He came upon her, that day, and his hand shot up to his mouth in horror. It was supposed to just be a pleasant walk in the woods, a get away from the stress and mind-numbing boredom that he had been feeling while trying to figure out a new story for his publisher. The demands they made, it was ridiculous sometimes. So it had hardly taken much time to think, when he had glanced outside and seen the sunlight break through the ever-present gray of the clouds that had hemmed in the world that week. His coat and boots had been on in a flash, and he had stepped out into the air and the sun and the feeling of freedom, and he had thought to be back only when his mind had been refreshed.
Yet when he had turned that corner, with nary a negative thought in his mind, and stumbled upon this, his world had collapsed. At first he thought it was a dream, a dream that was slowly turning to nightmare. This body, lying here on the path, covered in leaves, staring into whatever eternity it was now experiencing, and utterly decimating the serenity that he had to this point achieved.
With an involuntary retch, he turned from the sight of her, and emptied his stomach into the bushes. Shaking, he reached for his phone, to call 911, to turn this horrific discovery over to those that would know what to do, and as he raised his phone to his ear, he never felt the blow upon the other.
And then there were two. |