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Bee on Flower
Bee on Flower

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Macro (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-D30
Location: Reykjavík, Iceland
Date: Nov 8, 2002
Aperture: F/5,6
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/60 sec.
Galleries: Nature, Macro
Date Uploaded: Nov 10, 2002


Place: 105 out of 301
Avg (all users): 5.6081
Avg (commenters): 6.4500
Avg (participants): 5.5763
Avg (non-participants): 5.6667
Views since voting: 1678
Votes: 273
Comments: 22
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/17/2002 10:17:00 PM
Bees are very challenging (having struggled with them myself this summer). It would have been a 10 if the bee were in focus, but he is too soft for my liking. Nice positioning though.
11/17/2002 05:16:00 PM
some areas are not sharp
11/17/2002 04:40:00 PM
11/17/2002 02:19:00 PM
lovely picture-anz
11/16/2002 02:07:00 PM
Your lucky its summer for you in the southern hemisphere. 8 marbo
11/16/2002 01:31:00 PM
This is nice but could be focused better. Good luck in the challenge. Grayce :-)
11/13/2002 11:53:00 PM
Yup...another bug photo out of focus. Nice colors, though, so you get extra points for that.
11/13/2002 11:30:00 PM
good shot if focus was sharper
11/13/2002 05:59:00 PM
Woah - the bee's wings look purple. Is that a result of altering the Hue/Saturation? I love the colors on the bee and flower, too bad the wings got altered as well. great shot though. shedonist 8
11/13/2002 05:50:00 PM
I hate bees with a passion, but what a cool photo. :-) His wings match the flower! 7 kathleenm
11/13/2002 02:13:00 PM
nice catch, but needed to be a little sharper on the focus.
11/13/2002 12:00:00 AM
You picked up really nice colors on the bumble bee and I like the light streaming up from the bottom. Just a wee outta focus, unfortunately that distracts from the picture.
11/12/2002 08:43:00 PM
If you are from the Atlanta, Georgia area that is not a bee!! That is a YELLOW JACKET which BULLDOGS love to eat. If it had been a BULLDOG it would have been a 10 even if it was fuzzy. But since it's a yellow jacket with a fuzzy head it is only an 8. Forgetting the school riveraly it really is a good picture but still and 8. PTL
11/12/2002 04:16:00 PM
only if the bee wasnt so blurry, this picture would of rock,
11/12/2002 02:07:00 PM
Nice Shot.
11/11/2002 07:21:00 PM
That is one furry bee. They're tough to focus, aren't they? Nice bright colours. Must have played with the saturation quite a bit to get this effect. Good show. Jacko 7
11/11/2002 04:23:00 PM
Wow! this is beautiful. 10 Sonifo
11/11/2002 01:13:00 PM
Not really sharp enough - a tough subject to capture.
11/11/2002 12:24:00 PM
i love bug shots! (i bet you are not hearing this very often here ;)
challenge -- met
technical -- the focus seems to be a little stronger on the flower than on the bee. a difficult thing to get right with the shallow DOF that digital cameras have in macro mode. i like the plain but not totally uniform background. overall colors are great, the purple tinge of the wings is nicely complemented by the flower.
composition -- great. outside of this challenge, i would clone out those green bits at the bottom of the flower.
good shot
-- gr8photos
11/11/2002 06:56:00 AM
Faster shutter needed in my oppinion. Other wise great shot. Good color. Too bad no depth.
11/11/2002 01:46:00 AM
Beautiful colours (especially the wings the same colour as the flower). I'm wondering if you've blurred it a little, or if it was just a touch out of focus...
11/11/2002 01:13:00 AM
Looks like your camera focused on the closer flower bud (see bud at lower right) leaving the bee out of focus. Love the colors. 7

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