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Mustang on Fire
1st PlaceMustang on Fire

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Artificial Lighting (Basic Editing)
Camera: Nikon D200
Lens: Nikon AF-S Nikkor 14-24mm f/2.8 G ED
Date: Oct 10, 2009
Aperture: f11
ISO: 100
Shutter: 111s
Galleries: Transportation
Date Uploaded: Oct 10, 2009

I wish I could claim the idea as my own, but I cannot. I found a similar photo on deviant art months ago, and it has been ingrained on my memory since, as well as being on my to do list. This challenge presented another opportunity for it. Here is the photo that started it for me:

A lot of comments were curious about how this was done... its rather simple. Just get a sparkler, and trace the outline of the car. I bought sparklers that last 3 minutes to do this shot, so each take was only 1 sparkler. 4 takes later and this is the result. But, as ASTONishing mentioned in his comments, be careful not to actually touch the car with the sparkler, they burn really hot.

Thanks to all the great votes and the favourites. This result is a huge confidence boost :D

Also, a huge thanks to jeger for helping me with this shot, and for letting me use his car. It is the same car as this shot:

Place: 1 out of 111
Avg (all users): 7.1942
Avg (commenters): 8.5217
Avg (participants): 7.2444
Avg (non-participants): 7.1801
Views since voting: 12655
Views during voting: 476
Votes: 206
Comments: 72
Favorites: 56 (view)

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08/09/2010 12:51:04 AM
This is very cool. Could be a nice commercial take as well :)
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06/04/2010 04:19:33 PM
I would be worried about the paint... As a matter of a fact, I would be surprised if this didn't mar the clear coat... Polymers + Burning embers (sometimes magnesium in sparklers...)... = Not so good...

Still, A WONDERFUL image... I'd love to do this, but I don't know if I would feel comfy with the paint being hit by burning chunks of crap..

I'm adding this to my favorites, and keeping you away from my cars..
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06/04/2010 04:11:51 PM
this is so neat. i would love to see it done in action...
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12/31/2009 04:05:39 PM
Really cool one. I love the effect!
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11/29/2009 10:12:47 AM
I really like this one. I also learned something from the comments (using the bulb setting). Thank you for your suggestions on my light painting thread... they are useful. :)
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10/25/2009 10:50:26 AM
Awesome job Brad! Congrats on the well deserved ribbon. Really cool photo.

( I think your version is much better than the original. Your sparkler trails define the edges of the car much better. Great job!)

Message edited by author 2009-10-25 10:53:08.
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10/25/2009 06:31:58 AM
Originally posted by Kavey:

What a great idea!

Thanks for the link to the shot that inspired you - the one area in which I think it beats your own version for me is the way the light from the sparklers also makes the car itself visible - one can see the door, the registration plate, the radiator grill and the body of the car...

That said, I like the way your sparkler lines are thicker and show more of the flying sparks than the original version.


And this a FAR superior car of course :-)
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10/24/2009 07:50:39 AM
What a great idea!

Thanks for the link to the shot that inspired you - the one area in which I think it beats your own version for me is the way the light from the sparklers also makes the car itself visible - one can see the door, the registration plate, the radiator grill and the body of the car...

That said, I like the way your sparkler lines are thicker and show more of the flying sparks than the original version.

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10/23/2009 11:36:05 AM
Way to go Brad! A blue and a 7+ score! woohoo!
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10/22/2009 07:45:45 PM
Originally posted by ahmednet:

what is Camer used ??

The camera? I used a Nikon D200.
10/22/2009 07:31:58 PM
what is Camer used ??
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10/22/2009 05:40:06 PM
I wonder how many DPCers will try this out too? I will for sure but not with a car. Now to find long lasting sparklers....
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10/22/2009 04:26:30 PM
Wow!! (do you put the camera in 'bulb' to do this?)

Message edited by author 2009-10-22 16:28:33.
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10/21/2009 06:07:14 PM
Very nice, I may have to try that with mine
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10/21/2009 03:39:41 PM
congrats on the blue and a new PB, btw really cool picture
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10/21/2009 12:28:08 PM
Oh, and congrats on making that lens your bitch. :-)
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10/21/2009 11:59:49 AM
Looks awesome!!
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10/21/2009 11:05:06 AM
Phenomenal work.. is looks awesome!
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10/21/2009 09:47:41 AM
Damn! That is so freakin' awesome. Major congratulations on the Blue. I like how someone thinks sparklers are natural light, and voted a 1. And props to Jon for having the stones to let you get that close to his ride with fissionable material. :-P
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10/21/2009 09:24:50 AM
This was one of my favorites. Congrats.
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10/21/2009 09:18:22 AM
So well done! I really like this... gave it an 8. Congrats on your ribbon!
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10/21/2009 08:43:16 AM
Cool, way to go! :-O
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10/21/2009 08:34:57 AM
Congrats on you new PB! Amazing picture!
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10/21/2009 07:43:22 AM
Brad, great execution. Congrats! Nice collection of ribbons you got there.
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10/21/2009 07:34:43 AM
Brad, A huge congrats on your blue.
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10/21/2009 07:21:51 AM
Very cool indeed.
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10/21/2009 04:54:31 AM
Great job, congrats on ribbon.
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10/21/2009 04:17:54 AM
Congratulations. Great shot!!
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10/21/2009 03:24:17 AM
Brilliant shot. Congrats
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10/21/2009 02:43:04 AM
Well deserved blue, for the effort alone. Congrats!
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10/21/2009 02:03:35 AM
Congratulations! Really well done.
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10/21/2009 01:32:21 AM
Congratulations on your blue and PB!! Brilliant idea!
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10/21/2009 01:25:09 AM
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10/21/2009 01:01:11 AM
Grats on the ribbon and good job on the photo, I know what its like to do something like that as I did it with my Camaro quite some time ago except I used a mini-mag light with the top removed...
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10/21/2009 12:55:51 AM
VitaminBlue strikes again! Congrats buddy!
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10/21/2009 12:47:40 AM
Wow! This is definitely a wall hanger. Great, creative shot, congrats on your well deserved blue, Brad.
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10/21/2009 12:28:32 AM
FACINATING!!!!!what a shot! huge congrats in the ribbon.
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10/21/2009 12:26:44 AM
Congratulations on your top finish - what an amazing photo!
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10/21/2009 12:22:14 AM
Excellent shot! And whoever came up with that idea of painting with light is genius!
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10/21/2009 12:21:06 AM
Very clever idea, well done! Congrats!
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10/21/2009 12:14:26 AM
Wow, congratulations!!!!
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10/21/2009 12:13:30 AM
Phenomenal idea!!, just brilliant, congrats on your win.
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10/21/2009 12:09:38 AM
Great Job and congratulations! One of my favourite types of lighting. You captured it well!
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10/21/2009 12:06:53 AM
saw the blue coming. And let me say you did yours so much better than the one in the link
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10/21/2009 12:06:12 AM
DAMN!!!! NICE WORK!!!!!!!
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10/21/2009 12:05:20 AM
this is so cool i can't believe how good the tracing is... congrats on the PB!
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10/21/2009 12:04:50 AM
Wow, way cool, congrats on the top finish.
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10/21/2009 12:04:15 AM
SWEET! Congrats - one of my top pics!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/20/2009 11:01:49 PM
OH! SO COOL! Can't wait to read the background on this. Perfect depiction of the challenge!
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10/20/2009 10:53:39 PM
Did you use a sparkler? This is fun! Love how the flares are just dripping off the car.
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10/20/2009 03:11:59 PM
WOW, that is AWESOME
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10/20/2009 11:06:24 AM
I really appreciate your efforts in getting this right. Awesome job.

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10/20/2009 10:10:58 AM
Good Luck buddy!! - No Vote
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10/20/2009 08:05:44 AM
My winner for the ribbon. This is awesome. 10.
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10/19/2009 06:24:48 PM
Wow this one is really really cool. How did you do this?
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10/19/2009 01:34:31 PM
Looks like a bit of work went into this one. It paid off.
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10/19/2009 03:24:10 AM
Is it photoshop? Welldone please give me the techniq. thnx

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10/18/2009 03:08:33 PM
Cool, cool, cool!!!
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10/18/2009 02:23:05 AM
Really great!
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10/17/2009 03:18:45 PM
I like this. Kind of like the light painting Ben Willmore (Where is Ben) does. I suspect you did it with a sparkler to give the sparky effect, which I like. I'm glad you put a horizon line in.
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10/17/2009 02:52:19 PM
good job, and a lot of planning to pull it off
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10/15/2009 09:05:23 PM
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10/15/2009 07:46:17 AM
A quite impressive effect has been achieved and it has been well performed. Only the shade of light at the left back is somewhat disturbing. From a phptografic point of view I am less impressed, but based on this study you could make a sparkling advertisement. I rate this high because I never saw something alike before.
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10/14/2009 10:48:09 PM
Turned out well
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10/14/2009 12:27:11 PM
Cool. Have to know how you did this!
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10/14/2009 11:28:38 AM
I am sure you used sparklers...I was going to do something with sparklers and people but got lazy. I look at this and I'm definitely going to do something with sparklers the next time around when light is the subject.

I think you did an amazing job here. I predict a blue or a close tie to a blue with one other entry I like as blue. If not, then most definitely a red.

Good luck!!
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10/14/2009 11:10:01 AM
Very cool!
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10/14/2009 09:22:03 AM
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10/14/2009 02:19:15 AM
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10/14/2009 01:51:07 AM
great idea! I hope you didn't ruin your paint. The magnesium and other metals that burn on a sparkler, shoot off at about 3000 degrees. I hope you clay bar it after that shot =)
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10/14/2009 01:41:21 AM
Wow this is awesome, I wonder how many seconds was your exposure to do this
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10/14/2009 12:24:20 AM
very creative and well done! my first 10 so far.
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