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1st PlaceNew Horizons

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Fine Arts: Exhibit I (Advanced Editing VII*)
Camera: Nikon D300
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR II
Date: Mar 6, 2010
Date Uploaded: Mar 7, 2010

Not sure why I am doing this to myself. After tanking in the cold challenge with a similar shot, I thought maybe I could do better in this challenge. Not sure that I even agree with my own hypothesis, but there you go.

It's probably too similar to the other one, but I'm not the first person to do something like that I think :)

[Mar. 9th, 2010 12:50:52 AM]

Well, looks like I was right to enter. It's amazing considering how close I was to blowing the whole challenge off! Glad I didn't. I am totally blown away by the comments and strangely high score. I wonder if it will hold through until Sunday? It's sitting at 6.65 right now with 11 comments & 2 faves.

[Mar. 12th, 2010 12:49:35 AM]

I keep having to pinch myself. Woken up to 6.96 this morning with 26 comments and 6 faves. Considering it started at 5, I cannot quite believe the steady and continuous rise in the score. I'm amazed and somewhat dumbfounded.

I thank Melethia, for encouraging me to enter. if not for her, I probably would not have entered at all! I took this on my way to the forest to shoot some tree pics (none of which I was happy with).

One commenter wondered if it was set up. No, definitely not, it is a group of skiers skiing on the lake outside my house. A regular sight at this time of year.

It's interesting to see how much better this doing than a similar image in the cold challenge

[Mar. 13th, 2010 10:08:10 AM]

dropped quite a bit today. 6.87 from 6.9875. Still pleased

Post Challenge.

Oh heck. I wasn't expecting that. I really did not think this score would bring me the blue ribbon. WOW. Thank you everyone for the votes and all those comments.

Been thinking a bit about how surprised I am to see something blurry ribbon. I hope this is not the last time a blurry shot hits the front page.

Place: 1 out of 193
Avg (all users): 6.8744
Avg (commenters): 8.7143
Avg (participants): 7.0196
Avg (non-participants): 6.7216
Views since voting: 8351
Views during voting: 515
Votes: 199
Comments: 90
Favorites: 38 (view)

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07/29/2010 10:14:46 AM
this is really beautiful, nice to see someone willing to step outside the box on DPC
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06/08/2010 01:24:24 AM
Sarah, I just want to say you are becoming the master of beautiful, artistic blurs as well as beautiful landscapes. I am really enjoying seeing the growth in your portfolio. You're becoming a fantastic photographer! There are plenty of ribbons ahead for you!

Message edited by author 2010-06-08 12:26:30.
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03/19/2010 08:10:18 PM
ahhhh, yes this is beautiful
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03/19/2010 02:34:17 PM
lol Sarah, Ribbons are just like Busses for you, you wait almost 4 years then two come along together :)
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03/17/2010 01:19:22 PM
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03/17/2010 06:38:12 AM
Brilliant work.
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03/16/2010 04:42:11 AM
This is an amazing shot & very deserving of the ribbon. Well done
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03/15/2010 10:24:08 PM
Simply awesome!
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03/15/2010 07:30:46 PM
very nice ! sort of reminds me of something for a pink floyd cover art.

would have likely done well in that challenge too.

congrats X 2

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03/15/2010 07:28:51 PM
Good for you! Well deserved.
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03/15/2010 06:59:30 PM
beautiful - congratulations
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03/15/2010 06:02:09 PM
Awesome Salmiakki...
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03/15/2010 05:48:22 PM
Congratulations! A wonderful image.
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03/15/2010 05:39:24 PM
Nice abstract image. Since when has text been allowed? I must've missed the memo lol
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03/15/2010 04:34:47 PM
Thanks everyone for the comments, it means a lot.
03/15/2010 04:26:35 PM
I hope you aren't sick of being congratulated yet! Congrats on a well-earned blue ribbon.
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03/15/2010 04:19:51 PM
Congratulations Sarah! This is such a wonderful image and I'm so happy that it's on the front page...and also happy about the Honorable Mention from the jury. Your a Double Winner and then some. Cheers!
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03/15/2010 02:08:52 PM
A winner, for sure! Excellent image. Congratulations!

:) Melithia convinced me to enter, also. Great fun!

Message edited by author 2010-03-15 14:09:45.
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03/15/2010 01:57:24 PM
Congratulations. This was one of my faves in the challenge and it got a 9 from me during voting. Fully deserves the blue ribbon.
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03/15/2010 01:27:24 PM
Wow, very pretty and I`m very happy voters saw this for what it is. Are you selling this? I can see my livingroom with a copy of this :)
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03/15/2010 12:30:21 PM
This is a special blue. I'm incredibly happy for you.

Congrats Sarah!
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03/15/2010 11:46:12 AM
brilliant, love it
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03/15/2010 10:10:49 AM
Great entry Sarah! Congratulations!
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03/15/2010 08:53:39 AM
Great entry - and a vindication for the voting masses of dpc.

Congratulations and thanks.
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03/15/2010 07:31:31 AM
Absolutely stunning! It's blurry but at the same time tack sharp. I am THRILLED that an image like this (and specifically this one) made it to the top.
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03/15/2010 06:14:15 AM
Go Girl - this is simply stunning. Congratulations!!
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03/15/2010 05:44:34 AM
excellent, many congrats to you
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03/15/2010 05:22:04 AM

probably one of the most incredible images to ever ribbon. reminds me of xion.

relish this.
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03/15/2010 04:27:37 AM
Go you good thing! CONGRATULATIONS!

Very much deserving of 1st place. I'm so happy for you!
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03/15/2010 04:23:21 AM
Congratulations Sarah. Wonderful image!
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03/15/2010 04:21:47 AM
Congrats on this beautiful blue ribbon winner - MUCH deserved! I love the splashes of color and the overall feel. Excellent work, Sarah!! :)
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03/15/2010 04:18:17 AM
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03/15/2010 03:47:10 AM
congrats on your blue, such a lovely image!
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03/15/2010 03:24:36 AM
This image shouted 'winner' to me as soon as I saw it - a simply stunning piece of fine art!
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03/15/2010 03:03:23 AM
Great shot Sarah - well deserving of a ribbon.

Look at you go ! Now all you need is a red to get a full house of ribbons :- )
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03/15/2010 02:09:10 AM
Great shot. Love it
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03/15/2010 02:02:54 AM
I am so glad it won - really liked it right away. Excellent, truly artistic image Sarah! (would not be surprized it you double up with the jury tomorrow :))
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03/15/2010 01:45:00 AM
Congratulations Sarah!
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03/15/2010 01:23:21 AM
This one was a standout for me and my top pick. Congratulations on your blue ribbon.
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03/15/2010 01:10:54 AM
I knew it!! Sooo happy for you, Sarah!!! Amazing! Congrats!! I bet you're over the moon.
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03/15/2010 12:50:09 AM
Simplicity paid off big time for you! Congrats on your new ribbon. I also like the blur in this.
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03/15/2010 12:27:06 AM
yay, congratulations.
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03/15/2010 12:20:26 AM
I'm so thrilled that a blur won the blue. WOO HOO!! Loved this during voting. Congrats.
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03/15/2010 12:18:07 AM
I really like this Image. We deserved for the blue ribbon. Congrats
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03/15/2010 12:15:13 AM
Very cool - it's all spooky and alienlike :D Congrats on the blue, Sarah!
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03/15/2010 12:15:04 AM
Gorgeous image. Congratulations on a very well deserved blue!!!
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03/15/2010 12:12:41 AM
congrats!!!! i really enjoy this image.
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03/15/2010 12:11:03 AM
Congratulations on a, well, probably quite unexpected Blue. You chose right. ;-)
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03/15/2010 12:10:15 AM
Yay! this was my favorite. Congratulations. To me it's the simplicity, the contrast between the sky and snow, and that dark horizon that make this so wonderful.
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03/15/2010 12:08:54 AM
Fantastic, I didn't expect this to win! Congrats!
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03/15/2010 12:08:41 AM
Wow what a beauty! Excellent work. Well deserved first place, and what a fabulously arty challenge to get a blue on!

Are you making prints available for this one?
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03/15/2010 12:01:29 AM
WOOO HOOOO!!!!!! And what a challenge to get it in! Congrats!!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/14/2010 10:54:20 PM
Vexing how the background appears blurred horiz while the apparent foreground is vertically blurry. A nice arty feel here.
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03/14/2010 10:37:55 PM
This does like like contemporary art. Nice job.
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03/14/2010 10:18:17 PM
This is my favorite of the challenge: simplicity is outstanding, three abstract yet human form figures contribute a story line, red-orange of alone figure works well with cyan of sky, repeating horizontal elements of clouds and horizon elemets contrast with the upright figures, stark white background excellent, but mostly it just has a lot of appeal independent of analysis of elements.
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03/14/2010 01:47:37 PM
the apparition: they was here! them ufo's ;DD excellent shot! i could look at this for hours
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03/14/2010 09:33:15 AM
I love the blurred contrasting colors on the solid white coupled with the lines at the top. Good luck.
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03/13/2010 11:01:09 PM
I like this minimalist abstract very much.......8
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03/13/2010 10:01:46 PM
This is the case where less is more. Simple, balance and a perfect composition.
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03/13/2010 07:34:14 PM
Another instant ten. Beautifully conceived -- very artisitic.
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03/13/2010 05:39:00 PM
We are lost in a frozen wasteland, following each other to nowhere. Nice.
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03/13/2010 04:09:47 PM
Grog see hunting party return. No blood on spears, no mammoth for tribe. Will have to eat Thag's tree bark casserole again. Grog is kind. Tells Thag cooking is delish.
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03/13/2010 03:23:15 PM
8 - I like the uniqueness of this. In photography, I haven't seen anything similar to this (but I don't get around much these days). The simplicity and the lines and the colors and the three figures all work well and there is good balance in the composition, especially with the rise in the distant landscape on the left side with the solitary figure. The colors, while very muted, work well - if you changed any hues or adjusted the saturation, this must be your personal color wheel choice - a variation would likely have more impact for me, but this is your vision, not mine.
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03/12/2010 09:20:16 PM
Simply amazing. I can't for the life of me figure out how you did this, I hope for an explanation in the photog comments. 10 if I could vote
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03/12/2010 11:55:36 AM
Absolutely love this shot, from the movement, to the colors to the horizon... It really is a great shot for a Fine Arts challenge... Well Done
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03/12/2010 06:19:24 AM
this is spectacular. I could easily see that hanging in a hotel lobby pride of place 9
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03/11/2010 08:31:40 PM
surreal landscape. the figures are brilliant -- will be interested to learn whether you found them or set them up. either way, one of the top shots in the challenge.
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03/11/2010 12:29:46 PM
this picture makes me feel skinny
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03/11/2010 11:39:08 AM
Spare and interesting. The horizontal/vertical movement in the clouds and the figures is intriguing. A pleasing composition. Personally, "fine art" photos are usually emotive for me, but this is rather sterile, and doesn't hit me where I live. I reserve judgement as to whether this is successful or not.
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03/11/2010 09:43:18 AM
I enjoy seeing the world in a different way and this one makes me smile. Well done.
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03/11/2010 03:01:24 AM
this is fantastic... one of the best for sure
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03/11/2010 02:06:27 AM
Very unusual pure, simple and artistic.
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03/10/2010 08:04:41 AM
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03/10/2010 05:48:10 AM
i hope this wins.....10
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03/09/2010 11:51:37 PM
One of my top 3. The geometry keeps me looking and I especially appreciate the dash of blue in the corner.
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03/09/2010 11:33:50 PM
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03/09/2010 11:25:15 PM
This is a favorite of mine for this challenge. X-files came to mind immediately. Impending confrontation, under cover of an evolving storm. 10
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03/09/2010 07:16:44 PM
Wonderful image. Very well done.
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03/09/2010 01:35:48 PM
My first 10 in this challenge, exceptional..
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03/09/2010 10:27:47 AM
what a cool abstract...very well done
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03/09/2010 09:42:55 AM
Oh YES! I have a vision of this hanging on a very modern, urban wall in a black and white decor. This is amazing and I love it!
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03/09/2010 04:37:12 AM
This is truly gorgeous, and would look great hung on any wall, anywhere.
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03/09/2010 12:16:54 AM
COOL BEANS. I'm afraid this might be too artsy for the average DPC voter. I hope I'm wrong.
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03/08/2010 10:44:21 PM
Love it!
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03/08/2010 09:13:46 PM
Best in show IMO. Excellent!!!
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03/08/2010 04:00:13 PM
One of my 10s - I love the purity / economy of the coloration and the two way blur confounds my brain - I'm inclined to guess rinac.
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03/08/2010 01:47:03 PM
In a challenge where there were many images to enjoy, I think this is one that I've enjoyed most :)
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03/08/2010 01:03:38 PM
Love the blur, I just think there is too much white in the foreground. I think if the blurred people were longer and still as skinny, then it would be much better with the amount of white in the foreground.
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03/08/2010 03:07:12 AM
I think this works really well for this challenge it looks like a real minimalistic painting but in this context it works for me, it would look great on my wall.
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03/08/2010 03:01:03 AM
i like to minimalizim weel executed
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