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2nd PlaceAlone

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Choices (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Canon PowerShot A80
Location: Hamilton Ont. Canada
Date: Jun 14, 2004
Aperture: 6.3
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/250
Galleries: Black and White, Political
Date Uploaded: Jun 15, 2004

Some choices we can only make ourselves.
ISO: 50
Shutter Speed: 1/250
Aperture: 6.3

Place: 2 out of 227
Avg (all users): 6.5852
Avg (commenters): 8.4167
Avg (participants): 6.0693
Avg (non-participants): 6.8935
Views since voting: 7053
Votes: 270
Comments: 51
Favorites: 11 (view)

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08/16/2004 03:20:00 PM
Wow. Oh my gosh. This is by far one of the top 5 best picture I have seen on here. That is so powerful. Damn...that fits like a glove in the catergory, too. I can't praise it enough. It kind of takes my breath away.
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08/05/2004 06:07:56 AM
A very powerful image.If I had been a part of DPC when this was entered, it would of most definately been a ten.
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06/27/2004 10:41:35 PM
Do you see she is holding her baby? I hope she made the right choice.
Super shot bongo.
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06/27/2004 10:35:54 PM
This hit home for me, adding it to my favorites!
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06/25/2004 11:54:47 AM
To me this is the winner.
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06/25/2004 05:11:02 AM
such a simple picture with such a huge meaning
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06/25/2004 12:15:12 AM
Yes, with a tighter crop and a little straightening you may have achieved 1st place. Well Done on your 2nd Place.
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06/24/2004 03:27:41 PM
Congrats on your ribbon!!!!
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06/24/2004 06:04:18 AM
A photo with impact! Congrats.
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06/23/2004 04:51:08 PM
had the exposure been better this would have been a much more powerfull image. As it is, it's muddy and lacks any punch. I do like the idea. the cropping could have been a little tighter, but this is a subjective matter. Nice idea.
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06/23/2004 12:03:49 PM
Sad and penetrating image. Congratulations on your win. Ann
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06/23/2004 08:17:17 AM
Very strong and very deserving of the ribbon. Congratulations.
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06/23/2004 02:25:56 AM
Very strong powerful message portrayed in this image.....it's so very well done. Congratulations on your well deserved ribbon. This is awesome!
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06/23/2004 02:15:53 AM
After reading many of the comments on your photo I am sorry you didn't win. I hope you get your blue ribbon real soon! Maybe next challenge we could trade places? ;)

Congratulations on a superb image!
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06/23/2004 01:43:35 AM
Congrats on the ribbon, it is well deserved.

I did not get a chance to even look at the entries in this challenge, but I wanted to comment on this one.

Technically; having not read the rest of the comments, I imagine others have pointed out the lack of contrast and tilt. But these imperfections did not matter much once my eyes found your daughter. The poise with which she holds the pose carries the message past any technical barriers. Whomever is responsible for the pose, your coaching or her contribution, it worked very well.

I added you (and the picture) to my favorites because you have accomplished the conveyance of a strong emotional charge that I have been studying to be able to even attempt. That is an ability that I certainly want to keep an eye on.

As a final note; well done on the courage to attempt an image representing such a strongly charged subject that it is nearly guaranteed to create conflict. Not to mention to pull it off so well that you are able to ribbon with it. I have had an image that, like this one for you, simply will not leave me alone; but I have been unwilling to attempt it as I know I lack the skill to do it justice just yet. Having the image stuck in my head gives me a goal to work toward, and you have (unknowingly perhaps, but none the less) given me a needed push to stop stalling so much.

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06/23/2004 12:54:57 AM
well deserved, congratulations.
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06/23/2004 12:49:25 AM
congratulations on your ribbon.....
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06/23/2004 12:47:46 AM
This is the best. Message is very powerful.
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06/23/2004 12:37:07 AM
I see you made your 3 first points in your 2004 "To Do" list!:)

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06/23/2004 12:32:20 AM
congratulations on a well deserved ribbon! powerful.
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06/23/2004 12:09:19 AM
Way to go, bongo!!!! Congrats!!!! ;o)
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06/23/2004 12:08:15 AM
Congrats! powerful image.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/22/2004 10:10:59 PM
Wow, what a great photo. I always appreciate pictures that are well done and have a strong message and this photo certainly accomplishes both goals extremely well. Nice job!
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06/22/2004 06:53:43 PM
A stirring image and an unfortunate choice these days. It's a great composition with a model well suited for the job. Her pose and expression are downright perfect. My only complaint is that the print seems very flat - there's no really crisp whites - and little contrast. If that was your intention - you've succeded, but Id like it better with more tonal range. Overall - should be in the top few...
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06/22/2004 11:28:35 AM
Fabulous interpretation of the challenge. well done! :o)
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06/22/2004 10:18:48 AM
Far and away the best chosen subject I've seen so far. Perhaps no other choice this girls will make in her life will be as important as this one, to accept or to kill.
Not terribly strong technically, but I'm more interested in the subject. Brilliant.
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06/22/2004 03:31:08 AM
A little lacking in contrast, but I think this symbolises one of lifes hardest choices.

Assuming the person was a "model" I might have had her facing towards the door biting her finger nails to emphasise the choice she is having to make.
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06/21/2004 05:42:02 PM
Great photo!
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06/21/2004 01:38:54 PM
A powerful (and possibly point affecting) statement. I think color would have been okay here, but it also works well in b&w. Good composition, and I like the way she is looking away and holding her hands. Actually - the photo makes not so much of a judgement which works well (ie. I can't tell if your for or against). Nice work. Well balanced.
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06/21/2004 05:34:44 AM
I love the way the starkness of the sign really jumps out of the image. This is quite a confronting composition that doesn't lose track of the vulnerability and humanity of the subject. I think the isolation and vulnerability of the subject creates an emotional depth that transcends the impersonality the debate.
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06/21/2004 02:33:39 AM
this image really makes one think. it goes beyond the cliche 'which pair of shoes' type of photograph and really makes you look at all the details... the pregnant girl, posed perfectly off-center, the locked door and notice on the door that show how dangerous it can be to provide a controversial service...black and white certainly fits for this image, as the decision faced by the girl really is black and white, either choosing life, or death for her unborn child. a powerful image, a perfect 10 in my eyes.
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06/20/2004 11:30:39 AM
Wow... sometimes b&w can be cliche, but absolutely perfect here.
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06/19/2004 05:58:04 PM
black and white is good...love the photo...fits the challenge quite well!
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06/19/2004 09:20:01 AM
Powerful image. Well done. One of my very few favourites. 10
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06/18/2004 10:00:03 PM
powerful...great tension
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06/18/2004 08:37:17 PM
Very affecting, done perfectly. I hope you don't get any backlash from personal sentiments. I think this is one of the few really interesting entries for this challenge.
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06/17/2004 08:47:50 PM
This pict. says a lot...The B&W really works, but it appears just a little soft. I like the off-set of the model and the pose she has taken...Well done
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06/17/2004 07:37:01 PM
Great photo, a lot of feeling in this one.
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06/16/2004 11:14:56 PM
Very powerful photo. The composition and use of b&w worls well.
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06/16/2004 09:39:50 PM
very evocotive....a big choice.....Thanks for providing some meat to this rather dull challenge
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06/16/2004 04:49:01 PM
I give you an 8 for broaching a political/religious topic in a basic challenge...
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06/16/2004 02:34:43 PM
pretty good - a little too much empty space though?
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06/16/2004 01:33:25 PM
very powerfull
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06/16/2004 01:01:38 PM
This is the 1st photo I see in this competition that realy is about choices!
Edit: For me it's be best photo with a strong message. Hope it wins.
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06/16/2004 12:40:33 PM
Nice composition, excellent moment you captured here.
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06/16/2004 09:07:02 AM
This is a really nice shot. I like how while no choice is actually present, the situation is filled with choices. the B&W really sets a nice mood, and the model's poise is perfect. My only concern is that a handfull of people won't get it somehow.
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06/16/2004 05:40:31 AM
Wow.... We're either invading a very private moment, or you've got some guts posing this one. Powerful image.
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06/16/2004 02:31:04 AM
ouch, that one got me
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06/16/2004 01:59:51 AM
Very emotional picture, whether one agrees with abortion or not.
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06/16/2004 01:18:37 AM
Great concept for the theme. Good job.
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