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Challenge: Window View II (Advanced Editing VII)
Collection: 2009 - CHALLENGES
Camera: Canon EOS-5D Mark II
Lens: Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L USM II
Location: looking out our bedroom window
Date: Oct 11, 2009
Aperture: f7.1
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/125+ExtFlash
Galleries: Humorous, Animals
Date Uploaded: Oct 11, 2009

[Oct. 14th, 2009 02:37:20 PM]

about the sheep .. seeing you asked jeb NikonJeb .:)
sam and ram live in the paddock like 'normal' sheep but are very tame and follow you and bleat when they see you .. they were both hand reared ..
this is ram's start in life ..

i'd let them into our house yard a few weeks ago and quite by chance they had come to our bedroom window when katee was inside ..
so .. when the window view challenge was announced my first thought was to get the sheep at the window possibly with katee interracting with them from in the bedroom ..

for the challenge most of the photographs i took included katee ... but i liked the one I entered coz it was funny ..
for oliver eyewave .. great idea of sticking the bread to the window but i'm not that imaginative .. the sheep was eating the bread and it was dropping from his mouth when i took the pic ... had put some pieces of bread near the window so they'd get as close as possible ..
the sheep love bread and will jump on you to get to it ..

Place: 13 out of 82
Avg (all users): 6.4647
Avg (commenters): 7.2353
Avg (participants): 6.1707
Avg (non-participants): 6.5581
Views since voting: 1689
Views during voting: 360
Votes: 170
Comments: 28
Favorites: 2 (view)

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09/25/2014 09:24:00 PM
Hey, let us in!
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10/26/2009 02:04:40 AM
This is absolutely terrifying.
I used to get bailed up by an irate sheep every time I used the outdoor loo when I lived on a farm.
She was hand raised by my aunt who used to treat her with Lolly Gobble Bliss Bombs (caramelised popcorn).
I'm sure the sheep, whose name was Rani, thought that I was holding out on her and a few well aimed
head butts would get me to hand them over.
I don't know how you can possibly live with such beasts! LOL
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10/22/2009 07:42:11 PM
Yup, I knew it !
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10/21/2009 07:48:14 AM
Oh Roz! This is just fabulous! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
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10/20/2009 08:31:37 PM
I absolutely LOVE this! Congrats on top 20! (should be closer to the ribbons IMHO) :)
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10/20/2009 07:36:48 AM
I love it! Bread-raised sheep! LOL!!!

Only you, dear heart! Nice finish, BTW......8>)
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10/19/2009 08:02:12 AM
This wins for most hilarious entry! Great stuff Roz
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10/19/2009 12:26:27 AM
WOW !!!! my fav in this high quality challenge. Fantastic!!!
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10/19/2009 12:14:37 AM
The expression on the sheep's face is fantastic! Want to know what exactly it has seen to make it drop its lunch. Congrats on the great finish.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/18/2009 10:38:04 PM
Love the sheep! (Roz's sheep?) Love the expression on the face, but don't care for the piece of bread. (is it bread?) The face is so wonderful, but I keep getting distracted wondering if it's bread and why sheep would like bread... :D -7-
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10/18/2009 02:24:06 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHHA, holy crap, a sheep eating bread, and dropping it because it was so surprised. Classicly awesome.
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10/18/2009 11:32:10 AM
I thought this was a fun picture.
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10/17/2009 11:50:45 PM
I love the look in the Sheep's eyes. Like it got caught with it's hand (hoof) in the cookie jar :) Makes me smile. Nice capture.
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10/15/2009 12:11:48 PM
they real?
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10/14/2009 06:48:56 PM
They almost look fake, their eyes are crazy looking, nice image, 7.
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10/14/2009 11:41:28 AM
this is such a vivid picture, love the subject and the setup and the timing of the shot. 8
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10/14/2009 06:11:56 AM
funny, obviously Roz's sheep. did you stick the bread to the window to attract them? the reflection in the right half of the window kinda distracts
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10/14/2009 01:40:53 AM
Lol! Great shot. ( Where's katee?)
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10/13/2009 04:10:42 PM
over sharpened, the sheep looks like a drawing
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10/12/2009 11:19:26 PM
you get my lol 7.
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10/12/2009 10:12:32 PM
Freaky looking sheep, AHHHH!!
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10/12/2009 06:55:48 PM
This is great! I can't help but laugh out loud, but I am trying to muffle it because I am at work. :) The look on sheep's face and the slice of bread in mid air is sooo hilarious! What a little Peeping Tom!
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10/12/2009 06:44:35 PM
I'll say! LOL!!! How did you arrange this!......7
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10/12/2009 06:09:27 PM
wow that is cool
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10/12/2009 02:53:50 PM
most amusing shot of the challenge
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10/12/2009 09:57:29 AM
oh, this is a really fantastic view! If I had that window view I would have to laugh every time!
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10/12/2009 09:32:34 AM
Ohmy! This is BRILLIANT! I'm so jealous! Sheep! That come right to your window! How could anything be more perfect!
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10/12/2009 05:25:09 AM
I was wondering which of your critters were going to make the challenge. This is hilarious!
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