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The Curves of the Ocean
The Curves of the Ocean

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Twisted II (Basic Editing)
Camera: Olympus Stylus 1030 SW
Date: Sep 29, 2009
Date Uploaded: Sep 29, 2009


Place: 151 out of 155
Avg (all users): 4.1575
Avg (commenters): 3.8333
Avg (participants): 3.8889
Avg (non-participants): 4.2772
Views since voting: 502
Views during voting: 251
Votes: 146
Comments: 7
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/06/2009 09:09:58 AM
This is a wonderful vista you have here. A tad thin on challenge connection. I guess technically, yes, it fits. On technical points the composition is off a tad; the horizon is tilted, and the brush in the lower-left would be better left out of the frame. JMO of course. Good luck.
10/04/2009 08:34:16 PM
An overall pleasing scene, but I have a couple of nitpicks. Some might not be fixable under basic editing rules.
-Some blown highlights on the waves. some careful work with curves or the highlight adjustment may or may not be able to do anything for it.
-Some visible tilt. Easy fix
-Composition seems to have two subjects competing for my eye (the far rocks and the nearby surf), both which are placed very close to opposite edges of the frame. It does not seem to lead my eye or flow for me.
10/02/2009 09:40:15 PM
I love all the blues of the water.
10/02/2009 05:17:29 PM
Doesn't quite live up to the title unfortunately. A really good idea though. Not keen on the composition.
10/01/2009 02:53:42 PM
That one rock has a good curve thing going on, but for the challenge, I do think this is a bit of a title-dependent stretch. Good color in the water, and the people give a good sense of scale to this.
10/01/2009 02:38:41 PM
*not voting as I'm in this challenge-just commenting since I've seen requests for comments in the challenge thread*

Amazing color in the water. This would be better I think if the people weren't there though. They are so tiny that at first/quick glance they almost just look like dirt or something on the photo. They are more of a distraction than help.
09/30/2009 12:27:36 PM
The photo doesn't convey to me the title you have given it.

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