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1st Placeflirtaceous.

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Color Studio Portrait (Advanced Editing II)
Camera: Nikon D70
Location: basement studio
Date: Jun 27, 2004
Aperture: 3.5
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/30
Galleries: Emotive, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Jun 27, 2004

taken in my cheap studio setup..a self portrait

Place: 1 out of 92
Avg (all users): 7.2771
Avg (commenters): 8.5313
Avg (participants): 7.4722
Avg (non-participants): 7.1977
Views since voting: 9218
Views during voting: 508
Votes: 249
Comments: 118
Favorites: 20 (view)

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07/18/2004 04:06:58 AM
lighting is 2 500 watt soft boxes from each side.. thanks for the comment
07/17/2004 10:59:01 PM
great shot. what kinda lighting did you use?
07/09/2004 10:00:23 AM
hey this is my firtst critique club review... awesome.. thanks a lot
07/07/2004 09:01:37 PM
From the critique club:
A portrait is a study of character in a visual form. Photographic technique is carefully examined even by the neophyte. This is because we all communicate with people daily and we can not help at times, to study their facial expressions. We are sometimes moved by how the light plays upon the facial features and the hair. Of course, the human eye, being more sensitive than a camera is able to capture more detail.
Your self portrait exudes a warm candor, so warm, in fact, that its minor technical oversights are almost made so unimportant that they fall by the wayside. To do a self portrait of this caliber is indeed a remarkable feat and it speaks of your inherent talent. So, let us proceed with the assumption that this is a great self portrait.
However, let us make believe that you were photographing the subject from the viewpoint of the camera and make this a perfect 10. The chosen light scheme required another fill light in the front. You know about the inverse law of the intensity of light. Two lights of same value, placed at identical distance yield 100 percent. Move one light back half the distance of the other and this light is now 25 percent effective. Well, the frontal fill light of same value could have been placed just over a full distance and this would have aided the detail in the left eye of the subject and reduced the 2nd zone at the crease of the smiling cheek line and gave a hint more detail in the hair line. This would have retained the identical character of the lighting and the only drawback would have been a slight reduction in the definition of the dimple.
The composition is strong and the offset placement fit the image like a glove. You also managed to maintain a consistent coloration between face and hands. The highlights are a bit subdued, but the study remains very strong regardless. There are two distinct schools, those that love and those that hate the well defined highlights. One group says, highlights are too formal and stiff for candid and modern portraits. The other group uses them much like the artist that sketch faces or to add shape and form.
In looking over your portrait, I accept it as is. You achieved almost the impossible because you put forward such a wonderful and natural pose just like when an expert photographer elicits the best from its subject. Great job.
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07/07/2004 08:17:22 AM
I think it is the devilish smile. Great pic.
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07/07/2004 03:40:25 AM
Geez.....should send this photo to "THE BACHOLEOR" producer.....we may get to see you in the next season! :P well deserved ribbons!
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07/06/2004 11:53:12 PM
Congrats Mehmet,

I am jealous.
One, for not being able to turn out a stunning candid portrait of this caliber, and
Two, for not being nearly as good-looking as you.

Seriously - Oustanding photograph!
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07/06/2004 04:55:44 PM
i like to flirt with all blondes:) i dont do discrimination:P
07/06/2004 03:30:27 PM
hehe, looks like your flirting with the blonde next door :)) Excellent shot, well deserved!
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07/06/2004 11:37:06 AM
thanks everyone, i really feel spoiled now with all these comments.. i appreciate them all:)
07/06/2004 07:36:12 AM
Well deserved! Congrats!
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07/06/2004 02:48:41 AM
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07/06/2004 02:45:10 AM
good job on ur ribbon u did a great job on the pic its a wonderful photo hope u get lots more ribbons in the future!!!!
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07/06/2004 01:27:55 AM
Congrats! Nice portrait. I guess all that practice helped. Keep up the good work!
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07/06/2004 01:27:08 AM
Originally posted by menardmam:

WOW, what a winner, and it a guy !.... I REALLY like nice women portrait and nude... but this shot is one of the best OVERALL.....little girl, baby, dogs and cat.... bye bye here is the men portrait wave taking over you !


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07/05/2004 10:59:54 PM
Congrats! Your lights are working out nicely for you ;)
07/05/2004 10:21:00 PM
Pure Art! I've looked at this a dozen times. Follow the feeling............
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07/05/2004 06:55:33 PM
this is great!

nice teeth too :)
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07/05/2004 05:38:20 PM
congrats! you are gorgeous! **giggles like a little school girl**
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07/05/2004 02:45:34 PM
WOW, what a winner, and it a guy !.... I REALLY like nice women portrait and nude... but this shot is one of the best OVERALL.....little girl, baby, dogs and cat.... bye bye here is the men portrait wave taking over you !

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07/05/2004 02:16:21 PM
what a cutie! congrats on a great portrait and your first ribbon!
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07/05/2004 01:21:06 PM
way to go bro. I knew you would get a ribbon soon. Now if I can find the time to get back into this it would be nice. Congrats, and I am sure there are more to come.
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07/05/2004 01:16:20 PM
Finally, finally:-)
Congratulations, one of my 10's
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07/05/2004 11:49:45 AM
WTG Mehmet! Well deserved!!! Love the title!
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07/05/2004 10:33:43 AM
congrats , well diserved
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07/05/2004 09:33:37 AM
Way to go Mehmet! Congratulations!
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07/05/2004 09:05:15 AM
Great portrait Congrats on the BLUE!
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07/05/2004 07:05:59 AM
This is a great shot! Congrats!!
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07/05/2004 05:31:04 AM
Mehmet Bey, tebrikler (congrats) :))
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07/05/2004 04:56:43 AM
Congratulations...well deserved winner and long overdue ribbon.
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07/05/2004 04:00:19 AM
congrats theo!
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07/05/2004 02:55:19 AM
Congrats on a long deserved ribbon, or more of that you've deserved a ribbon for a long time. Awsome job!
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07/05/2004 01:49:18 AM
Your first ribbon! Way to go, congrats :)
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07/05/2004 01:07:48 AM
thank you everyone for their nice comments. i am very excited about this and hope more ribbons will follow:)
07/05/2004 12:44:36 AM
First ribbon!?!? Wow, I would've thought you had more. This is long over due then. Congrats!
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07/05/2004 12:28:43 AM
perfect - worthy of more than DPC blue

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07/05/2004 12:27:18 AM
Congratulations!!! Well-deserved!!
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07/05/2004 12:24:00 AM
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07/05/2004 12:19:22 AM
Great job!
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07/05/2004 12:08:57 AM
Originally posted by laurielblack:

Congrats! the best picture without a doubt!
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07/05/2004 12:05:32 AM
Congratulations Mehmet! Excellent image :)
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07/05/2004 12:05:20 AM
Congrats, Mehmet! A fine exclamation point on your interview. So... what's up with the 1-3 votes?
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07/05/2004 12:04:37 AM
Congrats on the Ribbon!
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07/05/2004 12:03:30 AM
Awesome portrait! Congrats on the ribbon!
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07/05/2004 12:01:15 AM
Hurrah!!!!!!!! I'm so pleased for you!!!!!!!!! It's been a long time in the making, but you did it!!! Congrats!
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07/05/2004 12:01:11 AM
Great portrait man, congrats on your first ribbon...
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/04/2004 10:18:04 PM
There you are! You are your favorite model, aren't you? :)

The background is almost overpowering in this shot. Too white, it almost hurts my eyes to look at it too long. The lighting seems a bit harsh on the right, causing some shadows on the left side of your face right under your eye, yet I can see where light is coming in from the left as well. The eyes have a nice smile factor to them but the lighting in them also seems off balance, the left eye has a nice sparkle while the right eye seems shadowed. A 6
07/04/2004 09:59:02 PM
The title fits the picture perfectly, truley a great shot. - 9 -
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07/04/2004 08:04:10 PM
Lighting: The softbox is really working well for you, although I would have liked to see more light in the left eye.
Pose: You have as much fun in front of the camera as you do behind it, and it shows.
Background: The white works well.
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07/04/2004 12:52:04 PM
Given the subject's apparent interaction with someone off-camera, it seems odd to have al the negative space off in the other direction -- I'm expecting to see other people lined up at the bar or something. I think you could crop all that off into a standard vertical aspect ratio without compromising your theme at all. Lighting, exposure, focus, expression are all great.
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07/04/2004 10:55:18 AM
Guess who? :)
great picture, good luck.
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07/03/2004 09:04:01 PM
This is not only technically flawless; it brings out your subjects personality as well.
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07/03/2004 04:26:11 AM
great shot
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07/02/2004 12:26:01 PM
Very good,9
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07/02/2004 03:39:19 AM
Wow - this is more depth and clarity than you sould be able to achieve with a digital camera. Nice shot, Theodore! ;-)
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07/01/2004 11:45:14 PM
A little high-key, and I'm not generally a fan of subjects leading the viewer out of the frame. Oh... who am I kidding? My second-favorite of the bunch! Looks like you may finally get a ribbon Mehmet. Judging by your expression here, you already knew that, didn't you? Congrats!
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07/01/2004 06:46:28 PM
Well, how can you go wrong with a face like that? Technically very goosd with the lighting and focus.I like your choice of the white background and the textured white shirt - the dark hair and eyes really pop out at you as a result. The expression on the face and the gesture of the hand are very telling and natural, combined with the composition that places the subject at the left side off the frame looking out - all this creates a story that goes beyond the individual. There is a lot of personality, but the viewer is left wondering "what or who is he looking at?" Well done! A favorite of mine. 9
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07/01/2004 02:37:17 PM
This shot stands out. Great contrast between model and background. Great composition. Great shot!

I think this is theodor38 (self portrait), and if it is, funny that your interview came out at the same time as have a self portrait in a challenge.
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07/01/2004 01:30:25 PM
Good colors and great choice of plain white background. So natural a pose. 10
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07/01/2004 11:11:37 AM
Really good - though the floating hand seems odd - almost would be better without that there but a great expression
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07/01/2004 12:48:10 AM
Good lighting and technically a sound shot although the composition is a little awkward on the eye. I do feel that this is quite a shallow portrait though, in that you look very conscious of the fact you're taking a picture of yourself, but are pretending this is candid.

If it was not so obvious that your arm was holding the camera (or seeming to be) this would work much better, since your expression suggests some off-screen interaction, yet you're clicking the shutter and the two things don't fit.
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07/01/2004 12:42:10 AM
You're proving that self-portraits can be great art! Nice job again...
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06/30/2004 09:17:54 PM
Another self portrait. My, my. Aren't we a bit narcissistic? Just kidding... Love this shot. By far one of the best. Great high key image. One of, if not the only one, where I find the hand actually has its place in the shot. It shows that you have been playing with the portrait format before and are comfortable with it. I'll be very surprised if it doesn't ribbon.
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06/30/2004 07:15:02 PM
this one will be near the top
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06/30/2004 05:47:02 PM
Let me guess.....home-made softbox? hehe. Just kidding. One of the better portraits in this challenge. Excellent work.
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06/30/2004 05:45:07 PM
More a self portrait me thinks :-)

I really like this shot, the lighting is perfect, negative space is great, the different tones captured in the skin are great, I imagine a blue ribbon coming your way soon :-) Well done, a perfect portrait shot to be proud of!
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06/30/2004 02:47:49 PM
This is a great portrait Theo.. good luck. 9
06/30/2004 02:47:17 PM
My favorite. This is beautiful. Normally I wouldn't care for a portrait taken with this short of a lens because it distorts things a bit, but the lighting and the carefree emotion and mood that come through really make this jump off the page. Self portrait, maybe? I notice the arm extended forward towards the camera. Lovely work, regardless. My favorite of the challenge. 10
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06/30/2004 12:12:07 PM
This is the yummest portrait of them all. It is so flirtaceous. I love it.
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06/30/2004 11:05:00 AM
nice expression on your model
Looking at this superb capture again i think i must bump the score from 8 to a 10.
This could be the winner.
good luck
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06/30/2004 07:59:15 AM
This is my favorite. Great portrait full of life.
06/30/2004 06:31:18 AM
Very well done, with great choice of background, and good work on the hair and facial hair. Those streaks of grey on a young guy add real interest and the impression of experience, and you caught them perfectly. The model (who I seem to recognize?) helped you a lot with a perfect fun loving expression to offset the experience.

The only thing I might think about changing is your crop. If you moved him to the right, and let him look offscreen by looking across an empty white frame, it might feel like he had more space. But this is a small suggestion. This is an exceptionally well done portrait.
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06/30/2004 12:01:37 AM
i like the blown out background and the spontaneous expression

i feel like from this pic we know somthing about this individual
the mark of a superior portrait
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06/29/2004 11:42:27 PM
I think this is a great potrait. The focus, lighting and exposure are all well done.
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06/29/2004 11:14:54 PM
Great high-key and exposure. It's very stong but I'd give you another point with the exact pose but with the eyes more towards the lens. No points taken away but the border is not needed.
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06/29/2004 10:56:22 PM
What can I say, this is a killer shot, the expression make the title superfluous. 9
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06/29/2004 10:32:02 PM
This is excellent! I love portraits that reveal personality and show some creativity on the part of the photographer. The total opposite of your typical Olan Mills portrait where everyone has a weird "stepford wife" smile on their face. Good job!
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06/29/2004 10:21:20 PM
What? No scaly skin? Seriously -- another fine shot. You are really in the groove with your "model" by now... Good expression, great job making us almost stare into that right eye of yours (I mean, of his). This is a good portrait and would also have been good for the Off Screen challenge (or whatever it was called).
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06/29/2004 09:49:13 PM
You are the best in everything you do!
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06/29/2004 09:40:25 PM
Very crisp and vivid. The hand seems a little unnatural to me, but I'm not sure. Excellent work.
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06/29/2004 09:05:18 PM
I am so thrilled to see you in a portrait SMILING! This is a great one, by the way. I love the lighting, the almost high-key effect. Wonderful! :o)
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06/29/2004 06:03:51 PM
This is also one of my very favorite for this challenge - 9
06/29/2004 05:41:09 PM
Can't think of anything to say for this photo but good job!
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06/29/2004 03:25:26 PM
I like it being off center....nice and sharp too....good angle on your subject too...it is very flattering
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06/29/2004 02:27:49 PM
This is a very charismatic shot that deserves to do bloody well. your bloke is well posed / composed, and all the whites and creams in the picture compliement as a whole. very nice - 9.
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06/29/2004 02:06:47 PM
Most of the time i think girl-women portrait is more beautifull to my eye because of the eye-lips-skin-hait package.... but i have to tell you the this boy picture have all the ingredient of a winner.... light, detail, mood is perfect... maybe a little less teeth, but a winner anyway a9

Having rated all the pictures, i upgrade you the the to 3, i like to see as mush diversity in the winner circle... not all baby or girl picture.... a10 now !
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06/29/2004 12:43:16 PM
wonderful candid! 8
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06/29/2004 11:41:50 AM
I think this is very well lit, it's nice and bright but doesn't seem overexposed and also nicely composed with a great expression. The hand looks a little odd, kinda detached or something, can't quite put my finger on it. But that's just being nit-picky :-) Overall very nicely done!
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06/29/2004 08:24:19 AM
Don`t need to ask who this is.....
Lighting, composition..and subject !!.. all up to your usual standard.
Well done, should be among the ribbons
06/29/2004 06:30:04 AM
Lovely crisp portrait, excellent pose - I would have cropped a litttle tighter on the right but what do I know?
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06/29/2004 02:14:01 AM
great photo, one of the few who had the subject looking off-camera, I dig it. Nice color, too.
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06/28/2004 10:09:23 PM
Great shot. Good job!
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06/28/2004 09:36:49 PM
Does not hurt your score that the guys is beautiful!!!! Actualy great shot.!!
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06/28/2004 09:30:19 PM
My choice for best of show. Great natural expression. excellent positioning. Nicely focused. Wonderful portrait. 10
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06/28/2004 09:27:24 PM
great shot
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06/28/2004 08:47:22 PM
Very relaxed feel.
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06/28/2004 08:47:02 PM
Looks "off-center" for a portrait. White background doesn't work with white parts of the shirt. If this were one of my friends, I'd really like this capture!
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06/28/2004 08:22:09 PM
Cool shot man, I like the expression and space...You're gonna get your first ribbon, how does that feel? 10
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06/28/2004 04:21:10 PM
I like the way you offset the model leaving white space on the right.
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06/28/2004 02:46:31 PM
Brilliant capture which really gives the viewer an idea of this man's character. You have grabbed a superb shot here, beautifully lit and brilliantly composed. A Ribbon awaits I'm sure. 10
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06/28/2004 02:39:34 PM
Ordinarily you want the subject to look into the negitive space... but it really works well with this one. I would have stood back another ten feet from him....standing as close as you are sorta makes his nose look much larger than it really is. Overall a great shot. 8.
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06/28/2004 02:33:09 PM
Well done. The lighting is good and I like the depth. I'm wishing he was looking at the camera ... the direction he's looking now makes it seem like an outtake. Still, I like it.
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06/28/2004 02:06:01 PM
very nice, bright shot.
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06/28/2004 02:01:38 PM
It's a great portrait. Nicely lit, well balanced. My favourite.
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06/28/2004 11:46:24 AM
Excellent (self?)portrait. 10
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06/28/2004 11:05:43 AM
Is this a self portrait? it looks like the person is streaching his arm out to take a picture of him self. but very well done .. I think this one will be in the top 5
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06/28/2004 09:44:23 AM
A good smile and the lighting is great. However, with the subject on the left and looking to the left, the composition feels unbalanced.
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06/28/2004 07:17:21 AM
Great comercial foto
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06/28/2004 02:23:41 AM
If it's one thing you have mastered it is the studio shot...9
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06/28/2004 02:08:37 AM
Oh, I know this face, it's.... Damn, I know it.... Awesome portrait, love the lighting, the high key treatment, and the overall look.
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06/28/2004 01:57:12 AM
I like it.10
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06/28/2004 01:50:04 AM
Well done Mehmet, looks like all those self portrait shots have helped you get it like a pro! The only thing I would change is use a longer lens like a 100mm instead of what seems to be a wide angle here. The lighting is perfect though.
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06/28/2004 01:48:31 AM
great picture! great composition and lighting.
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06/28/2004 01:42:10 AM
I think your perspective is a bit off. The nose is quite a bit distorted. Judging by the angle of the shoulder and the wierd distortion, it looks like maybe a self-portrait done with a hand-held camera. If this is the case, I would suggest a tripod (or anything you can set the camera up on) and the timer button. The lighting is good and the model is appealing (except for the distorted features).
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06/28/2004 12:43:10 AM
You've done well here. I've seen several shots of you and this is one of the very best. The light is good and the pose is caual, relaxed and natural looking. On the negative side it could of been sharper. Good entry and good luck.
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06/28/2004 12:43:05 AM
A 10!
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06/28/2004 12:36:10 AM
Sharp and effective, good shot.
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06/28/2004 12:26:30 AM
Excellent :) = 10
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