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The Twilight Zone
2nd PlaceThe Twilight Zone

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Fine Arts: Exhibit I (Advanced Editing VII*)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D Mark II
Lens: Canon EF 17-40mm f/4.0L USM
Date: Mar 7, 2010
Galleries: Abstract, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Mar 7, 2010

[Mar. 9th, 2010 03:26:07 PM]

I would like to thank every one who voted and commented on this photo.

I would also like to thank Amanda Mansfield for being a brave soul and posing for me in this photo.

This photo was inspired from the work of Photographer Andrea Galvani

She is is braver than me...I could never do that to a horse. lol

[Mar. 14th, 2010 07:08:00 PM]

Place: 2 out of 193
Avg (all users): 6.8150
Avg (commenters): 8.3750
Avg (participants): 6.8476
Avg (non-participants): 6.7789
Views since voting: 8222
Views during voting: 585
Votes: 200
Comments: 53
Favorites: 15 (view)

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04/15/2010 01:54:37 PM
AWESOME! Thats it!
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03/17/2010 01:19:05 PM
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03/16/2010 04:53:34 AM
Very interesting shot, congrats on the ribbon
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03/15/2010 08:25:20 PM
Congrats on your Red Ribbon very cool and well executed.
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03/15/2010 08:21:08 PM
Ummm... did you notice that she had her face all covered up with balloons? Just wondering...


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03/15/2010 02:04:50 PM
A unique and memorable entry. Congratulations!
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03/15/2010 01:13:36 PM
Jaime....way to go! This was my top choice in the challenge. Congrats on the ribbon! Luv this! (edited for typo)

Message edited by author 2010-03-15 13:18:37.
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03/15/2010 04:58:55 AM
Intiguing shot but why is this fine art - I just don't get it. I wish someone would educate me.

Congrats on the yellow, even if i don't understand it ;)
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03/15/2010 03:05:28 AM
Congratulations Jaime...well done.
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03/15/2010 12:52:56 AM
wow!! Congrats Jaime !!!
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03/15/2010 12:48:02 AM
Congrats on the Red! Great image!
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03/15/2010 12:47:28 AM
one of my favs. congratulations.
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03/15/2010 12:20:51 AM
DUDE!!! Way to go.
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03/15/2010 12:17:34 AM
Well done on the red. I liked this one in voting. Very interesting.
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03/15/2010 12:05:02 AM
Another winner. Congrats Jaime!!!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/14/2010 10:39:35 PM
Uniquely different. I like it.
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03/14/2010 10:20:59 PM
One of my favorites in the entire challenge. It gives me an uneasy feeling. The best "fine art" in my opinion should evoke emotions, whether they be joyous emotions or even feelings of dread or bewilderment. Your photo, IMHO, was one of the top shots in that regard, and is being scored accordingly. A 10
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03/14/2010 10:20:49 PM
That's a bad case of blackheads she has, and on her wedding day too.... ;-)
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03/14/2010 08:55:51 PM
The horizon isn't level -- but that's the least of anyone's problems here. I love this.
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03/14/2010 05:59:02 PM
Great contrived / created image - superbly executed. Two things hold me back scoring this higher than the 7 I gave earlier: The image offers excellent depth but the rather flat light on the subject doesn't allow the eye to be drawn in; and (this may be a failing in me) I can't really discern a story from the scene. Of course these reactions may have been among those you wanted from a viewer.

Clearly very good work though.
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03/14/2010 01:42:56 PM
nice composition, this is one of those pictures that i'll remember..9!
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03/13/2010 07:45:02 PM
6 - I like the colors and the bottom part of the dress, and this is personal preference/taste, but the top part doesn't seem to 'fit' - the positioning of the balloons, so low over the shoulders, detracts from, what I perceive, to be the 'head' aspect, the pose of the model is fairly 'plain' for the image - I like the other elements, including the lighting - the slant on the background I find detracts - I like the processing, composition wise I think fully centered or else 'other' - just my take on it.
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03/13/2010 03:49:05 PM
This is what we call a traditional and typical bridal head wear.
For sale at all high class bridal shops :)

Edit: revisited entry en reviewed score: up with 1 point
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03/13/2010 02:08:19 PM
Absolutely love the concept and the processing. Top pick. Hope it ribbons.
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03/13/2010 12:40:17 PM
This is incredible...the unusual sky, the bright desolate foreground, great lighting and a fascinating subject. My only minor criticism is that I would crop off a little on the left to make it more centered. That goes against my usual thought process, but when I cover the left 1/4 inch on my monitor, the photo seems to have even greater impact.
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03/13/2010 08:12:47 AM
Awesome, 10!
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03/13/2010 05:41:48 AM
Yep, yep, and yep, and all in all, I like..
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03/12/2010 11:51:32 PM
Surreal like whatshisname.
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03/12/2010 09:21:50 PM
I love the surreal feel of this. Is it an HDR?
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03/12/2010 07:22:27 PM
Nice idea but for me it feels incomplete. Perhaps if this was part of a still life series I'd feel differently but as a standalone image I am wanting more. I think the absurdity aspect could have been heighten. For example, include the assistant holding the reflector, the "grape stylist" waxing the grapes. In other words, take absurd to the absurd.
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03/12/2010 04:47:31 PM
Well, yeah, that's odd. More Pink Floyd than Twilight Zone, in my opinion. It would make a great album cover. It doesn't connect with me as fine art, though, even though it is technically well done apart from perhaps an issue with softness (such an image would benefit from razor-sharpness). The sky worked for you in this photo, and the lighting, or the post hdr work or similar, is nice and restrained and effective. But I don't like it as fine art. It is contrived. It would have meant something to me, actually, without the model -- just the landscape in its rawness, with the low sky, threatening, a natural image evocative of mystery.
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03/12/2010 04:31:24 PM
Yes! This is what I had in mind for this challenge.. As much as I love the images here that are obviously less processed, this one does really make me think "fine art" I suspect this will ribbon, probably a blue. For that I give you a trollish 2, largely because I haven't seen 5 all week ;)

(Nah, just kidding, you get a 9 on this)
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03/12/2010 11:35:10 AM
So fits this challenge. I can just imagine this hanging on a wall. Like the centered comp and interesting PP.
Yeah, it keeps me stairing. Great work!
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03/12/2010 10:09:10 AM
I am entering a zone... The lady with grapes on her head zone... (cue the music)... Anyway... this shot was one of four 10's that I handed out... Its twisted, unique, and fits perfectly in an artistic challenge... Well Done!
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03/12/2010 09:25:34 AM
this is really artistic, and i like it you tried to create art and not just take an image of art
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03/11/2010 03:22:28 PM
Ah this would be the textbook example of a bubble head then..... I do like the look and feel of this picture and the weirdness.
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03/11/2010 11:12:51 AM
love it ;) 10 from me
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03/11/2010 11:01:59 AM
so close to brilliant......I love surreal art. I would have shot lower, ths angle looks to human if you know what i mean.... still a 9
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03/11/2010 01:23:06 AM
Should be in the top ten Jaime...if not ribbon...NO VOTE...cause I know who ya are!!!!
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03/10/2010 11:50:43 AM
Very, very nice. Everything from the color and lighting to the dramatic sky then the (baloons?)add a very cool contemporary twist to this shot. A 1 from me followed by a 0. TEN!!
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03/10/2010 05:47:28 AM
love this....10
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03/09/2010 11:44:41 PM
Just awesome. My pic for the blue.
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03/09/2010 01:32:44 PM
She's beautiful. I knew the Fruit of the Loomâ„¢ guys really preferred girls. Just because they hide out in men's underwear drawers, people get the wrong idea about them. Thank you for setting that straight.

Please make sure to post some pics of the little seedlings that I know will come along.
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03/09/2010 11:39:12 AM
what a really, really neat concept...I love this
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03/09/2010 09:35:20 AM
How cool and amazing is THAT! I'm inspired to not think of wedding photography as so boring and tedious now. Thank you!
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03/09/2010 12:18:47 AM
Modern art for sure. Nice one. I can see this in a high end gallery.
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03/08/2010 09:55:13 PM
This is very cool and very funny at the same time. Nice job on the lighting.8
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03/08/2010 07:51:02 PM
Great image for the challenge. Fantastic work.
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03/08/2010 05:15:59 PM
Original work!
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03/08/2010 08:40:33 AM
Excellent! This should be a ribbon winner.
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03/08/2010 03:23:28 AM
wow what an imagination you must have some really weird dreams, this photo gets the max from me.
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03/08/2010 01:48:31 AM
Great work!
Not perfect due to some banding/noise artefacts in the sky which draws my attention, and the light of the main subject not fitting perfectly the background.
But a very nice photo anyway.
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03/08/2010 12:11:35 AM
Giant raspberry head. We have a winner!
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