Greetings from the Critique Club!
Initial impression: Good execution, but needs a little more work in terms of concept.
Technical: Not much to pick holes here. Comp is a bit centred, lighting is good, the textures show nicely...almost too nicely, as the f-stop is maxed out at 29, so the leather couch is just as much in focus as you are! I would have gone for an f-stop of say 7.1, got ISO down as much as possible and compensated accordingly in terms of shutter.
Artistic: To me, the body language looks very closed-off to the viewer, as though you were disinterested. And yes, do find the sheen on the leather to lead my eye more to the back, whereas it should be roaming around the front. Would have liked to see more of a profile or 3/4 to the camera, this is almost 3/4 the other way.
Overall: Would love to see more of your face! From what I can see there are so many stories there for you to tell, let us see so we can get a sense for who you are.
Feel free to PM me with any questions,
Susan |