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Intruder Killed During Home Invasion
Intruder Killed During Home Invasion

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Newspaper (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 880
Location: Alvin, TX
Date: Jun 22, 2004
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/60
Date Uploaded: Jun 22, 2004


Place: 138 out of 232
Avg (all users): 5.0468
Avg (commenters): 6.2273
Avg (participants): 4.9009
Avg (non-participants): 5.1437
Views since voting: 732
Views during voting: 401
Votes: 278
Comments: 23
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/29/2004 07:33:06 PM
Bold to set this up, but I love it!
06/29/2004 03:32:35 PM
reminds me of weegee
06/28/2004 10:40:23 PM
Nice concept and a great touch with the police tape across the tape, but if a photographer was there, there DEFINITELY would be some police/detectives standing around. Just an idea for next time. Also, the body looks a little bit too symetrically aligned with the door. Otherwise, this is a GREAT shot!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
06/28/2004 07:34:26 PM
nice setup :)
06/26/2004 03:05:41 PM
I like the erotic nature of this shot with the boobies visible from out the sheet. That intruder had some new shoes! color might have worked with that oriental rug
06/26/2004 04:48:01 AM
Got him right there in the doorway! I like the police tape too.
Scene looks slightly contrived but good effort and idea.
06/25/2004 07:43:38 PM
Its an ok photo but it simply shouts that its staged to me, maybe next time don't have the person in the centre of the rug with their arms neatly at their side etc.
06/25/2004 02:13:59 PM
It was Colonel Mustard in the foyer with the revolver...
06/23/2004 10:01:57 PM
Was this picture set up or real? My clue says set up...but good for challenge. 7 for me
06/23/2004 06:45:11 PM
For some reason this shot makes me laugh.
06/23/2004 06:07:10 PM
very inventive for this chalenge.
06/23/2004 05:37:00 PM
now that's the idea! -(I hope no sheets were harmed in making this shot ;)
Your angle works, like the touch of the "5"
06/23/2004 05:09:52 PM
Is that you under that sheet? We will miss you here. Good set up. Good headline.
06/23/2004 02:05:07 PM
Nice concept, is that a female? 9
06/23/2004 12:17:56 PM
I don't think a newspaper would publish this because of the severity of the subject
06/23/2004 12:05:32 PM
commitment? did you have to break the door?
06/23/2004 12:02:54 PM
Either you got hold of the don't cross ribbon, or this is rel.
Great image.
06/23/2004 11:57:08 AM
Come on, do you really think this would be in the paper? Nice staged image. Creativity counts.
06/23/2004 08:40:08 AM
whoa, i hope that's not a real pic! That's definately one I would find in a newspaper.
06/23/2004 05:14:05 AM
Way to put in the effort! I think you'd be better off without the clutter in the bottom right, but this is a very nice photo.
06/23/2004 03:50:47 AM
Seems like a pretty morbid photo for a newspaper to publish. Good headline. Nicely done.
06/23/2004 01:54:10 AM
I like your idea. Good concept. I get a feel of being too "set up" though. I have nothing against set-ups, i do them myself, it just seems too obvious in this case. Maybe if the body were not laying so straight out and neat, you know, bend the legs or half twisted on side or something like that. Maybe some kind of broken something, or mess up the rug, or some sign of conflict. Of course, if this is real, and you happened to catch it, wow!, ignore what I said and send me a message "what was I thinking?" ... hehehe.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
06/23/2004 12:46:27 AM
LMAOO good idea. Finally someone with some imagination and creativity.

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