Author | Thread |
07/26/2004 12:16:23 PM |
Great lighting! Like the shot a lot, but wouldn't necessarily like to bump into her down a dark alley!! |
07/05/2004 10:16:46 AM |
Priceless! Should have won! |
07/05/2004 08:15:01 AM |
Thought this would do better - a great shot in my opinion. |
07/05/2004 12:39:20 AM |
Hoped it would do better, the shot deserves to be in the top 10 at least.
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
07/04/2004 11:45:18 PM |
LOL! Love the expression. But the lighting leaves me wanting a lot, too much orange and the cast on her face is really distracting. A 5 |
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07/04/2004 07:08:19 PM |
Lighting: is harsh and has a color cast.
Pose: very unflattering with a DOF that is too shallow.
Background: distracting.
I realize the effect was intentional, but it does not convey the feeling that it has captured anything about the individual. |
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07/04/2004 12:04:54 PM |
What a fun looking young lady! This is definately one of the more unique shots from this set. Not what I normally would look for in a portrait. Personally I don't care for a couple of elements. The yellow cast, the HARSH sidelighting and the blown out highlights in her shirt are just not to MY taste. Just my humble oppinion!
TC |
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07/03/2004 09:35:26 PM |
ROFLMAO! That's great! Rechnically perfect except for a bit of oversharpening (note the halos on the right side of your model). 9. |
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07/03/2004 09:20:24 PM |
Fun picture, not your standard portrait :) |
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07/03/2004 04:55:36 AM |
great colors and sense of humour |
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07/03/2004 01:57:21 AM |
Great shot. What fun! Orange works well. 8 |
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07/03/2004 01:26:37 AM |
I don't like the colors, but that face is priceless. :) Way to turn the theme on its head. |
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07/02/2004 12:36:38 PM |
It looks like Kiwiness's joke,10 ! |
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07/02/2004 10:11:49 AM |
Love your sense of humor. It's refreshing when things get a bit serious on this site! :o) Great background and lighting. There are some severely highlighted/shadowed areas on the face which make details difficult to see, but overall it's a cutie. :o) |
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07/02/2004 03:26:40 AM |
Too funny! Would like a bit more light on her left side, but the background lighting is really outstanding. |
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07/02/2004 12:49:18 AM |
Looks like after 200 shots she got tired of posing. |
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07/02/2004 12:10:04 AM |
Nice color, and funny too. I wish the light had been less harsh, as I think it distracts somewhat from the fun expression. So this is a formal studio portrait, huh? I wonder what casual would look like? Sure is expressive, though! ;-) |
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07/01/2004 07:15:51 PM |
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07/01/2004 01:19:10 PM |
Funny... playful color tones to go along with it. 9 |
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07/01/2004 09:17:13 AM |
love it - plenty of personality, great lighting - cool shot. |
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06/30/2004 10:29:50 PM |
Hehehe, I like the humorous expression! Background is great in that it is a dark/light gradation. Although I think it might look better if the area behind the model is made a bit darker in order to bring her out more. Normally I don't go for empty space but in this case, the empty space on the right is very effective. Nicely done! |
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06/30/2004 06:04:02 PM |
Did mom ever tell you that your face will stick if you do that? LOL! |
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06/30/2004 06:00:44 PM |
I do not think a studio would do this |
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06/30/2004 05:42:20 PM |
for me, the facial expression is a little too off-the-wall. i love the lighting, and the orange backdrop works especially well. it's just, call me boring, but i'm of the opinion that a prtrait should be a tad more formal - revered even. |
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06/30/2004 03:36:48 PM |
Interesting pose and background color choice. The plain white shirt also works. The negative space behind here though seems a bit wasted as she looks crowded on the left. |
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06/30/2004 02:49:54 PM |
I can't stop staring ... funny |
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06/30/2004 02:17:49 PM |
I like this! I like the soft photos, but I also like the photos that show a different side to someone.... |
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06/30/2004 12:28:14 PM |
I love her expression. The light on her face is a bit harsh...filter a bit. |
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06/30/2004 12:08:40 AM |
i really like the way you did the background and the of centre placement |
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06/29/2004 09:33:27 PM |
OMG! I hope her face straightened out afterwards! Unusual colors and lighting help make this really whimsical. |
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06/29/2004 05:27:01 PM |
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06/29/2004 03:24:07 PM |
Lighting is good, background is also well lit, however that expression has got to go! |
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06/29/2004 03:03:27 PM |
I like this. A sense of humour. |
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06/29/2004 01:38:24 PM |
The light may be a touch harsh on the left, but still a great shot. Gets great marks for comedic value and self expression. |
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06/29/2004 11:11:52 AM |
It's intended to be fun, and I can not do that with my mouth and I like the orange but doesnt score more then a 3 here with me. Sorry |
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06/29/2004 02:14:53 AM |
Sweet! The color is as striking as the expression, fantastic. |
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06/29/2004 01:31:55 AM |
She's Lovely! LOL! A little too orange in the skin tones, and not your typical "formal" portrait. Lighting is a little harsh on her right side. |
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06/28/2004 11:36:48 PM |
Subject pose is a bit un-appealing, distracts from an otherwise attractive setting. |
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06/28/2004 10:04:51 PM |
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06/28/2004 08:38:42 PM |
This entry is simply a riot and very well captured. |
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06/28/2004 06:12:35 PM |
I see the humor, but wish it was done with a better more serious pose. She's so cute. |
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06/28/2004 06:12:06 PM |
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06/28/2004 05:21:05 PM |
I'm sorry to say that have an odd aversion to women pulling funny faces - can't explain why.
This would have been a good portrait - strong colours and composition. Had she been looking straight at camera with a friendly roar (mouth wide open, as if with a with good humoured primal scream) I think this would have fitted your vibrant background much better. It's well lit too. |
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06/28/2004 02:01:28 PM |
One of the most intresting potraits that's for sure and one of the most colourfull. I like the humour behind this. Good job! |
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06/28/2004 01:28:42 PM |
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06/28/2004 12:53:11 PM |
OMG this one is to funny... love the light, colors, shaprness ... everything ... this is one of 2 photos I think will be a winner ... 10 from me... |
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06/28/2004 11:59:32 AM |
I like your background, but why does she have to make this ugly face? A pity... |
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06/28/2004 08:03:06 AM |
And that is when the wind changed ;) Fun shot, and I love the lighting here, especially the way you have the deeper read behind the model. |
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06/28/2004 02:31:51 AM |
I like the background and the lighting. They are terrific. I don't really like this pose from what is clearly a beautiful model. I guess this was part of the intent. Maybe something a bit more toned down but still playful? |
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06/28/2004 02:16:43 AM |
Hillarious! Just a bit over-saturated for my taste though. Good luck! :D 7 |
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06/28/2004 02:10:51 AM |
LOL funny! I like the orange background too. 7 |
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06/28/2004 01:37:25 AM |
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06/28/2004 12:42:16 AM |
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