DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study 2010-03 (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Sigma DP2
Date: Mar 9, 2010
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 400
Shutter: 250
Galleries: Children, Street
Date Uploaded: Mar 24, 2010

First things first: It's not a lollipop.

Paul's comment pretty much nailed it: "perhaps you couldn't quite believe what you were seeing either." Yes. Disbelief. Then repulsion. In fact, this caught me so off guard that I almost forgot I had a camera. The unfortunate thing (or not) was that I had it manually set for brighter conditions. So I took a quick hip shot, something I'm actually doing much less of these days, and got a nicely framed, but severely underexposed image. (The guy looked much more threatening in real life, if you can imagine that. I wasn't going to linger or ask anyone to say cheese.)

As for the low score, I like to think that I earned it. It's not a pretty picture. Anyway, I appreciate all the comments.

Place: 341 out of 350
Avg (all users): 4.3597
Avg (commenters): 6.2500
Avg (participants): 4.3830
Avg (non-participants): 4.3111
Views since voting: 1362
Views during voting: 234
Votes: 139
Comments: 29
Favorites: 7 (view)

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02/26/2011 08:38:17 AM
Brian... I just saw this for the first time. Raw, powerful, award winning (unfortunately) photo. I think these types of images only happen when a photog is always prepared, with camera in hand, and a unique awareness to everything around him/her.
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12/30/2010 05:21:59 PM
One of the most powerful images I have seen here.
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11/16/2010 07:18:01 PM
A brilliant, ugly picture.
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11/16/2010 02:35:50 PM
Brian, Your talent brings home powerful stuff and your point is well made.

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11/16/2010 12:05:28 PM
Wow. This is one heck of a moment.
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04/10/2010 06:57:33 PM
I cant say how relieved I am to see that this photo was journalistic. I'm glad I didn't vote though, because if I had, my anger and disgust at the scene would have affected my vote.

This is a brilliant photo in that is inspired more emotion than any other photo I have seen on this site. Well done.

Now.... I just wish childrens aid could get a hold of this little guy, and take him away from his parents'/guardians' stupidity.
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04/10/2010 01:14:05 PM
This one just blew me away. I was one of the 8's. It totally succeeds in one of photography's great jobs; to draw attention, focus attention, to the bitter weirdness that is all around us. Well done, friend!
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04/10/2010 01:30:47 AM
eek! I don't want to see this, ever. Great capture though.
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04/10/2010 12:45:14 AM
i would't want it to be any clearer.
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04/10/2010 12:32:42 AM
I would rather shoot a real moment like this than a pretty picture. Not that I would ever want to see this, it's disgusting, but it is real.
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04/09/2010 03:12:47 PM
Wow, Brian. I've tried "from the hip" a few times and my aim is terrible! This is one of those photos that make me glad the photographer didn't get caught. Is that a cigarette or a blunt?

I hate when I've left the camera on manual and think it's on aperture priority. I appreciate the street style, but I think it would have been retained the grit even with improved clarity and exposure.

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04/09/2010 09:16:31 AM
The title is fantastic, for sure. How on earth did you not stop and stare? I'm sure I would have done that and made a comment and gotten in trouble lol. Wow, I'm just speechless about what you captured here.
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04/08/2010 12:28:57 PM
Ridiculously low vote that highlights DPC's obsession with technical perfection at the expense of recognizing the type of image that can differentiate a photograph from other types of art. So much more unique and difficult then the typical picture we see around here. The recognition of this moment, and the ability and willingness to capture it, is light years ahead of the typical long-shutter-speed-tripod-in-the-surf type of image that scores well here.

I was one of your 8s.
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04/08/2010 08:42:59 AM
Oh dear.
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04/08/2010 12:59:56 AM
Didn't get around to voting this one. I'm not sure what I would have voted it, but it is clearly pure street photography. Pretty appalling to be giving a child cigarettes.
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04/08/2010 12:11:31 AM
oh bvy
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/07/2010 06:20:51 PM
This goes into my fantasy art show.
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04/07/2010 01:14:25 PM
best title in years
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04/06/2010 08:45:20 PM
I better not comment....other than good photo-journal capture.
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04/06/2010 12:43:10 PM
I love the subject - and I think the oof/softness/whatever works for this.
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04/06/2010 07:17:52 AM
I would imagine this subject matter will not do well here but best of luck.
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04/06/2010 02:12:08 AM
I hope thats a lollypop and not a cigarette in the childs mouth?
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04/05/2010 03:55:52 PM
Taken with a hidden cam? Has that secret spy feel to it.
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04/03/2010 09:13:17 PM
Is that kid smoking? or is the adult giving them something else? either way cigarettes around kids isn't good. Intriguing and disturbing image that is made more powerful by the noise and blur. It's like we're seeing this happen from our peripheral vision.
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04/02/2010 07:36:23 PM
I would hope that this photo is journalistic in its intent, and to show what is happening, and not an attempt to glorify what the adult male in this shot is doing. What he is doing is child abuse.
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04/02/2010 03:50:27 PM
wtf,,,,,,,, sorry dont like this,,,,,,,,,, -1
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04/01/2010 10:18:04 AM
I'm going through the entries, stopping at those images I feel have had the benefit of an unconventional eye and dwelling a little longer to try to see and appreciate what you saw. This is one of those images.

Positives:Well, there is certainly plenty of documentary merit in this image and the way it is shot communicates a covert feel.

Critical stuff: It looks like the man is offering a cigarette to this child - if that's the case and I had my way, I happily see someone shoot him in the face. That's how strongly I feel about it. However, back to your photo - it is difficult to be too critical, I interpret it as a shot from the hip with a camera phone - perhaps you couldn't quite believe what you were seeing either.

Overall: Good photograph? - No Powerful image? Yes.
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04/01/2010 09:50:39 AM
while the image quality is not there I think that you can capture an important statement about society, good job always having a camera (phone?) handy.
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04/01/2010 05:03:56 AM
Noooo - surely he's not giving that kid a drag on his cigarette? I do like the artistic feel you have produced from this shot.
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