Author | Thread |
12/08/2002 03:42:19 PM |
Critique Club Comment ~ Mike (MyQyl) Clark
Composition : I really like the use of the earth (foreground) and sky (background) and the proportions of each. While the horizon line doesn't exactly cross the 'third', the portion of the sky that is brighter does and i think it does it very effectively.
Exposure/Lighting : The full moon really was your friend for this shot as it lit the ground quite nicely :) Very nice catch of the meteor. The stars have hardly any rotational 'tail' at all! I see this is a combination of the 30 secs exposure and of shooting North (where the rotation is far less noticeable in the northern hemisphere). Excellent!
Focus : The smallest of nitpicks would be to point to the bush and ground just to the left of the center on the bottom as being 'soft' focus. I'm curious to know if that was someone(thing) moving there during the exposure? Otherwise, excellent!
Emotion/Challenge : I can think of MANY publications that would use this kind of shot in a heartbeat, so in my book, you nailed the challenge. I have to admit that I thought the title took away from the effectiveness of the shot though. It was a Sky and Telescope picture with a National Inquirer title. But it's not a title challenge :)
Opinion : I absolutely love this shot and hope to emulate it someday. Terrific capture! Congrats on 6th place. |
12/02/2002 10:40:00 PM |
I'm still trying to determine how I feel about this photo in regards to the photojournalism topic. I think I am leaning more towards it successfully meeting the challenge. I feel it is a strong photo with some very nice subtleties to it with the detail in the hills, the stars, and of course, the meteor. Even the stars form a nice shape. what bothers me a little bit is the blurred bush in the foerground clearly due to the long exposure and I'm sure, unavoidable. I may have cropped the photo at the base of the mountains but I'm not sure. The colors are true and I'm glad you didn't try to oversaturate them. The beauty of this photo lies in it's simplicity. It does not overpower you yet it drws you in to explore the details. Nice job.
Tim Jensen |
12/02/2002 09:31:00 PM |
Thanks for all of the positive and constructive comments guys! I've been out of town for the past week for Thanksgiving and was welcomed home by a 6th place finish! Wow! What a surprise! Thanks everyone.
I spent about 1.5 hours and 80-100 attempts before giving up and accepting only three shots with a meteor in them. This was the best of the three.
Shawn |
Comments Made During the Challenge  |
12/01/2002 11:15:00 PM |
The lighting on this shot is unreal -- great job. |
12/01/2002 08:03:00 PM |
beautiful photo, but not a headline sort of title. 9. |
12/01/2002 06:16:00 PM |
Great example of the use of negative space. This would have been my choice for the winner in that challenge. |
12/01/2002 09:58:00 AM |
As the envy builds inside of me i reach for the mouse and click on that '10' :) |
11/30/2002 06:19:00 PM |
11/30/2002 12:16:00 PM |
I imagine that the wait for the meteor was a while. Only so far you can go with such a tiny effect. |
11/29/2002 04:54:00 AM |
Good capture. I'm not so sure this is front page type news, but I bet it would make the paper somewhere. Lighting is nice and the little bit of landscape is great. The one little piece of brush at the bottom just left of center is a little distracting, but overall not taking too much away from the shot. Good job - Inspzil |
11/29/2002 01:07:00 AM |
How long did you have to wait for this pic? Great job. |
11/29/2002 12:51:00 AM |
11/28/2002 11:36:00 PM |
11/28/2002 09:10:00 PM |
Nice shot. I wish our skies would have been clear. Jacko 9 |
11/28/2002 11:14:00 AM |
excellent capture. the title is humorous, but i dont think it needs that or even benefits from it. the picture and the event is great enough to stand on its own. to exagerrate a bit, it would be like titling a pic of the dismantling of the Berlin Wall something like 'crazy germans mad at bricks!' . know what i mean? beautiful pic. mag99 |
11/27/2002 09:35:00 PM |
Really interesting picture. Nice job. Lnede |
11/27/2002 12:25:00 PM |
Boy, you had to be waiting on this one! I like how you captured a truly rare moment. The bad part is that the focus of the picture is the mountains, in a way. 7 nards656 |
11/27/2002 12:14:00 PM |
Excellent long exposure--well done andrewm |
11/27/2002 05:34:00 AM |
Very Very nice. Excellent picture. Best so far. Wonderful color. Great crop. |
11/27/2002 03:32:00 AM |
That should be illegal. :-) My 10 for the week. |
11/26/2002 10:16:00 PM |
i was out there too. i shot 45 and got one dim one. good job and nice composition. 9 goodtempo |
11/26/2002 10:06:00 PM |
Hmm, seems like I saw this pic a few days ago! Nice pic Shawn! Like the alien landscape look too. 10
Darin |
11/26/2002 09:53:00 PM |
Great capture. Better than what we had on our front page. A 10. Jim msp |
11/26/2002 09:04:00 AM |
11/26/2002 06:47:00 AM |
What a great momwnt to catured this shot. Good luck |
11/25/2002 10:29:00 PM |
COOL! All I saw were a lot of clouds - not a single star. Great shot. I love the blue gradient. 9 ~indigo997 |
11/25/2002 10:27:00 PM |
Great shot! Wish I had been there! |
11/25/2002 09:31:00 PM |
I'm glad that SOMEBODY got to see the meteor shower, and that they did a great job of capturing it! You should be very proud of this one -- the landscape is beautiful, and the sky is just incredible. Excellent work all around! One of my two 10s this week. I should also add that this image is so crisp that it appears that you can make out the two "twin" stars in the handle. If I recall from astronomy class (um, 20 years ago?), Alcor and Mizar (not sure of the spelling and too lazy to look it up!) are the two stars that look like one star to the naked eye -- the second one in on the handle. - alansfreed |
11/25/2002 09:07:00 PM |
Terrific! Arizona or Mexico. 7 JEM |
11/25/2002 07:03:00 PM |
Very nice. Colors are great and the stars look very good. I would've cropped a little bit tighter from the bottom. |
11/25/2002 06:17:00 PM |
Forget the leonid meteor. I'm impressed with the contrast effect, the hoirzon against the sky, gives. Excellent photo. |
11/25/2002 06:02:00 PM |
as far as pics go this is a 10 but for journalism... I guess it would depend |
11/25/2002 06:00:00 PM |
Pretty ....nice work. Justine |
11/25/2002 05:03:00 PM |
This is a pretty cool picture. How long was your exposure? |
11/25/2002 03:38:00 PM |
LAUGH! Good title! News at 11. |
11/25/2002 03:26:00 PM |
A gorgeous photo. Glad to see you had clear skies for the show. |
11/25/2002 03:20:00 PM |
Composition ~ Wonderful!!! Just enough ground to give perspective and wonderful ground at that! Exposure ~ Again, excellent!!! There is no rotation tails on the stars and you have beutiful detail in the ground!!! If I hadn't known you had a full moon working as your lighting crew, I'd have suspected something illegal :) Focus ~ Fantastic! I haven't seen all the shots this week, but if this doesn't place in the top 3, I'll be very surprised. ~ Myqyl ~ |
11/25/2002 01:04:00 PM |
nice image. He color is great. |
11/25/2002 11:28:00 AM |
I love how you captured the landscape and all of the sky Very good work. Vote 10 Sonifo |
11/25/2002 09:53:00 AM |
Great shot, even without a title. I would have cropped at bottom of mountains and gotten rid of what's out of focus. Maybe left it in for size? Doesn't keep it from being a 1st place photo anyway. PTL 10 |
11/25/2002 02:47:00 AM |
Great shot of the meteors. That was my first time trying to take some night shots and I had over 80 shots and only like 3 had anything in them and then it wasn't as bright as this one. The moon sucked that night didn't it. 10 for the difficulty and the great shot. Jubei |
11/25/2002 01:04:00 AM |
Beautiful picture. Not sure about front page, but certainly one of the sections in the Sunday edtition. 9 |
11/25/2002 12:47:00 AM |
nice shot... how'd ya keep it so clear of noise? ~anachronite |
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