sep 11, 2009

This picture consist of seven exposures (-4 to +3 EV).
HDR:ed in Dynamic Photo and saved as five different outputs.
Layered in PS CS4 and altered opacity and levels for each layer. Merged, cloned out some black spots on the petals.
"Portrait noise reduction" with Imagenomic Noisware Professional. USM and save for the web.
More flower pics with almost the same treatment can be found in my album Blommor - Rakt på

Place: 68 out of 155
Avg (all users): 5.8214
Avg (commenters): 6.1000
Avg (participants): 5.2841
Avg (non-participants): 6.2593
Views since voting: 1004
Views during voting: 420
Votes: 196
Comments: 12
Favorites: 1 (view)

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09/26/2009 01:36:23 AM
Greetings from the Critique Club

I thought this was a very striking image when I was voting on the HDR challenge. So much so, I gave it quite a high score, even though I'm not sure HDR really works that well for flowers.

I think the centered composition worked very well for this image and the white against the black background was excellent.

As one of the purposes of using HDR is to bring out the details in the shadows and highlights, I think it would have been nice to see a bit more detail in the centre of the flower, however that is a minor nit pick.

Overall very well done image. I suppose the main reasons it didn't score higher is a) it's a flower and quite often these are not appreciated on DPC b) some people did not think it was HDR.

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09/23/2009 04:10:11 PM
highly underrated. Good work!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/19/2009 11:11:01 PM
Good flower. Excellent choice of symmetrical composition for this subject. Detail lost in shadows. Not sure HDR benefitted this image.
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09/18/2009 09:06:34 PM
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09/16/2009 09:23:52 PM
Great flower, wish I could see the middle a bit better. Offset angle bothers me, but I love the photo so much Ill just look past it. good job! 6
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09/16/2009 05:42:33 PM
Great lighting, beautiful photo.
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09/15/2009 11:06:28 PM
The treatment works well, making the fine veins of the petals into the star of this shot. I'm not a huge floral fan, but I can recognize well done, nonetheless.
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09/15/2009 02:28:07 PM
I shall be rating this challenge by the following criteria:

1 - Not HDR in my opinion

3 - HDR is way over-done, in my opinion

5 - A reasonable use of HDR, but not a very engaging photo, in my opinion

7 - A reasonable use of HDR, and an engaging photo, in my opinion

10 - A fantastic use of HDR, and an out of this world photo, in my opinion

Your photo receives:

  Photographer found comment helpful.
09/15/2009 02:17:56 PM
some people may think this not HDR .... I really like it.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
09/15/2009 12:19:50 AM
Excellent light
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09/14/2009 09:49:47 PM
The flower stems seem to come out at me - nice job.
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09/14/2009 08:35:29 AM
I like the graphic sense of this flower.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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