Author | Thread |
05/18/2006 12:48:17 AM |
Your niece looks a lot like Michelle Williams. Beautiful! |
11/05/2004 08:53:58 PM |
The light just pours out of this image. I saw this just cruising around the site and it just lept out at me. SUPERB! |
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07/07/2004 11:09:23 AM |
This is a stunning portrait! I am surprised it didn't place first. Absolutely beautiful. |
07/06/2004 03:27:38 PM |
Superbe image really pleasing to look at, beautiful model nice natural pose, and superbe color treatment. favorites! Also congtrats for the well deserved ribbon! |
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07/06/2004 04:10:50 AM |
Congratulations on the ribbon well done. |
07/06/2004 03:15:38 AM |
u did an awesum job n u definitely deserved ur ribbon maybe even a blue one on this photo congrats and i hope u have many more ribbons to come |
07/06/2004 01:57:17 AM |
Sorry to disappoint, but don't think the pics that nice. The tilt looks akward, and very unnatural. Definitely doesn't deserve a ribbion in my opinion. But oh well. |
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07/06/2004 12:37:47 AM |
I really liked the pose in this portrait, congrats on your first ribbon... |
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07/06/2004 12:25:20 AM |
I knew it was done by you! lol : ) Congrats. Beautiful portrait. |
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07/05/2004 04:34:18 PM |
beautifull shot i would give a 8.well cropped,why 10% desaturation?? |
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07/05/2004 11:35:29 AM |
Stunning girl! I think I might have titled this "Trouble"!
Congratulations on a fine image. |
07/05/2004 09:35:51 AM |
This is an excellent photo. Congrats! |
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07/05/2004 09:34:45 AM |
So nice! Congratulations on your ribbon! |
07/05/2004 05:03:25 AM |
Congratulations on your ribbon.
07/05/2004 12:48:20 AM |
I knew this was one of the best in the challenge. Very well done. Congrats! |
07/05/2004 12:32:47 AM |
well done, there is much emotion in this shot.
the haze on the edge of the face is distracting.
keep it up.
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07/05/2004 12:09:11 AM |
Congratulations on the ribbon!
I have to say though that I find the color balance in this a bit strange, or maybe its just me that doesn like all that yellowness:/ |
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07/05/2004 12:06:15 AM |
COngrats on your first ribbon, its a beatiful image :) |
07/05/2004 12:05:44 AM |
Thought this one would do well... congrats on the ribbon! |
07/05/2004 12:02:13 AM |
Congrats on your ribbon!!! :o) |
Comments Made During the Challenge  |
07/04/2004 11:58:48 PM |
There's a lot I like about this portrait, but this above all: her gaze evokes the feeling of an honest connection, and that's all too uncommon. Creative pose, very well framed, lovely lighting and colouring, fine DoF control and sharpness. Excellent. 9 |
07/04/2004 11:16:44 PM |
Just a quick note to say this is my favorite shot in the challenge. Great work. |
07/04/2004 03:20:23 PM |
Beautiful shot, great soft lighting, accentuates the blonde hair. Great capture |
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07/04/2004 02:28:47 PM |
Awesome composition and pose! Love the lighting and tonality. THe background compliments the subject nicely. Great catchlight in the eyes and lips. Great job
TC |
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07/04/2004 10:54:12 AM |
Lovely serene shot, the lighting is good and not too over softened. 10 |
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07/03/2004 09:23:44 PM |
Nice portrait, good angle and the photo has a nice soft feel to it. |
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07/03/2004 09:10:52 PM |
Amazingly well done. Great color, light and pose. DOF is perfect. |
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07/03/2004 07:49:50 PM |
A very good portrait and interesting angle (probably top-20). The color on the left side looks great, but the yellow (blond) light seems to camouflage the subject rather than highlight. I think a more neutral light source would provide a better contrast. |
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07/03/2004 05:24:52 AM |
Lighting: The light is well balanced with a good catchlight, but perhaps needed difused a bit more as its treatment of her skin is a bit harsh in places. The yellow cast works well with the hair, but not with the blue of th eyes and the reds of the skin and lips.
Pose: The pose works well.
Background: The yellow background works well against the hair, but the color-cast it is giving the rest of the image does not work for me as I mentioned above. |
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07/03/2004 04:17:25 AM |
lovely color studio portrait |
07/02/2004 05:13:27 PM |
Hmm....I think I recognize this girl, from another picture.... I wonder if this photo was taken by who I think it was done by? : ) |
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07/02/2004 12:27:17 PM |
Need more light on face and less on the background,9 |
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07/02/2004 03:40:46 AM |
Beautiful soft focus and excellent job with color and lighting. One of the best photos in this challenge. |
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07/02/2004 12:57:44 AM |
Lighting, color, pose are all great. Only tiny change I'd have made would be to clone out the lower catchlight in her right eye to make the pupils symmetrical. |
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07/01/2004 08:36:53 PM |
Beautifully done, I love the slight color cast to it... definitely gives you a different feeling then if her eyes were pure white. I also like the different approach, very pretty... good luck. |
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07/01/2004 02:37:46 PM |
07/01/2004 01:06:12 PM |
I like the color tones and the perspective. Great shot. |
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07/01/2004 07:38:41 AM |
this is my favorite portrait of the challenge. the model, the lighting, the colors are all spectacular. if there are any faults, im not qualified to find them but wouldnt care because this isnt science its art...hope you get the blue! |
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06/30/2004 11:30:58 PM |
Absolutely a winner! A very unusual angle but wow! The colors you selected for the background are also perfect as is your use of two well-balanced light sources. I normally try to prove a suggestion for improvement - but I am at a loss for words. I expect you are heading for the land of ribbons. |
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06/30/2004 06:46:35 PM |
Flattering angle, beautiful face, great composition. Yellow cast is a bit overpowering (I understand the blonde emphasis) but overall a lovely image. This little angel reminds me of a shot by Louison (the same perhaps??!). :) |
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06/30/2004 03:29:48 PM |
I think this is a great potrait. The focus, lighting and exposure are all well done. |
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06/30/2004 02:48:33 PM |
I think the viewpoint is great, and I really like the soft feel to it. 9 from me. |
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06/30/2004 12:18:51 PM |
Very pretty photo but a bit too much yellow. |
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06/30/2004 08:00:35 AM |
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06/30/2004 02:59:16 AM |
Wonderful use of color and composition to highlight the face. The soft focus and POV are very nice..... I give a 9 |
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06/30/2004 02:08:23 AM |
This shot surprised me, a perfect example of why not to judge on the thumbnail. The thumbnail looked out of focus, but the shot is crisp and soft and quite lovely. 8 |
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06/30/2004 12:31:21 AM |
It looks as thought you wanted a yellow cast, but I think I'd rather have it without. Still a nice portrait, though. 6. |
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06/29/2004 11:48:19 PM |
Nice soft image from a great angle should finish high up. |
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06/29/2004 10:17:01 PM |
Beautiful Lighting! I love the soft look to this one, while still having sharp focus.
Pose doesn't do much for me, but it's not a distraction either.
Good job! 8
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06/29/2004 09:36:56 PM |
Very impressive. The color tone throughout adds greatly to the shot. |
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06/29/2004 09:11:16 PM |
Simply beautiful. I love the yellows. Composition is wonderful. Soft focus is perfect for this portrait. :o) |
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06/29/2004 05:48:04 PM |
Very nice. Background seems to have more lighting than her face though. |
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06/29/2004 02:03:25 PM |
I think it is a winner
Great light, i love the pose, the eye is amazing, great color, just the perfect smile, and the right amount or detail-sharpness in the hair... a10 |
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06/29/2004 01:39:20 PM |
This is an excellent piece of work. The soft focus is dead on, keeping the eyes fairly sharp. The lighting and colors work great!! |
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06/29/2004 01:20:47 PM |
sensual image, one of the best here 10 |
06/29/2004 12:03:53 PM |
excellent lighting, good expression, but mostly I like the unique crop!
9 |
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06/29/2004 06:02:53 AM |
Stunning, the photo, the model, the composition - perfect focus and DoF. |
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06/29/2004 02:59:49 AM |
a lovely looking face - her hair is really complimented by the yellow background, so good choice there. and the pose is different enough to be interesting for that alone. eyes are nicely in focus (were they whitened up a bit?), though i would add that i think the soft focus is just marginally over done. but overall, well, a definite ribbon contender. 10. |
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06/28/2004 10:43:21 PM |
Only 10 I gave this challenge |
06/28/2004 10:05:48 PM |
06/28/2004 10:02:14 PM |
06/28/2004 08:25:49 PM |
Great fleshtone... but the hair is a little green...I get the idea of the blonde --- but it is a little off color |
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06/28/2004 06:27:05 PM |
Great composition and beautiful model. The slight green tinge that seems to originate from a light to her left is my only complaint. The hair color is great to her right, but looks a bit off below her chin. |
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06/28/2004 06:02:32 PM |
Very soft, nice soft skin. You did well (7) |
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06/28/2004 04:38:06 PM |
This works magnificently. Her coloring and the background are perfect together. And I like the depth of field too. My favorite so far. |
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06/28/2004 02:51:39 PM |
If I hade to choose a photo to represent and ilustrate this challenge I chosen this one. Not only the photo itself is perfect, but the goal of the challenge is completely achieved. |
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06/28/2004 02:45:37 PM |
I like the angle, but I think there's just a litle too much yellow tint ... great eyes |
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06/28/2004 01:59:41 PM |
Stunning shot. Great pose, great colours, Great lighting.....Great. 10 |
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06/28/2004 12:40:27 PM |
Very well composed.
A big 10 from me
good luck |
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06/28/2004 12:03:58 PM |
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06/28/2004 11:52:55 AM |
the colors are very warm and her look is touching. |
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06/28/2004 10:23:47 AM |
The soft focus is great. Nothing that you could do better in this photo. Top 5. |
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06/28/2004 09:21:35 AM |
Very nice choice of lighting for her skin tone and hair color. I really like this. |
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06/28/2004 08:02:23 AM |
Great angle, and the yellow tint works very well with her hair. Nice work. |
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06/28/2004 01:56:24 AM |
Well done, nice soft image. |
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